Chapter 147 Chapter 148 Fairview City

"Sir, come on, okay!"

The bursts of pleading sounds outside the carriage made Lin Jianyue, who was taking a nap, open her eyes in discomfort. Li En quickly helped Lin Jianyue sit down.

Chunli even brought the warm water heated by the charcoal fire in the carriage to Lin Jianyue's lips. Lin Jianyue drank some warm water and asked, "What's going on outside?"

It has been several days since we set off from Qingyang City. Because Lin Jianyue has never traveled far, the journey has been very slow.

They set off during the day and found an inn to rest at night. If the weather was bad that day, they would not be in a hurry. Even if Lin Jianyue thought the scenery was good, Cheng Yucheng would stay with her on the road for a longer time. .

"There are a lot of beggars outside. Don't worry, young lady. The two young masters will be able to handle it!" Li En comforted and quickly took out a thicker cloak and put it on Lin Jianyue.

It was late autumn now, and even the day was a bit cooler. In addition, Li En was always on the road, and Li En served him even more attentively.

"Beggars?" Lin Jianyue slightly opened the car curtain, and sure enough, he saw many ragged beggars surrounding him outside.Perhaps because their carriage was very luxurious and the group of people were well-dressed, they surrounded them.

This time when they went to Chengjiabao, Lin Jianyue picked one-third of the secret guards and long sword troops to follow him disguised as guards. Cheng Yucheng also had some guards around him, so there was no need to worry about his safety along the way.

"Don't fight over it, it's all there, it's all there!" Cheng Shi took the cakes in his bag and distributed them to the beggars, while Cheng Yu guarded the carriage.

The beggars took the cakes and kowtowed one by one to thank them.

Perhaps because the aura of the secret guards around the carriage was too dangerous, the beggars took the pastries and kowtowed, not daring to cause trouble, and left quickly.

"Although there are some places where the people are prosperous along the way, it seems that more people are having difficulty eating and clothing. Are there any disasters?" Lin Jianyue asked confused.

In Qingyang City, she always saw the nobles dressed in gorgeous clothes and the people living and working in peace and contentment. However, since leaving Qingyang City and traveling farther and farther, it seemed that the people were becoming more and more difficult.

"There are no disasters in this area. It's just that in recent years, the court's taxes have increased sharply. After working hard, the people have problems with food and clothing! In addition, there are endless corrupt officials, and it's only these innocent people who suffer!" Cheng Yu frowned. With a sad look.

Lin Jianyue was silent for a long time after hearing this. It turned out that what happened to these people was caused by the pressure from those in power.

Today's treasury is empty, but the royal family likes to be extravagant, so Emperor Dongshan increased taxes the year before last. Lin Jianyue knew about this, but she never knew that Emperor Dongshan's imperial edict made many people miserable.

"Nowadays, it is difficult for the people to even eat and drink. Your Majesty will not know this, but..." Lin Jianyue laughed at herself.

Presumably Emperor Dongshan must be aware of the hardships of the people, but why would Emperor Dongshan care about the people living in dire straits? He only cares about the face of the royal family and his own throne.

Lin Jianyue and Cheng Yu were both a little silent. They felt sad not only for these people, but also for themselves.

They have a good family background and have no worries about food and clothing. Now looking at these people, even if they feel uncomfortable, they understand that there is nothing they can do to help.

For example, they can give some food to these beggars, but there are many such people in Dongshan Kingdom, and they can't save so many.

What's more, just by giving away some food, these people will not go hungry today, but what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? They can't give alms every day, and they don't have that ability.As long as the royal family still treats the people as nothing, the fate of the people will never change.

In the past, Lin Jianyue had never considered this, but today she was sitting in the carriage and thinking deeply about it.His Majesty does have several princes today, and Yang Shi'an has even been canonized as a prince.

But Yang Shi'an is no different from the current His Majesty, and is even a little more indecisive. It doesn't matter if such a person is a prince, but if he really becomes the emperor one day, the life of the people will only be worse.

The more Lin Jianyue thought about it, the more headache she got. This was related to who would inherit the throne in the future. As a woman, she was unable to change anything, but she wanted to do something beyond her own ability.

Fortunately, Lin Jianyue is not obsessed with this moment. She understands that there are some things that she cannot change now, and she can only live her life well now.

The group of people walked farther and farther, and when the carriage arrived at Jinxiu City, Lin Jianyue was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery here.

Jinxiu City is located in the south, and it is obviously late autumn, but the climate here is still as warm as spring, and the streets are full of people wearing light clothes.

Jinxiu City is surrounded by lakes, and there is a long river in the city. Countless boats can be seen on the river.

What surprised Lin Jianyue even more was that unlike the poverty in other places along the way, Jinxiu City was very luxurious, and there were many wealthy businessmen waiting to be sent there.

There is the fragrance of flowers and the smell of powder from my daughter's house.

Lin Jianyue originally thought that the noble girls in Qingyang City were as beautiful as flowers, but Jinxiu City was full of exquisitely dressed beauties.

Lin Jianyue was dazzled by what she saw, and she was still a little unfinished when she arrived at the inn.

Cheng Shi sat next to his cousin and asked the waiter to quickly bring the meal, while explaining to his cousin, "Cousin, do you know what is the most famous thing in Splendid City?"

"What is it? The scenery?" Lin Jianyue asked, having already begun to use chopsticks with Cheng Shi. As for his eldest cousin Cheng Yu, who owned the Chengjiabao property in Jinxiu City, he went to inspect it.

"The scenery counts, but the most famous thing is the thin horse!" Cheng Shi said in a low voice.

"Skinny horse? It can't be?" Lin Jianyue was very surprised. She naturally knew what Cheng Shi was talking about, but Lin Jianyue had never seen or been in contact with it before.

"In Jinxiu City, girls with low status and miserable life experience will be bought. Some of them are even stolen and trafficked. After these children are obtained, they will be divided into three grades according to their appearance, qualifications, and talents, and they will be taught piano. Chess, calligraphy, painting, reading and writing! "Then" Cheng Shi was a little embarrassed to continue, after all, his cousin was still a girl who had never left the court.

"Then give them to those powerful people as playthings, right?" Lin Jianyue said while eating.

"Well, that's why many men like to come to Jinxiu City to have fun!" Cheng Shi saw that his cousin didn't seem to be depressed because of this, so he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly explained, "But I have never messed with these girls!"

Lin Jianyue believed it. She was sitting on the second floor of the inn. Looking down, she could see some paunchy men hugging the gorgeous women with frivolous expressions.

A sigh escaped from the mouth
(End of this chapter)

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