"You...you...don't act recklessly...if you dare to act recklessly...I'll jump from here...here..." Xia Mingxi struggled, terrified, as she spoke, she walked towards the balcony. She has already thought about it, if Ji Hao forces her, she will definitely jump from here! !

"You go take a shower first, stop thinking about it! I just scared you!!" Ji Hao was a little speechless. What is this little girl thinking about? Is he so unreliable?Is that why you don't believe him?

Seeing his distressed appearance, Xia Mingxi timidly took the home clothes, went to the bathroom, locked the door twice, and then opened the disheveled head with peace of mind.

Ji Hao has seen a series of actions, this little girl, is he so scary? ?

After half an hour.

Xia Mingxiou came out of the bathroom, but he didn't see Ji Hao in the room, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, picked up the towel, and wiped his hair.


The sound of the door opening...

Xia Mingxi raised her head reflexively, and saw that Ji Hao was holding a ceramic cup in his hand.

"Here, after drinking the brown sugar water, go to the cold, don't catch a cold later."

The tall figure, even though he was only wearing a pure white T-shirt, was so dazzling...

Such a gentle and considerate Ji Hao made Xia Mingxi's heart soften...

Xia Mingxi didn't speak, just took the cup in his hand, looked at the cup of brown sugar water, did he pour it himself?

"Drink it quickly, it will be cold in a while..."

Ji Hao took the towel from Xia Mingxi's hand, stood behind Xia Mingxi, and wiped the water droplets from Xia Mingxi's hair...

Gentle and comfortable way, it seems that this kind of thing has not been done once or twice...

Xia Mingxi put the cup to her mouth, took two sips, it was so sweet...

"Is this the first time you've wiped a woman's hair?"

Xia Mingxi's voice seemed to be joking, and she said it easily, but only she could feel the bitterness in her heart...

It's not that she doesn't care, but she cares a lot.

As soon as Xia Mingxi's words came out of his mouth, Ji Hao's hand suddenly stopped...

His expression is not as natural as before...

It turned out that there really was, and, to him, it must be very important...

You know it, why bother to verify it?After verifying it, it will only make myself more sad...

"Okay, I'm joking, just pretend I didn't say anything..."

Xia Mingxi didn't want to make the atmosphere stiff, so she could only pretend that she didn't care and didn't care about anything.

Ji Hao didn't speak, and continued with the movements in his hands. Xia Mingxi drank all the brown sugar water in the cup, handed the cup to Ji Hao, and grabbed the towel: "I'll do it myself..."

It turns out that some things have such a great influence on Ji Hao...

Just one sentence, let him change so much...

"You should feel lucky, you are the second woman who cares so much in my life."

There was no emotion in Ji Hao's voice.

the second...

"Who was the first one?"


I have recommended 150 today, and I will add two more chapters tomorrow! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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