Chapter 27 Ghost Cruise (1)

Before Zhao Yang could understand the situation, he was hit in the face by the water wave.

Suddenly, my hair and collar were soaked.

He shook the water droplets away in embarrassment and cursed.

But now there was a constant buzz and people talking around him, and his swear words were quickly drowned out.

"Shi Zhen? Shi Zhen?"

After Zhao Yang got used to the ups and downs under his feet, he started to turn his head to search.

Shi Zhen was standing not far behind him.

When she just entered the scene and saw a big wave coming, Shi Zhen backed away without hesitation, leaving the front to Zhao Yang.

Looking at Zhao Yang like a drowned rat at this moment, Shi Zhen felt a little embarrassed.

She took out a handkerchief from her small black pearl bag and handed it to Zhao Yang: "Wipe it."

Zhao Yang took it and subconsciously put it to his nose and smelled it.

The familiar smell of women's perfume.

But it's not the clear and elegant floral scent of Shi Zhen.

Depend on!
What am I thinking?
Zhao Yang was disgusted by his actions.He hurried to see Shi Zhen and found that Shi Zhen's face was full of doubts. Zhao Yang was glad that she didn't understand and quickly wiped away the water droplets on her face.

A salty smell unique to the ocean filled my nose.

"We're at sea?"

Zhao Yang pushed aside others and stood beside Shi Zhen.

It seemed that he was protecting Shi Zhen, but in reality he was seeking protection.

Smelling the special fragrance of Shi Zhen's body, it really purified the air a lot.

Zhao Yang took a deep breath quietly.

Another big wave hit.

The waves were fast, fast and fierce. Although the people in front retreated in time, they were still knocked to the ground by the waves.

Drenched from head to toe.

But that’s not the worst part, there is actually a piranha in the water!
Seeing those sharp white teeth, Zhao Yang was so frightened that he cursed his mother.

Some of the people who fell at the front were bitten, and the screams surrounded their ears, making people's hearts pinch.

Fortunately, the man had a companion. The companion got some props and killed the piranha.

Afraid that the smell of blood would attract bigger beasts, he hurriedly threw the piranha back into the sea.

Zhao Yang took advantage of the fact that everyone else was paying attention to what happened after the piranha fell into the water, and quietly asked Shi Zhen, "What do you think?"

"Should we survive on this broken ship?"

"This... is too difficult!"

Zhao Yang couldn't help but take a breath.

He saw with his own eyes that the big ship, which was already broken and had a crooked hull, was bitten by something in the sea. Big holes appeared one after another, and the sea water poured in, and the ship began to sink! !
Zhao Yang followed Shi Zhen and retreated to a slightly higher position.

If this treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, at this rate, it will soon sink to their feet!

"What should we do?" Zhao Yang asked Shi Zhen with his eyes.

But in the eyes of others, it is affectionate comfort.

Those who enter the second-level scene are all veteran players, and there are no newcomers.

I was very unhappy to see this scene.

One of them, whose shoes and trousers were soaked, had a stern face and was about [-] or [-] years old, raised his head and shouted: "Fuck off your sister! In the love-running game, there is something seriously wrong with your brain, right?" ? If it hurts everyone, I will be the first to deal with you!"

"Haha, young man, don't be so angry. If you have such a beautiful girlfriend, you won't be able to let go even if you enter the game." Another older man with a bald head and a big belly said with a smile.

It's just that the tone sounds obscene.

Zhao Yang felt very angry, but first he turned his head to see Shi Zhen's reaction.

If Shi Zhen wanted to do it himself, it would be better, he could look at Shi Zhen's force value.

If Shi Zhen wanted him to do it, he would be happy to do so.

In the end, Shi Zhen ignored the two people who were talking and treated them as if they were nothing.

He looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

Zhao Yang was aroused by her appearance and looked over. He didn't see anything yet. He first felt the ship tilting hard to one side.

Everyone on the boat, one by one, fell to one side unprepared.

Exclamations sounded one after another.

Before they could stand still, another impact came, and the ship tilted even more sharply, almost turning over.

Zhao Yang wiped the water from his eyelashes and looked hard, and found a huge black sea creature.

It just swung its tail back and forth, but they felt they couldn't bear it. Now the sea creature turned around and wanted to hit it with its head!

There is a boat as big as that one.

On impact, everyone will fall into the sea.

There are piranhas in the sea... Zhao Yang suddenly felt pain all over his body.

what to do?He looked at Shi Zhen anxiously.

Shi Zhen looked away, as if confirming something, and quickly ran towards the cabin.At the same time, he ordered Zhao Yang: "Help me block it."

Block what?

Zhao Yang didn't react in his head and blocked the hatch with his body.

"Find tools quickly!"

"There might be something in the cabin. We haven't looked for the cabin yet."

Someone shouted on the board of the boat.

Then, three figures rushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang felt tense all over.

Stop him firmly: "You can't come in now!"

"Go away!" A slap hit his face.

Another person was holding a knife, as if he wanted to give way if he wanted to die.

Zhao Yang's eyes were struggling fiercely.

One against three, he had no chance of winning.

Might as well die.

Is it worth it for a woman I don’t know very well?
Zhao Yang didn't have time to think. Before the knife stabbed his abdomen, he punched first. He accumulated a lot of strength and punched the man on the chin. The man flew out like a sandbag.

"court death!"

The one who slapped him at first had a fierce look on his face.Together with another person, he rushed towards Zhao Yang fiercely.

The three of them fought together. Zhao Yang kept his mission in mind and refused to leave the cabin door no matter how hard he was beaten.

The black sea creature bumped into me again.

Zhao Yang and the two people lost their center of gravity and rolled to the side together.

Half of his body was soaked by the sea water. Zhao Yang saw the piranha with his sharp eyes, and he hurriedly returned to the deck with one third of it exposed above the water.

But before he could stand still, he saw the big head of the black sea creature coming again.

It seemed to treat the collision as a game.

Zhao Yang hurriedly hugged the railing beside the boat and got ready.

Unexpectedly, the big black head was about to hit and suddenly stopped.Immediately afterwards, the movement turned over greatly, threw out a few waves and swam away.

Is this gone?

never mind?
Zhao Yang was stunned and still didn't react.

The arm was caught by a hand.

Lift him up.

Zhao Yang turned his head in shock. Shi Zhen had a normal expression, threw a rubber boat into the sea, and then pushed Zhao Yang down.

Someone noticed the two of them and rushed over to grab the rubber boat.

"Be careful!" Zhao Yang warned when he saw one of them taking out a pistol.

But his heart was gripped by despair.

Can't escape.

Shi Zhen will die.


The gunfire rang out, but Shi Zhen still stood there.

The shooter collided with his companion and both slipped.

The pistol also flew away.

The pistols that can be brought into the game are of course not ordinary pistols, but props.

If there are chicken thieves, go grab the pistol immediately.

What if it’s an unbound prop?
Grab is earn!

Naturally, the owner of the pistol cannot watch his prop fall into the hands of others and rush to fight for it.

Shi Zhen looked at their actions coldly and jumped into the rubber boat neatly.

I saw Shi Zhen coming up.

While Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he was a little confused: "Where are we going?"

Sitting on a rubber boat in the ocean with no water or food, it seems that death is no slower than on a boat.

"Go there." Shi Zhen pointed in one direction.

Zhao Yang looked over and was shocked to find that a beautiful, huge and luxurious cruise ship was sailing towards them.

Zhao Yang couldn't think of anything else, all he could think of was: Saved!There's help!
This time Shi Zhen didn't need to say anything, he just worked hard to slide the rubber boat towards the cruise ship.

(End of this chapter)

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