Lin Jianyue didn't know how many people he had killed, nor how long he had been killing them.

The sword had been cut off, his limbs seemed stiff, and the pain from the wounds on his body seemed numb, but Lin Jianyue never stopped.

Although the Long Sword Army was one against a hundred, it could not help but feel tired at this time, and some people had even fallen seriously injured.

However, no one dares to relax, just because there are still bandits that have not been cleared away. Even if there is only one person alive, it is a disaster!
Lin Jianyue dropped the long sword in her hand again. At this moment, a group of people attacked Lin Jianyue.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Zhang gasped, tears falling uncontrollably.

Ever since her niece appeared here, Mrs. Zhang has never taken her eyes away from her niece. She didn't dare to blink, and her heart was so high.

But just now, Ms. Zhang saw a bandit suddenly take out a sharp knife and slash at her niece.

Lin Jianyue raised her eyes and wanted to dodge, but unfortunately, her body was extremely tired, and her dodge movement was half a beat too slow. She could only watch the sharp blade slash towards her shoulder.

But an arm appeared in the air and blocked the sharp blade with his own flesh and blood.

"Second cousin!" Lin Jianyue shouted urgently, the dagger in his hand passed through the bandit's throat, and he held his second cousin's arm with one hand, looking anxious.

No one expected that Cheng Shi would use his body to block Lin Jianyue's knife.

"I'm fine! I can't die!" Cheng Shi grinned in pain. It was clear that the flesh and blood on his arm was flying from the sharp blade, but at this time he did not cry out in pain.

Lin Jianyue casually tore a strip of cloth from her clothes and wrapped her second cousin's wound, and continued to fight at close range with a dagger. Even though she was worried about her second cousin, she knew that their enemy was still there at this time.

The old castle owner looked at his grandson who was pale and had lost a lot of blood, and then at his granddaughter who looked like a murderous god. He was only angry that his body was not up to par.

"Master!" The secret guard came to Lin Jianyue and protected Lin Jianyue.

The situation at this time is not optimistic. There are bandits infiltrating on the other side of the waterway, and they are exhausted. If this continues, Chengjia Fort will really miss today.

Lin Jianyue gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with blood, but at this moment, Lin Jianyue actually heard fighting coming from the side of Houshanshui Road.

Lin Jianyue quickly looked at her grandfather, but saw that her grandfather was also surprised.

But no matter what, Lin Jianyue knew that reinforcements must have arrived, even if she didn't know who the reinforcements were, everyone worked together and fought even more fiercely.

Lin Jianyue knelt on one knee, her fingers were trembling uncontrollably, and the dagger was still dripping with blood. At this time, Lin Jianyue was exhausted and seemed to have no strength to even raise her hand.

Looking at the bandits coming towards him, Lin Jianyue gritted his teeth. When he was about to get up, he saw a figure flying from the back mountain. The bandits were already dead when he raised his hand.

And behind that man, people all wearing face scarves strangled the bandits directly, the speed was staggering.

When Lin Jianyue saw the person coming, she finally felt relieved and fell forward.

But Lin Jianyue didn't fall to the ground, just because she was already in someone's arms.

A faint scent of agarwood invaded her nostrils, and Lin Jianyue burst into laughter. The smile seemed forced, and her voice was dry and hoarse, "What kind of wind has brought you here, Master!"

It turned out that the person who came turned out to be the master of the Nine Deaths Sect whom Lin Jianyue had saved.The master of the Ninth Death Sect held Lin Jianyue's slender waist tightly. The mask obscured his face, and only his cold eyes could be seen, but at this time, his eyes were filled with rare care.

The master of the Nine Deaths Sect looked at the woman in his arms with some pity in his heart.

The woman who was still alive when she left, now Lin Jianyue's body was trembling unconsciously, her clothes were dripping with blood, her breath was dying, her eyes were half asleep, her lips had no blood at all, and her skin like mutton-fat jade was even more... It's very pale.

"My benefactor is in trouble, how could I not come!"

There was still a rough voice. The leader of the Nine Death Sect hugged Lin Jianyue and said softly, "Go to sleep, it's okay!"

She was obviously not familiar with this person, and she should be on guard, but at this time Lin Jianyue might be extremely tired and actually fell asleep.

The Nine Death Gate killers had strangled the bandits. At this time, Cheng An and Cheng Yu and his son also cleaned up the bandits at the front door. The father and son rushed to the back mountain and saw only bloody corpses scattered all over the place. His expression was solemn.

Although Chengjiabao suffered heavy losses during this siege, fortunately, the enemy did not succeed.

The old castle owner was old and couldn't hold on anymore, so he was carried down.

The doctor was busy running around. Cheng An and his son asked the doctor to treat the injuries of the guards and the people of Chengjiapu first, while he and his son were cleaning up the mess.

At the back mountain, everyone looked solemn, and many women were sobbing softly, because some of them had lost their husbands, and some had lost their sons.

Madam Zhang had not slept a wink for a whole day, and had not even had time to take a sip of water. She took her maids to comfort the people and bandage the wounds of the guards.

"Sorry!" Cheng An looked at the corpses of those innocent people and lowered his head solemnly. Behind him, stood the retainers of Chengjiabao who had come to have a reunion dinner today. Everyone looked very sad.

I saw an old figure walking out of the crowd. She walked a little shaky. Just now, her son was hacked to death by bandits.

"Master Cheng! This is not your fault! It was Cheng Jiabao who took us in and gave us a home in these troubled times! My son died to protect the family, and he died with honor!" The old woman's words were loud and clear.

At the same time, the people all stood up.

It was indeed heartbreaking for them to experience such an experience, but they were neither blind nor blind. If they wanted to blame the bandits, how could they blame their benefactors.

After all, without their benefactor, their lives would have been lost long ago.

Cheng An suddenly knelt down towards these people. It was Cheng Jiabao who failed to protect them. It was him, the fortress owner, who failed to protect them.

Cheng Yu and others also knelt down
"Master Cheng!" The people panicked and knelt down. At this time, some people were already sobbing.

Cheng An personally helped these people up and took his son Cheng Yu to bury them personally.There were people who died today, and there were also guards. Cheng An looked at those corpses, his body felt extremely heavy.

Everyone is immersed in sorrow, but those who survive can only raise their heads and move forward.

Everyone spontaneously started to clean up the remaining bloodstains and moved away the bodies of the bandits. At this moment, no one was different, everyone was doing their best for Chengjia Fort.

The masters of Chengjiabao all suffered injuries of varying severity. The old master was unconscious, Cheng Shi's wound was infected and his fever persisted, and Cheng An and Cheng Yu also fell down while busy.
At this time, Lin Jianyue opened her eyes.

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