"Xu Laoer, if you do this today, aren't you afraid that my brother will find out and kill you?"

Surrounded by zombie hyenas, there was not a single piece of good meat on his body, and he was covered in blood from head to toe. Only his eyes were shockingly bright. Lanlan, who looked tough, asked loudly.

The man she asked about, 25 Liu, was dressed in a fashionable manner.

His eyes are obscene, and he is not a good person at first glance.

There were five people following behind him, all of whom were supernatural beings.

They were holding a box in their hands, and there was green smoke floating out of the box. It was this smoke that made the zombie hyenas ignore them and only attack Lan Lan.

Xu Laoer, the guy who arranged for people to humiliate Lanlan like this, hummed proudly: "What can your elder brother know? It's easy to die in a battle royale scene. If you die here, no one will be suspicious."

"How about it? Have you thought about it? Should you follow me or be bitten to death and quartered?"

"Bah! You look so ugly, it makes me sick. I will never sleep with you." Lan Lan spat out a mouthful of bloody spit, and by chance, it landed on Xu Lao Er's face.

Mr. Xu was so perverted that he stuck out his tongue and licked it off. Then he looked at Lanlan and said excitedly, "I just like your temper. Since you still have the energy, continue."

I want to see how you can resist if you can't move later. "

After Xu Laoer finished speaking, he laughed.

You can tell by looking at his expression that he must have had a lot of obscene scenes in his mind.

Lanlan was so angry that her eyes were red.

But her Xu Laoer couldn't help it.

This time she miscalculated and was blocked by the other party with five people.

After using up all her powers, she summoned a group of zombie hyenas.

Creatures like hyenas only live by gasping for air, and even their intestines have to be taken out and eaten.

He launched wave after wave of attacks on her without fear of death.

She felt her strength draining away quickly.

She felt cold and her vision went dark.

She can't last long.

Lanlan thought, even if she died, she wouldn't want to be humiliated!
After kicking away a zombie hyena, Lan Lan aimed her palm at her heart, wanting to slap herself to death.Suddenly, a stone flew from nowhere and hit her wrist, causing her wrist to hang down in pain.

This time I couldn't die even if I wanted to.

"Xu Laoer, if you dare to touch me, I won't let you go even if I turn into a ghost!" Lan Lan's voice screamed with blood.

She knew that she was at the end of her strength. She couldn't even stand and fell to the ground.

Her eyesight turned black and she couldn't see anything clearly. She wondered vaguely, if those hyenas didn't pounce on them, could it be that Xu Laoer was planning to take action?
Lanlan regretted very much at this moment, not following the instructions of her elder brother before coming in, and not rushing to the Hope Base.She was anxious to find Wang Dahua, so she was deceived by Xu Laoer.

Lie to her that she saw Wang Dahua appearing nearby, and take her to a place where few players hang out.


"I won't let you go, even if I die."

Lanlan murmured this sentence, unable to hold on any longer and fainted to the ground.

Shi Zhen took a look, and although it could be seen that the blue aura was still there, the bloody appearance was too scary, and Shi Zhen couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

I was originally interested in the things these people were holding that could affect zombies, so I thought about asking.

Now, just don’t hold back.

What Zhu Sanshao had experienced when he bullied Chen Jiao, Xu Laoer and the others also experienced it once.

Each of them is drawn into their own illusion.

What Xu Laoer saw was the female superpower he had bullied, and she rushed towards him with blood flowing from her orifices to claim her life.

He backed away in fear, grabbed his own neck, and struggled to explain: "No...it's not me...it's...I want to extract your powers..."

Before he could finish speaking clearly, he lost his breath and died.

Shi Zhen heard it a second later, and it was too late to grab him and ask him.

However, Shi Zhen was only disappointed for a second. She quickly thought that this Xu Laoer was just a gangster. If she followed his interpersonal network, she would be able to find out who was doing such a vicious thing: stripping players from their bodies. Come down with superpowers.

This is going to turn the world upside down!Shi Zhen was in a bad mood and looked even colder.

She didn't even look at the other five people who died tragically one after another. They were not good people.

There are many lives on your hands.

Because the number of superpowers was small, she was unwilling to harvest the lives of superpowers easily.But she will never be merciful to those who use their abilities to do evil!

"Come here." Shi Zhen ordered coldly towards where An Qin was hiding.

An Qin was shocked. He didn't expect that he would be discovered even though he was hiding so secretly.As expected of an old monster.

He walked out honestly.

At first, I didn't recognize the bloody man on the ground as Lan Lan.

Shi Zhen asked him to search Xu Laoer and his party.

An Qin saw Xu Laoer's appearance and exclaimed: "Why did he die here!"

"Do you know him?" Shi Zhen asked coldly.

An Qin trembled in fright when he heard the voice that was so cold that he could drop ice chips, and said quickly: "I don't know him well, Xu Laoer and I are not friends. He is the brother-in-law of the notorious G organization boss.

That G organization does all the dirty work and has no bottom line.I quite dislike it. "

Shi Zhen said "hmm" and didn't let An Qin go on to say that it was important to save people.

These things can be understood slowly.

Xu Laoer is a waste, but he has a lot of good things.

A compass can summon a god general equivalent to a level 10 superpower to fight.

A yueqin can disturb people's minds when played.

A turtle shell-like thing that can grow in size after being activated. It can be worn on the body and cannot be broken by level 12 superpowers.It's a top-notch defense.

An Qin touched this and looked at that, his mouth watering.

But he knew that these were not things he could ignore.

He honestly put the looted items aside and said respectfully: "Dahua, everything is here."

"Is there any treatment?" Shi Zhen spent too much energy today and was already a little weak.She still had to save her strength to fight, so she didn't waste her energy reviewing those things and asked An Qin directly.

An Qin was stunned for a moment and looked at the bloody man on the ground, thinking that this was probably someone Shi Zhen knew and wanted to save.

He blah blah blah, found a life solution, a serum and a trauma spray.

It's just right.

Anqin walked over and injected a bottle of life essence and serum.

I originally wanted to continue treating the wounds bitten by the zombie hyena, but I raised my hand and put it down again.

He walked to the dry river next to the bridge, tore off a few strips of his clothes and wet them, then walked back and carefully cleaned the wounds.

I also wiped my face.

This wipe revealed that he was an acquaintance.

"Lan Lan?" An Qin shouted in surprise.

I feel a little complicated in my heart.

He was looking forward to meeting someone from Yin Yue so that he could hand Shi Zhen over.But it really happened, half dead.He has to take care of it.

An Qin: "..." What kind of bad luck am I?

After thinking about it, he moved more gently, and he didn't mean to dislike it.

The treatment props produced in the game are better than those in the hospital, not to mention that Xu Laoer's is top-notch.

Anqin sprayed all of Lanlan's wounds, and the effect was immediate.

He suddenly said "ah" and almost threw away the spray in his hand.

Shi Zhen looked over and found a heart-shaped red birthmark near the wound on Lanlan's inner thigh.

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