Director Zhuo already has a plan in mind. Later he will let Jiang Tangtang act as a hunter to catch people. I think this will be quite interesting.

"Director, the popcorn and coke have been made, how can I send them in?" Their staff would definitely not be able to send them there.

Director Zhuo thought for a while: "Find the hunter on the first floor to send it up."


Jiang Tangtang, who was feeling that something was wrong, suddenly saw the door open, and noticed through the light of the screen that it was the hunter. His expression changed, and he hurriedly hid under the seat in fear.

who?Who triggered the hunter on the fifth floor.

Because she watched the movie?That's not right. She has been looking at it for a while. Thinking of this, Jiang Tangtang took out her mobile phone and found her location. She found that there was no hunter's mark on the fifth floor!

She couldn't figure it out. Just when she was confused, Jiang Tangtang suddenly realized that after so long, it seemed that the hunters hadn't come to catch her, and it was impossible to find her.

Carefully raising his head through the seat, he found that the door was closed, but the hunter was gone. Now that he was braver, he stood up.

The door was closed, and she made sure no one was there. She patted her chest with her hands. She was scared to death just now.

My heart returned to my stomach, and I planned to continue watching a movie. My eyes fell on the stage, which was originally empty and I didn't know when there was a Coke and popcorn.

Netizens in the live broadcast room have also been posting comments expressing doubts.

[Why did the hunter give Jiang Tangtang Coke and popcorn?I'm still dazzled. 】

[From the first movie to the popcorn and Coke now, it’s hard not to suspect that this is the handiwork of the director. 】

[Let’s talk about why Jiang Tangtang is so popular during this period. It seems that it is a certain rule set by a certain director! 】

[If the people upstairs can’t speak, don’t speak. 】

It didn't seem like her style to not grab something to eat, so she got up and came to the stage with a bucket full of popcorn.

He returned to his original seat with Coke in one hand and popcorn in the other. He sat down leisurely and took a sip of Coke, but it was still cold.

Then eat popcorn, well, it’s the kind that’s just fried, sweet and fragrant.

It seems that this is a hidden benefit, as long as you come to the cinema, if there is no hunter, she really wants to go down and ask Jiang Feijin to come and eat too.

If the hunter on the fifth floor behind was still not triggered, she would definitely let Jiang Feijin come up to eat.

A sip of Coke, a sip of popcorn, and a movie. This is Jiang Tangtang's most comfortable moment since participating in the show.

At this time, the others were either being chased by the hunters again, or were nervously looking for Wang Ka.

After eating and drinking, and finishing watching the movie, she touched her round belly and stood up. She was going to start looking for Wang Ka.

The cinema was also very cooperative. When the movie was over, the lights were turned on, making it easier for her to find Wang Ka.

Starting from the first row and looking for the king card at the back, no king card was found at the end.

"Isn't there a king card in the cinema?" Jiang Tangtang couldn't help but feel a little confused and depressed when he didn't find a king card.

But considering that I had just eaten popcorn and Coke and watched a movie here, it seemed like it was not a bad idea.

I was in a good mood and opened the door to the cinema, ready to look for Wang Ka outside.

"It's lunch time, everyone goes to the first floor."

"It's lunch time, everyone go to the first floor."

The director's voice reminding him to eat came over the radio, and everyone headed to the first floor.

"You're going to kill me today." Lu Qingya sat on the chair, lying on the table a little weak.Among the people who ran away, she was the one who was chased the most. I don’t know why. When everyone was chased by the hunter, they all ended up where she was, and then she became the target of the hunter.

"I'm the hungriest today. If the director waits even one second longer for dinner, I might not be able to hold on until now."

Everyone is a little weak, after all, they are either running or looking for the king card when their nerves are highly tense.

Only Jiang Tangtang was energetic and could not hold back a hiccup.

"Tangtang, are you so hungry that you hiccup?" Lu Qingya felt distressed when she heard Jiang Tangtang's hiccups.

"It's okay, I don't feel hungry at all." Seeing that everyone else was like this, she was embarrassed to tell her what happened in the movie theater just now.

We can only wait until they have eaten their fill and are on the fifth floor, so that they won't feel particularly uncomfortable if they say it.

"Eat more later. You will need a lot of energy in the afternoon." Jiang Feijin rubbed Jiang Tangtang's head.


Jiang Beibei couldn't see the interaction between Jiang Feijin and Jiang Tangtang, which was like a real brother and sister: "Brother, Tangtang and I are both on the fifth floor. We haven't set out to hunt people on the fifth floor yet. You can go to the fifth floor with us in the afternoon."

"No, it's not where I was in the morning. Do I have to go back there after dinner?" Xiao Leya asked doubtfully after hearing Jiang Beibei's words.

"Ah~ I'm planning to go directly to the first floor of 4.5.6 where there are no hunters after eating. I have to run away just after eating. Isn't it easy to spit it out?" Jin Zhiqin heard that after eating, he still To be back where we ended this morning is simply unacceptable.

There are hunters on the first floor where they are. If they run away after eating, people will die.

"Fortunately, I'm on the fourth floor now, and there are no hunters." Yang Luoqi said proudly.

"Let's go upstairs as much as possible when we get there. Since the hunter has been triggered on the second and third floors, it doesn't matter which elevator we take. As long as we reach the fourth floor, we will be safe."

"Don't all come to the fourth floor. There are only Jiang Tangtang and Jiang Beibei on the fifth floor. Or you can go to the sixth floor."

Yang Luoqi didn't want to all run to the fourth floor. If there were too many people, it would be easy to trigger a hunter.

[Yang Luoqi is really selfish. Why don't others go to the fourth floor? 】

[But people really need to be separated. Otherwise, if they gather together, it will easily trigger hunting.

[If you ask me, just trigger the Hunters on all floors, then it will be more interesting to play. 】

[The netizens this year are really vicious. 】

"By the way, have you found Wang Ka? It seems that no one has found Wang Ka all morning." Lu Qingya suddenly thought that this morning the director didn't seem to say who had found Wang Ka.

Yang Luoqi sneered: "Wang Ka? Don't be joking. Even the hunter can't hide. Return Wang Ka."

Jin Zhiqin touched his pocket, and the hard king card made him feel a little secretly happy.

While everyone was discussing, meals were also brought out, including two meat and vegetables, and soup.

"Eat, eat, eat first and then talk about other things." Shao Yuan couldn't wait to start cooking.

Having just eaten, Jiang Tangtang didn't feel very hungry, but considering that the current recording was indeed physical work, she might as well eat some!

Because we were hungry, everyone said nothing during the meal and concentrated on cooking. The food that we usually didn't like to eat on the set was delicious now, and no one was picky about food, so we could maintain our figure.

After lunch, the director gave everyone a 10-minute break. After the break, they would continue to look for Wang Ka.

(End of this chapter)

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