Chapter 60 Downturn (2)


"You can't do that."

"Withdraw and re-edit."

Group leader @Jianzhiheng.

Jian Zhiheng quickly replied with a question mark.

The group leader earnestly taught you: It’s probably because your family is unwilling to pay the exorbitant price of treatment, and your sisters all despise you as a drag, so you can’t think of committing suicide.

Jian Zhiheng: No.

Two words, firm and powerful.

Group leader: Think about it again?
Jian Zhiheng: I didn’t want to drag my family down, so I decided to end my life.

A message appeared in the group: Jian Zhiheng has been removed from the group chat.

Immediately afterwards, the group leader sent a live broadcast link and notified all members to watch.As for Shi Zhen's suicide live broadcast, it is temporarily suspended.Wait for notification.

Shi Zhen was very dissatisfied and sent a message full of anger: "Why? I can't live another day! When I think of others pointing fingers, laughing at me, and some people taking my photos to be obscene, I can only be innocent if I die!"

The group leader was very satisfied with Shi Zhen's excitement.

The group leader reassured: "You are not hot enough now, wait. Only if more people see it, your death will be valuable."

Shi Zhen looked like she was barely being talked through, and reluctantly typed two words: "Okay."

The moonlight was faint, barely bringing some light to this long, narrow and dark cabin.

Shi Zhen's face looked increasingly pale and pale under the light of the mobile phone screen.

It looks very intrusive.

She moved her fingers and was about to click on the live broadcast link sent by the group leader when footsteps sounded outside.

It's two people.

Shi Zhen recognized a voice familiarly as belonging to her mother Qian Chunhua.

The other one has a heavy tone in the front and a hollow tone in the back, and the pause between footsteps is a little longer. He must be weak and fat, and has three highs.

"knock knock"

"Xiaozhen? Are you awake?"

"Mom is coming in."

Qian Chunhua's voice rang outside the door. After calling, she didn't wait for a reply from inside. She pushed the door open rudely.

After entering, she first looked for Shi Zhen with her eyes.

When he saw Shi Zhen wearing a white skirt, standing obediently in the middle of the room, the haggardness of the past few days did not diminish her beauty, but made her look even more pitiable.

A flash of jealousy flashed in Qian Chunhua's eyes.

Soon, Qian Chunhua showed a smile again and said to Shi Zhen affectionately: "Xiao Zhen, you are doing well this time. Mom tried her best to find Mr. Huang. He doesn't mind that your private life is messy and is willing to work with you." marry."

"You can sleep with Mr. Huang tonight, and we will go get the certificate early tomorrow morning."

Qian Chunhua also wanted to pull Shi Zhen's hand, but Shi Zhen dodged it.

She sneered at Mr. Huang, who turned around and came in after him, and said, "This kid is still having a temper with me."

Mr. Huang is a fat man who weighs at least 200 pounds by visual inspection.

The hair is yellow and sparse.

Face full of holes.

Climbing up to the fifth floor of this old house would kill him. He was still barely breathing, and his face was covered in sweat, which was greasy and nauseating under the moonlight.

He followed Qian Chunhua's words and looked at Shi Zhen.

The girls looking there are prettier than in the videos and photos.

With a slender waist, a snow-white face, and long black hair hanging around her waist, she is pure and charming.

Mr. Huang swallowed hard unconsciously.

I can already imagine how smooth the skin is to the touch of my palms.

Qian Chunhua was still saying something next to him, but Huang always couldn't hear a word he said. He said "um uh ah ah" perfunctorily and urged Qian Chunhua to go out.

Don't delay his Spring Festival.

Qian Chunhua's smile froze: "Mr. Huang, what about the bride price we agreed on?"

A shrewd calculation appeared on Mr. Huang's fat face.

He waved his hand: "Oh, I'll give it tomorrow. I'm here. Besides, I'm very satisfied with Xiao Zhenzhen and I won't hold you back."

Qian Chunhua only believes in one thing: what she gets is hers.

