Chapter 161: Travel to Mingshan (5)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Heavy and powerful footsteps sounded outside.

It sounded like they were approaching the dining car.

The paper man with only one-third of his life left hummed proudly: "You can't escape. None of you can escape. If you destroy the carriage facilities and affect the train's progress, you will all die!"

After saying that, the paper man exploded with a bang.

The confetti fell in pieces, and the bodies of more than a dozen players were inevitably stained with confetti.

They didn't take it seriously at first, but became panicked when they found out they couldn't take it off.

One player asked Shi Zhen bluntly: "What's going on?"

Tang Qianya retorted: "Are you blind? What happened? Can't you see? What is your attitude when talking to my sister now? If I had known you were such white-eyed wolves, I shouldn't have saved you! If anything happens later, go by yourself. Deal with it. Stay away from us!"

Tang Qianya looks quiet, but she didn't expect to get angry and choke like pepper.

The player who was attacked was immediately speechless.

Face flushed red.

"I, I" continued for a long time, but still failed to refute.

At this moment, the footsteps were getting closer.

But when approaching the dining car, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

The players were lucky: Could it be that the monster thought there was nothing going on here and left?

However, they did not dare to act rashly for a while, so they waited anxiously.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the dining car became very depressing.

Everyone seemed to have a breath stuck in their chests and couldn't let it out quickly.

When a trigger appears, these qi will explode.

Tang Qianya and Han Mingli stood in a fan-shaped position with Shi Zhen in a protective posture.

Although they also wondered why Shi Zhen was still on guard when there was no sound outside, their habitual trust made them always ready to take action.

So, when pieces of bloody flesh began to fall sparsely from the roof of the carriage, many people did not react in time and were hit, but the three of them avoided it perfectly.

After a wave of meat rain, the entire dining car compartment condensed into a red viscous liquid that flooded the feet.

The person who was hit felt as if his feet were stepping on mud, and it was very difficult to move and lift his feet.

Shi Zhen and the three of them don't have this problem.

The player who was criticized by Tang Qianya was very angry: "Why didn't you remind us?"

"You can only survive by helping each other in the game. You are so selfish, be careful not to die in this scene!"

Tang Qianya originally wanted to say something, but after hearing his vicious curse, she simply remained silent.

The player was still cursing and trying to lean toward the glass door, wanting to get out.

He didn't notice that everyone looked at him with wrong expressions.

He had the most white scraps of paper on him. At this moment, the scraps of paper were changing. Some turned into an eye, some turned into a mouth, some turned into a nose, and some became part of the internal organs.

Those things were greedily devouring his body.

He didn't notice anything.

All I knew was that my feet suddenly became lighter.

He thought it was because he was close to the door and started running faster.

When his hand was about to touch the glass door, he fell into the thick red liquid.

There was no flesh on his body, only his skeleton was left.

The skeleton gradually turned white under the immersion in the liquid, and was automatically divided into different parts, with each piece neatly classified.

It is easy to think that this is how the human bone tables and chairs in the dining car came to be.

The players who watched this scene all shuddered.

too frightening.

The most important thing is that the person who happened was not aware of it at all.

Until he died, he didn't know how he died.

I reacted quickly and quickly started to take off my clothes.

He thought that the scraps of paper were stuck to his clothes and it would be fine if he took them off.

As a result, when I took off my coat, my bare arms were suddenly covered with confetti.

Soon an arm was wrapped tightly in confetti.

The player was so frightened that he screamed in panic and kept tearing the paper on his arm.He tore it off, but behind every bit of white paper there was human flesh.

He tore himself until his arms were bone-white.

Finally sat on the ground weakly.

The bloody liquid greedily washed up on his fleshless arm, as if it wanted to be assimilated.

However, because his other parts were still intact, he could not succeed for the time being.

However, the player was already somewhat unconscious due to excessive blood loss and pain.

Two people in a row had an accident, and the remaining people no longer dared to act rashly.

But is it safe to do nothing?

There was a heartbreaking creaking sound coming from the roof of the car.

It seemed like something huge and heavy was moving above, weighing the car down so much that it almost collapsed.

Their instinctive fear made them tremble all over, and they couldn't even think of a single thought of resistance.

Of course, right now.

Shi Zhen suddenly opened the glass door quickly: "Let's go!"

Tang Qianya and Han Mingli were pushed out by her first.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly used their strength to run out.

The player paralyzed in the red liquid wanted to run, but he couldn't even stand up.

Seeing everyone running away, no one thought of helping him.

Just when he was desperate, a delicate white hand grabbed his shoulder and threw him outward.


The heavy objects on the carriage finally fell.

The splash of red liquid completely covered the glass door.

People outside want to know what is going on inside without being able to see.

The player who was finally saved shivered: "She...she..."

Han Mingli went over and picked it up: "Go back to the carriage. We still have a test to finish."

Cars 1-7 are ghost cars.

Originally, these people were going to directly become the ingredients in the dining car.

But Shi Zhen rescued them.

They were able to get back to the carriage they were supposed to be in.

After returning, there is still a time limit test waiting, and the countdown is running out.

Only by completing it quickly can you... survive.

After receiving Han Mingli's reminder, the players who originally wanted to stay in the corridor and wait and see immediately ran away.

Tang Qianya was in carriage No. 6, and Han Mingli was in carriage No. 3.

Han Mingli asked the player who was missing an arm: "What's your size?"

"No. 3, No. 3." He said in a daze.

Han Mingli simply supported him: "I'm the same as you. Let's go there together."

"Okay, thank you." The player smiled shyly, and upon closer inspection, he discovered that he looked very upright and gentle.It looks like a cute puppy.

Han Mingli's heart was as calm as water, and she helped him to Car No. 3.

Han Mingli didn't reveal it. She was the only passenger in Car No. 3.Another person found a way to exchange his ticket when he found out that he had the number 3.

Inside the dining car.

Shi Zhen frowned and looked at the new things.


It almost takes up all the space in the dining car.

His whole body was covered in thick blood-colored slurry, and the smell of blood was pungent and nauseating.

"Click, click, click..."

Strange sounds came from the huge monster's body.

It locked Shi Zhen's position and moved forward to hug her.

Shi Zhen was pressed into its body.

(End of this chapter)

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