The blue and white train with a fusiform head slowly stopped in front of the platform.

The noisy crowd instantly became more restless, and everyone was pushing forward, hoping to be the first to get on the bus.

Shi Zhen didn't react for a moment, but she was pushed to the back of the team.

Her eyes flashed, and she was about to move to the front when she suddenly heard a scream coming from the middle of the team.

I saw a man wearing a pink shirt fall out.

His shoulder was pierced by a black hook, but strangely no blood flowed out.

He staggered and was dragged out by the hook. After he completely left the team, the hook stopped pulling.

At the other end of the hook, a man with a bull's head and a uniform came over.

Niu Tou held a large bulging bag in his hand.

When the pink shirt saw the big pocket, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his face was covered with tears and snot, and he kowtowed hard and begged: "Go around me this time, go around me this time, I won't dare to do it again..."

"Jumping in line, violating the rules, recycling." A sinister sound came from the mouth of the man in the bull-head uniform.

As he finished speaking, the big pocket opened and the pink shirt was swallowed in one gulp.

I only saw a human figure struggling in the pocket for a few seconds, and soon there was no movement.

The sack's hemp color was dyed blood red.

All the passengers who saw this scene fell into silence and did not dare to say a word.

After the tauren glanced majestically at the team, he turned around and strode away.

This time, no one dared to adjust their position.

Everyone got on the bus one by one in an honest manner.

There is no conductor on this train.

There are no seat numbers either.

There is a two-seater on the left and a three-seater on the right.

What's interesting is that there is a paper man with no facial features sitting on every seat.

After the passengers came in, the paper figures all turned their heads and looked over, looking indescribably weird and scary.

The passenger in front quickly chose the three-person seat. Although there was a paper man, there was still a human being with him, which gave him a sense of security.

Those walking behind are out of luck and have no choice.

You can only be at the same table with the paper man.

When it was Shi Zhen's turn, she only had a seat in the last row.

She walked over naturally and frowned slightly.

In the last row, all five seats were filled with paper figures, and there was no room for her.

The train has closed the door, and the announcement sounded: "Passengers please take your seats as soon as possible, the Mingshan train is about to leave."

The passengers who were already seated turned their heads. Some were worried and some were gloating. They were all looking to see how the unlucky guy would die.

Shi Zhen... to everyone's surprise, she patted the shoulder of the three-person paper man next to the corridor: "You're sitting in the wrong seat. This is mine."

The paper man turned his head and stared at her with a face without features.

Just when everyone held their breath, thinking she was going to develop a new way to die.

The paper man slowly stood up and made way for Shi Zhen.


Heavy breathing sounded in the car.

No one expected it, and everyone was stunned. What else could be done?

Everyone worked separately with two eyes, one staring at Shi Zhen, watching her sit down, watching her leisurely adjust the angle of the seat and lean back comfortably.One stared at the paper man who stood up and found that the paper man was moving around in the carriage. Everyone held their breath.

The paper man walked twice in the carriage, looking for a place.

But at this time, all seats were full.

The paper man was a little angry.

It raised its hands and uttered a harsh monosyllable.

One passenger covered his ears and shouted unbearably: "It's so noisy!"

The paper man became quiet, and then strode towards the passenger.

I saw the paper man aiming at the passenger and sitting directly on him.

The paper man and the passenger have become one!
Everyone present had never seen such a chore before, and they were all so shocked that they could not speak.

At this time, the system's prompt sounded in the players' ears: "Now enter the countdown. After 5 minutes, if all the ghosts and teammates cannot be found, the player will automatically enter the delicious meal mode." No one wants to think about it, the delicious meal mode is a what.

Who would be curious about having their bodies dismembered and made into dishes?

All the players looked solemn.

At this time, they were unaware that the paper figures around them had transformed into human faces and bodies.

Looks just like humans.

The passengers in the carriage began to inquire about each other.

Everyone acts like a player.

Shi Zhen was out of tune with the others, she was still leaning against him in a leisurely half-lying position.

Sitting on her right was a little girl who looked cute but had a thin and long neck, and looked very strange.

To the right of the little girl sat an amiable fat grandma.

The little girl and the fat grandma look like they belong together.

The two of them were introducing you to the scenery in the carriage and looking at each other word by word.

The three of them looked so much like normal travelers that they seemed abnormal.

Almost immediately, the passengers in the carriage reached a consensus that the three of them were ghosts.

But, there are still many ghosts.

How to find it?
Players take out props.There are compasses, magnifying glasses, black donkey hooves, ink ropes...all kinds of things.

Start trying the objects you doubt one by one.

And they are also the object of suspicion by others.

The small carriage became a battlefield.

The passengers huddled together.

Suddenly, "tear", a chair was scratched by a sharp little dagger.

Expose the paper-bound inner shell.

The player who drew the knife turned pale and threw himself uncontrollably towards the chair. Soon, he was eaten by the chair.The scratched area was restored to its original state.

The chair turned blood red.

Someone accidentally touched it, and his palm was stained red, and there was a smell of blood when he smelled it carefully.

Suddenly, everyone became cautious when taking action.

If you accidentally break the chair or table, you will lose your life.

But there is also that person who is a thief, who may have caused people to attack the chairs and destroy the interior of the carriage.

In just one minute, eight more people were devoured.

The overcrowded carriage was half empty.

Shi Zhen stood up at this time.

Walk towards the groups of people confronting each other.

Those people unanimously targeted Shi Zhen, and the meaning was obvious. They wanted to join forces to kill Shi Zhen and the other three ghosts first.

Since we can no longer distinguish our teammates, we must first eliminate the known enemies.

Shi Zhen opened her red lips and uttered two words: "Stupid!"

She shook her hand, and Mingshan Old Ghost's tattered coat automatically flew up.

All the passengers immediately jumped up and fought for it.

As if that were some good thing.

Shi Zhen turned to look at the fat old lady behind her: "Why don't you go back? If you are robbed of your coat, you can't change it."

The fat old lady's face changed slightly and she looked at Shi Zhen fearfully: "How did you know."

Shi Zhen didn't answer, but turned to look at the passengers fighting in front of them. With a slender finger, the tattered coat was torn into several pieces.

A middle school student carrying a schoolbag grabbed his tattered coat and was about to stuff it into his mouth. The fat old lady couldn't bear it any longer. She rushed over and grabbed the middle school student and pinned him down on a chair.

Forehead against forehead.

I don’t know what she did, but the body of the fat old lady gradually turned into a paper doll.

The middle school student stood up, with vicissitudes of life in his eyes that did not match his age.

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