Chapter 2 02-03 Past and Present Life
"Hahaha, what a pleasure! Now that I have brought you to the Crown Prince, I am afraid that the Crown Prince will think you are a monster, right?" Lin Yuqing covered her lips slightly with her silk scarf and laughed exaggeratedly.

Lin Jianyue couldn't speak, couldn't see or even cry. She could only make pig-like noises, really lying on the ground like a monster.

At this time, Lin Jianyue hated!I hate Lin Yuqing!Hate the prince!Hate the royal family!Hate the family!But what I hate more is myself!
Resentment and anger were like balls of red-hot fire attacking Lin Jianyue's heart and lungs, making her whole body feel like she couldn't breathe, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Sister, sister, if you get to the underworld, don't complain to the King of Hell! You have ended up like this today. You can't blame anyone else. It's all your own fault! It's you who occupies the position of the crown princess. It's because of your weakness. You don't have a brain, so if you want to blame it, blame yourself!" Lin Yuqing said every word with the arrogance of a winner.

At this time, Lin Jianyue, who was still shaking on the ground, seemed to be unable to breathe, and her whole body was completely motionless.

Lin Yuqing looked at Lin Jianyue who seemed to be dead, with a proud smile on her lips.

This person who was better than her in every aspect was finally dead, and she no longer had to worry about anyone taking away everything she had now.

Lin Yuqing glanced at the corpse on the ground, turned around and left the dark cage.

When night fell, two tall guards walked into the basement. When they saw Lin Jianyue on the ground, neither human nor ghost, they were really shocked.

"Is this the former crown princess?" the guard asked in a low voice, then found a bag and put the body into a sack.

"Probably, it's really disgusting!" Another guard said, dragging the sack and quietly leaving the Prince's Mansion.

And Lin Jianyue, the legitimate daughter of the Marquis, who was once a glorious and proud person, was now just wrapped in a sack and thrown directly into the smelly mass grave, ending her ridiculous and miserable life.

Just when the guard turned to leave, he saw the originally gloomy mass grave, but suddenly a strong wind blew, the branches were blown to a creaking sound, and the fallen leaves on the ground were flying everywhere.

But the body that was originally wrapped in a sack was now bleeding from all its orifices.

After the strong wind, everything seemed to return to calm, but everything seemed to start again.

"Princess? Princess, are you okay?" A worried voice kept chattering in her ears, but Lin Jianyue felt dizzy.

Even Lin Jianyue wondered, is this hell?
But if this was hell, how could she see Shan Tao's face?

"Princess?" Shan Tao hurriedly supported Lin Jianyue, but at this time Lin Jianyue had fallen to the ground, Shan Tao hurriedly called for someone.

At this time, Lin Jianyue covered her groggy forehead with one hand, her eyes full of doubts and confusion.

Why is this a temple lobby?Is it possible that the world after death is actually like this?Before Lin Jianyue could clear her thoughts, several people were already helping Lin Jianyue back to the wing.

There were whispers behind him, "Is that the future crown princess?"

"Isn't that right! I heard that the prince went south to provide disaster relief this time, and the princess came to pray for the prince!"

"I've always heard that the Crown Princess is infatuated with the Prince. Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

The wing of the temple was simple and elegant. Lin Jianyue was being supported on the Arhat bed. At this moment, Lin Jianyue's clear eyes suddenly darkened a little.

It's not right, it's so wrong.
The familiar wing, the familiar faces, and even the warmth from her own skin, all clearly told Lin Jianyue that this was not hell. "Princess, shall I find a doctor?" Shantao said worriedly.

"Santao, please find a doctor quickly!" A slightly old voice sounded immediately, and Lin Jianyue put a cool handkerchief on her forehead.

Lin Jianyue rolled her eyes and saw a face full of wrinkles. She was dressed in a pearl gray Gebu crocheted dress, her hair was combed meticulously, and her eyes were clear and clear without any turbidity.

"Aunt Wei?" Lin Jianyue's voice was filled with disbelief, and her plain white fingers pinched Aunt Wei's sleeves tightly, for fear that this was just a dream.

Aunt Wei was Lin Jianyue's father's nanny, and she had always taken care of her father's daily life. Later, after her father got married to her mother, and her mother gave birth to herself, Aunt Wei continued to take care of her.

Aunt Wei truly cared for Lin Jianyue, and Lin Jianyue also regarded Aunt Wei as a grandmother.

But such an old man who took care of Lin Jianyue was convicted of theft by his good aunt.

At first, when Lin Jianyue rushed back as hard as she could, all she saw was Nanny Wei's body that had no warmth.

But now, Aunt Wei was still squatting beside the bed, her eyes filled with the familiar and loving look that Lin Jianyue was familiar with.

Lin Jianyue's eyes were full of surprise, surprise and nostalgia. At this time, Nanny Wei did not realize that the child she had raised had undergone earth-shaking changes. She wrinkled her face and spoke with pity.

"Miss, I know you have a prince in your heart, but the sun is so harsh today and you are kneeling outside the temple to pray for blessings. What if you have some shortcomings?" Aunt Wei said nagging.

Lin Jianyue's eyes turned red as she listened, what a familiar voice, such kind nagging.

It was also at this moment that Lin Jianyue realized that she didn't seem to be dead. Not only was she not dead, she seemed to have returned to the past.

From Aunt Wei's nagging, Lin Jianyue learned that she had fainted from the heat because she was praying for the prince.

I still remember that it was the same in my previous life. The prince Yang Shi'an was ordered to provide disaster relief. Lin Jianyue learned that the disaster was dangerous and was afraid that the prince would have some shortcomings. Therefore, he ignored the advice of Aunt Wei and insisted on going to Pingding Temple, the most famous temple on the outskirts of the city, to pray for the prince in person.

Lin Jianyue slightly raised her white and intact right hand, with nostalgia in her eyes.

Today, this hand is still good, but later, Lin Yuqing had to cut off this hand, and he also lived a life that was worse than a pig or a dog.

Soon, Shantao came with the doctor. Lin Jianyue glanced at Shantao, and a light like ice flashed in his eyes.

The doctor quickly finished the treatment and said to Aunt Wei, "Ms. Lin just suffered from heatstroke temporarily. It's not serious. I'll prescribe a few prescriptions and take the medicine on time!"

Aunt Wei nodded repeatedly and sent the doctor out personally.

At this moment, Lin Jianyue had closed her eyes. At this moment, she was extremely sure that she was reborn!
Weird things were originally difficult to accept, but Lin Jianyue suffered so much pain and even lost her life. Now such things will only excite her.

She suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes filled with coldness. Since God allowed her to live, then this time, she must make those who betrayed her pay the price!
Are you ready?

(End of this chapter)

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