He straightened his body and stood between Shi Zhen and Mr. Huang.He insisted: "At least give me a deposit? How about [-]% first, which is [-]?"

"Get out of here! You're delaying things with your verbosity!" Mr. Huang had taken medicine before he came.

He's not very good at that.Now that the medicine was taking effect, Qian Chunhua was still squirming, so he pushed it directly with his hands.

Unexpectedly, Qian Chunhua reached out to grab his clothes.

The two fell to the ground together.

Shi Zhen watched them fall into a ball with an indifferent expression, walked around Mr. Huang and walked out, closing the door.

The door lock is broken.

It's ok.

She squeezed and inserted her hands, and the door was locked tightly.

Qian Chunhua finally pushed Mr. Huang away and rushed to pull the door open, but couldn't open it.

Qian Chunhua knew it was Shi Zhen who did it, so she begged a few times. After Shi Zhen didn't respond, she started to curse and kicked the door open.

Shi Zhen stood outside looking at her phone with a cold expression.

Mr. Huang couldn't bear it anymore.

The medicine he took was too strong.

Although his goal was not this old woman, he would not suffer any harm.So while Qian Chunhua was still cursing at Shi Zhen, Mr. Huang hugged Qian Chunhua's waist from behind and pulled her back.

The room kept thinking of Qian Chunhua's curses and screams.

But soon, these sounds were replaced by ambiguous gasps.

Shi Zhen opened the live broadcast software on her mobile phone with a cold expression. In the live broadcast room nicknamed "Xiao Zhen", a restricted action movie was being staged.

Xiaozhen has a lot of negative fans. As soon as they saw her making any move, they immediately came over and scolded her as a sign of respect.

There were also some passers-by who thought she really couldn't think about it because she had said she wanted to commit suicide before, so they rushed to try to persuade her. Unexpectedly, what they saw was her having sex with a man on live broadcast.

Although the room was dark and it was hard to see clearly, you could tell what the sound was about.

Coupled with the man's huge body, which was as big as a mountain of flesh, it was simply off-putting.

Passers-by were shaking with anger and couldn't help but comment that people like her should die early and be clean.

Living is polluting the environment.

More and more people are watching.

Most of them quit after scolding, but there are also some who send private messages to harass while watching.

In the penguin group, the group leader called her @ several times in succession, but Shi Zhen ignored her.

She waited expressionlessly until the movement inside stopped, then she pressed the switch on the wall outside.

"Click", the light of the incandescent lamp illuminated the indoor scene brightly.

Mr. Huang was lying down to rest after exerting too much force. Qian Chunhua was startled by the light that suddenly came on. She jumped up and screamed. Then she discovered that there was a live camera in the room. She turned pale with fright and rushed towards her. Go over and turn off the camera.

Outside hallway.

When Shi Zhen saw that her live broadcast room was closed, she decisively logged in and restarted the live broadcast.

"That was my mother just now."

"She found a man to mess with me, so I left her to her own devices."

"Similarly, from now on, whoever scolds me, I will let him experience the content of being scolded first. Are you ready?"

Pale face.

icy voice.

The last corner of his mouth turned up into an extremely evil smile.

The audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help but shudder.

Is this Xiaozhen crazy?

Do not!
Even crazy people look more normal than her!

Some viewers didn't believe what she could do as a girl, so they commented: Like mother, like daughter!It seems that your debauchery is inherited from your ancestors!The sight of you makes me sick.Dirty bitch!

The phone camera shakes.

Not long after, I found myself in an old house with yellowing walls and constant water seepage in the bathroom and kitchen.

The man was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed and his underpants on.

His wife was busy working around in an apron, so tired that she couldn't straighten her back. She had to obey his instructions, cut his toenails, make him tea, and buy him cigarettes.

"Useless trash..." He curled his lips and cursed when he saw his wife going out to throw away the garbage.

But the next moment, his expression froze.

He saw that Xiao Zhen appeared next to him.

The cold voice was like a devil's whisper, asking him: "Are you ready? The ancestral vileness."

(End of this chapter)

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