
Silently, several figures appeared in the hot spring villa. The black figures seemed to blend into the night and were kneeling in front of the masked man.

The masked man looked at his subordinates and felt relieved, but at the same time he felt a bit reluctant to give up.

"What's wrong?" the masked man asked. At this time, his voice was no longer rough, but as clear and smooth as jade.

"The tail behind you has been taken care of, and the horses have been prepared outside. Master, can your body return to Qingyang now?" the subordinate asked.

The masked man pondered for a moment, asked someone to bring him a pen and paper, and left a note before disappearing into the hot spring villa.

It's just that the masked man did not return to Qingyang City immediately. Instead, he found the leader of the elite gang who was already training in the inn the next day.

The bearded man was lying in the hotel room at this time. The pain in his left eye prevented him from sleeping peacefully. Whenever he thought of his left eye being damaged by a woman, he couldn't help but curse in a low voice. He secretly made up his mind to let that woman The girl pays the price.

Suddenly, a long sword was placed on the neck of the bearded man as if it had appeared out of nowhere. He did not dare to move, and his whole body was stiff.

Especially when he saw the man standing beside the bed, shouting "Master of the Nine Deaths Sect!"

"That's right!" The masked man looked at the bearded man. It was this man who not only spied on Lin Jianyue's body, but also wanted to eat swan meat.

"Kill or behead, it's up to you. I was careless today!" The bearded man choked his neck. Ever since they ate this bowl of rice in Jianghu, their heads were tied to their belts. Naturally, they could think that one day they would Lose your life.

"You should never offend her!" the masked man said, and the long sword directly cut through the bearded man's neck.

Blood spurted out from his neck, and the bearded man's eyes widened. He wanted to say something, but couldn't. Only before he died did he realize that the master of the Nine Deaths Sect was indeed in the hot spring room.

Seeing the bearded man die, the anger in the masked man's heart has not diminished.

As soon as he thought that this man not only looked at Lin Jianyue, but even openly said that he wanted to marry Lin Jianyue, he had the urge to cut the person into pieces.

"Master, all the members of the Golden Eagle Gang have been eliminated!" the voice of a subordinate came from behind.

The masked man turned around and said with a cold tone, "Order to go down and kill the Golden Eagle Gang!"

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, but quickly responded.The Nine Deaths Clan has never made enemies or gotten too close to anyone in the world. The reason why the master wants to destroy the Golden Eagle Gang this time must be because of the Golden Eagle Gang's stalking of the master.

Unbeknownst to his subordinates, the wise and powerful master in his heart wanted to destroy the Golden Eagle Gang just for the sake of a girl.

Lin Jianyue entered the hot spring room with breakfast in the morning, but saw no one inside. She glanced at the note left on the table.

It turned out that the masked man had already left, and the note was a thank you.

Lin Jianyue had no idea about the masked man's departure. She took this man in for a promise from the Nine Deaths Clan and for the people. Now that he is gone, she is happy and relaxed.

After destroying the note, Lin Jianyue couldn't wait to go back, but after not seeing each other for a few days, she actually missed her grandfather and the others.

The group of people rode back to Chengjiabao. Compared with the last time Lin Jianyue came to Chengjiabao for the first time in a carriage, Lin Jianyue was already very familiar with Chengjiabao.

On the way, people from Chengjiabao greeted Lin Jianyue. Their smiles were so bright that Lin Jianyue had the illusion that she belonged here. "Cheng Shi, please send your cousin back, I have some things to deal with!" Cheng Yu sat on the horse and ordered with a smile.

This place is already the Cheng Family Fortress, so Cheng Yu is naturally assured of his cousin's safety.

Cheng Yu didn't go anywhere else, but came directly to look for his father and grandfather. The two were discussing this year's Chengjiabao maritime business. When he saw Cheng Yu coming, he first glanced behind Cheng Yu, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.

"Grandfather! Father!" Cheng Yu saluted slightly, then stood beside his father.

"You're back. Where's Yueyue? Are you back?" Cheng An asked. He missed his niece very much when he was away these days. He was afraid that something might happen to his niece at the hot spring villa, and he also experienced the worry of being an uncle.

"It's been a hard journey, my cousin is going back first!" Cheng Yu said, and then he polished it for his grandfather himself before telling his grandfather and father what happened that night.

"Presumptuous!" Cheng An stood up immediately, furious.

Fortress Master Cheng seemed to be still writing in the account book, but his white beard was already trembling, which showed that Master Cheng was not at peace in his heart.

"How is Yueyue?" the old castle master asked.

"My cousin is very good. She never looked sad from beginning to end!" Cheng Yu said truthfully.

"This is what my Chengjiabao child should do. Not only do I have to gouge out his eyes, but I also have to kill him!" Cheng An paced in the room. If he had been present at that time, he would not have let the person who hurt his niece live. leave.

"That child must have considered the situation at that time!" The old castle master sighed, feeling pleased with his granddaughter's wisdom and methods, but also feeling sorry for his granddaughter's sensibleness.

"My grandson feels the same way. My cousin must be afraid of causing trouble to the Cheng Family Fort!" Cheng Yu said.

"She is sensible, but we cannot let her be wronged. Although I, the Chengjia Fort, do not cause trouble, I am not afraid of trouble!" The old fort master put down his pen and ordered, "Hire the Golden Eagle Gang with a lot of money and destroy it!"

"My son understands!" Cheng An was very excited.

You know, the huge amount of money that Chengjiabao mentioned is not an ordinary amount. Normally, Chengjiabao does not take action, but as long as Chengjiabao takes action, there will be no deviation.

In this world, everything comes and goes for wealth. As long as the price is given, there will be people who are at the end of their rope, and there will be a steady stream of people who will slaughter the Golden Eagle Gang for this wealth.

Cheng An didn't realize that the Golden Eagle Gang was innocent. After all, the Golden Eagle Gang's behavior had become more and more outrageous and weird in recent years. Moreover, since the Golden Eagle Gang dared to offend their Chengjiabao, they must not be able to resolve the matter, otherwise everyone would really think that the Chengjiabao Can be bullied.

"That child Yueyue is just like her mother at heart!" The old castle master said with emotion, but he missed her more.

"Yes, there was someone who desperately wanted to tease my sister, and my sister killed him on the spot. Now it seems that Yueyue has her mother's demeanor!" Cheng An had a smile on his face, remembering that he was unparalleled in the limelight back then. sister.

It turns out that my niece and sister are not only similar in appearance, but also in personality.

"This is how my Chengjiabao child should be!" The old fort master showed a smile on his face. If his granddaughter just endured this, then he would feel uncomfortable.

"Grandfather and father, don't worry, I will definitely protect my cousin!" Cheng Yu promised that he would be his cousin's support, so that his cousin could act as recklessly as his aunt did back then. (End of chapter)

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