Special interrogation room.

The old man Shi Zhen met last time, Zhou Yaoming, and two senior researchers from the special department, all surrounded "Zhao Yang" who was locked up in a special glass compartment as if they were looking at him as a curiosity.

The alien visitor who occupied Zhao Yang's body quickly realized what was happening to him, and he glared at Shi Zhen angrily.

His dark blue eyes were about to freeze into ice.

"Shameless! Scumbag!"

Tianwailai was so angry that he was trembling all over and scolded Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen had no expression on her face and ignored him at all.

Zhou Yaoming frowned. Since Zhao Yang was not in good health, he suddenly thought of something, sneered and said mockingly: "Do you think you are in this situation because of our plot?"

"Zhao Yang" looked over with dark blue eyes, tilting his head slightly with a puzzled expression.

Zhou Yaoming explained to him very "kindly": "You did it all yourself!"

"Zhao Yang is one of ours. If you hadn't entered his body, you wouldn't have been brought in for research if you had been someone else."

"After all, it's all your fault for choosing him. You threw yourself into a trap."

"Zhao Yang" gritted his teeth.

He glared at Zhou Yaoming with hatred, and suddenly hit the special glass with his whole body.

Zhao Yang is now a player who has received four strength enhancements.

With this impact, the glass cracked and shattered like a spider web.

Visitors from outside the world thought there was something going on.

Hit harder.

He was covered in blood from the collision, and his head was broken several times. He was so dizzy that he couldn't stand still and fell to the ground. The special glass still looked like it was about to break, but it didn't break!

How angry is this visitor from outside the world?

I understand that I have been plotted again.

But it was too late to understand. A stream of light cyan gas spurted out from the top of his head. After inhaling it, he quickly fell into coma.

The people outside waited cautiously for a few more minutes. When they were sure it had taken effect, Zhou Yaoming moved forward.

He walked up to the glass without using any props, and his whole body blended in like water. When he came out of the glass, he transformed back into a three-dimensional human form.

Shi Zhen was eye-opening.

There was a hint of curiosity on his face.

The old man who had been observing her expression saw this and introduced with a smile: "This is our latest product. It was inspired by game props. It is intended to be used to build defense projects. What do you think?"

Shi Zhen was very impressed.

You can learn from the game and immediately create something to resist, instead of just waiting for the superpowers to save the world.

This responsibility is worthy of admiration.

Shi Zhen looked at the glass carefully, but it was just a visual inspection, so it was difficult to judge the usability.She made a suggestion for the first time: "It would be better to make a complete set of armor and sell it to players for use in difficult scenes. It would be better to adjust it based on feedback from users."

The old man didn't say that they had this plan for a long time, but praised Shi Zhen again and again.

At this moment, Zhou Yaoming had determined that the unconscious "Zhao Yang" was not a threat and waved outside.

Two senior researchers walked in with excited faces.

Visitors from outside the world are aliens.

They've heard it.

We also know that the earth will be destroyed in the future, caused by aliens.

Now, with an alien researcher, they are confident that they can find the aliens' weaknesses and launch a counterattack.

Passive defense is just a smoke bomb put out by the state.

The country is never a character waiting to be beaten!

I will be executed if I commit crimes!

The two researchers walked in with hands and feet together, and calmed down for dozens of seconds before squatting down to check.

No one expected that the unconscious "Zhao Yang" would suddenly open his eyes.

A researcher looked at him unprepared and was instantly frozen by the icy blue ice.Zhou Yaoming grabbed "Zhao Yang" by the neck and lifted him up, his eyes spitting fire and commanded: "Release the superpower!"

"Zhao Yang" had his throat pinched, but he was not afraid at all. He laughed strangely and said in a hoarse voice: "Let me go first."

Zhou Yaoming was so angry that he tightened his strength. Just when "Zhao Yang's" throat bone was about to be crushed, a hand pressed his arm and pulled his hand away.

Zhou Yaoming's anger subsided after he saw that the person pulling him was Shi Zhen.

He was so ashamed that he did not dare to face Shi Zhen directly. He lowered his head like a puppy who had done something wrong and apologized: "Zhen Zhen, I'm sorry, it was all my carelessness."

Shi Zhen shook her head and didn't even look at "Zhao Yang".

He circled several times around the researcher who was enveloped in ice-blue liquid and solidified like an ice sculpture.

Did you reach out and knock or touch?

The alien visitor didn't expect that he would use all his moves, and those people would still ignore him.

Very unwillingly, he roared: "He can only last for one day at most. Let me go, and I can take back the ice blue liquid."

Zhou Yaoming walked over and picked him up, throwing him against the wall and hitting him hard.

Shi Zhen suddenly smiled and said, "Don't worry about him. This is a good thing. If we study it carefully, we can crack his secret."

Shi Zhen patted the frozen researcher.

The extraterrestrial visitors simply don’t believe that the ice blue liquid is part of their bodies.Where is it so easy to research.

This woman is quite good at bragging.

Just as he thought this, the next second he saw Shi Zhen reaching out and picking out a small ball of ice blue liquid crystal.

The alien visitor opened his eyes wide in shock and wanted to rush over to see clearly: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are cheating!"

Shi Zhen turned sideways and let him see clearly that the ice blue crystal was indeed missing a piece.

"how so……"

The alien suddenly collapsed to the ground.

My whole heart was filled with fear.

If they really find out, he will be the sinner of the entire ethnic group.


He jumped up and wanted to rush forward to stop it.

Zhou Yaoming was always on guard against him this time and easily dislocated his arms.

I stepped on him so that he couldn't even get up.

He watched helplessly as the researchers, covered in a layer of icy blue liquid, were taken out.He shouted: "Even if you manage to peel off the ice blue liquid, that person will not survive! Let me go, and I will take back the ice blue liquid!"

He actually lied.

He entered a human body and all his abilities were unavailable.The little ice blue liquid just now was his trump card.

He thought that these people, humans who love their companions, would definitely agree.

did not expect--

He became more and more panicked and wanted to go out immediately.So I made the result more serious.

However, Shi Zhen was not threatened at all and said, "Each of us has the spirit of dedication to the country. I think that even if researcher Gao is given the choice, he would be willing to sacrifice himself to let us collect ice blue liquid for research."

The senior researcher was frozen and unable to speak, but the other researcher was still there.

He had recovered from his shock.

Hearing this, he nodded excitedly: "That's right, that's right."

"Take him out and study quickly." Shi Zhen pushed the frozen researcher out of the glass with one hand.

Immediately, heavily armed men came in and carried him away.

Shi Zhen and others quickly followed out.

In the special interrogation room, for an instant, only visitors from outside the world were left.

This made him feel that those people really didn't care about him now that they had the ice blue liquid.

He is useless!

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