Even with Shen Weixun's care, no matter how good the cell was, it couldn't be any better.

The cell was cold and damp. A wooden board served as the bed, and there was only a moldy and thin quilt on the bed. It was so cold that people shivered not to mention at night, even during the day.

Lin Lin stood outside the cell wearing a heavy cloak, looking with uncertain eyes at his son who was stubbornly looking at him in the cell.

"Are you confused! You killed the legitimate son of the Zhou family just to fight for strength? Do you want to harm me, the Marquis of Wu'an?" Lin Lin couldn't help but cursed as soon as he saw his son.

Lin Lin's heirs were withering away, and Lin Cheng was his only son. He originally thought that even if Lin Cheng was just an illegitimate son, he would train Lin Cheng well so that there would be successors to the Marquis of Wu'an in the future.

Lin Cheng did not disappoint Lin Lin either. He was studious and inquiring, and made rapid progress in his studies. Even his master praised his abilities many times.Lin Lin felt proud of this, but now Lin Cheng revealed such a trap.

In the past few days, the Zhou family has been causing a lot of trouble for the Wu'an Houfu. Lin Lin is already in a state of distress, and the Zhou family has made it clear that what they want is Lin Cheng's life!
"Father, I didn't! I didn't kill him!" Lin Cheng stood in the cell, his straight body never bent, and he insisted on every word.

After the incident, all the evidence seemed to point to him killing Zhou Ting, the legitimate son of the Zhou family, but he was really wronged. No matter how stupid he was, he would not kill someone openly in the academy.

"You didn't kill him? Everyone watched you kill Zhou Ting? You are still quibbling! You want to kill our Wu'an Marquis!" Lin Lin couldn't help but curse.

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. This was the first time his father came to visit him after his accident. Even though Lin Cheng was really angry that his father did not trust him, Lin Cheng was not a fool. He knew that the only one he could rely on now was his father. Only his father can help him find out the truth and clear his name.

"Father, my son is really innocent!" Lin Cheng suddenly knelt down. Through the iron bars of the cell, Lin Cheng lowered his head and begged, "Father, please believe in your son and help him!"

Lin Lin looked at his son in front of him and was silent for a long time.

In terms of selfishness, he naturally didn't want to give up his son, but he really couldn't bear the anger of the Zhou family. Today, the Wu'an Marquis Mansion was in a state of decay. If it was retaliated by the Zhou family, the Wu'an Marquis Mansion would soon become lonely.

What's more, his daughter is now favored by the prince. If she offends the Zhou family at this time, Zhou Yuan, the legitimate daughter of the Zhou family, is the concubine of the East Palace. It will definitely ruin her daughter's plans these days. Then he, the Marquis of Wu'an , It’s really a waste of effort.

Lin Lin was silent, but Lin Cheng's heart was always worried, and his fists were clenched tighter and tighter.

He has always known his father's true identity, but as he is his father's only son, and with his grandmother at home, he feels that his father may not necessarily give up on him.


After a long time, Lin Lin suddenly sighed, causing Lin Cheng to quickly raise his head, "What are you talking about? My son is innocent!"

"So what if you are innocent? There are all the witnesses and physical evidence. Did you really escape? Cheng'er, my father has cultivated you carefully these days. You are my father's blood. Now for the Marquis of Wu'an and my father, Just plead guilty! Only if you plead guilty, the Zhou family will shut down, and only if you pay with your life, the Zhou family will let Wu'an Marquis go! Don't worry, your father will remember your efforts!" Lin Lin advised, even comforting .

But after hearing this, Lin Cheng just wanted to laugh.

Obviously he is innocent, and his father also knows that he is likely to be framed.But from beginning to end, he never thought about finding out the truth for himself. All he worried about was his career and his future, and he was just a pawn that could be given up at any time.He was even able to say so many sanctimonious words with a smooth face. How did he say it?

"Father, do you want to give up on me? Where is grandma? Does grandma agree?" Lin Cheng asked unwillingly.

In the Marquis of Wu'an, Wang naturally wished he could die. His father, Lin Lin, only saw glory and wealth, and the only person who cared about Lin Cheng the most was his grandmother, Mrs. Wen. At least Lin Cheng felt that his grandmother really cared for him because of his blood.

Lin Lin avoided his son's gaze unnaturally, and said in a heavy tone, "This is also what your grandmother meant!"

In one sentence, it was the last straw that broke Lin Cheng's mind.

"Even my grandmother gave up on me?" Lin Cheng fell to the ground, he asked in disbelief, looking at his father expectantly, hoping that this was just his father deceiving him.

After all, he is just a young man. No matter how well he pretends to be, deep down he still longs for the love of his relatives.

"Your grandmother knew the general truth and endangered the fate of the Wu'an Marquis. Your grandmother hopes that you can plead guilty and repent in front of the Zhou family. This will also live up to your grandmother's love for you!" Lin Lin continued to persuade.

Lin Lin did not want to be at odds with the Zhou family, and the current Wu'an Houfu had no confidence to be at odds with the Zhou family. He only hoped that his son could plead guilty and kneel down in front of the Zhou family to beg for mercy, so as to avoid the Zhou family's anger towards the Houfu.

"Haha, love?" Lin Cheng burst out laughing, laughing and even shed tears.

Before today, he thought that even if his father was using him more, even if his grandmother was more interested in his bloodline, but now, he clearly knows that the little love his father and grandmother have for him is nothing more. It's nothing more than charity, as long as their own interests are involved, they can push themselves into the abyss without hesitation.

No wonder, my sister wanted to cut off the relationship with the Houfu at all costs. This disgusting Houfu was more terrifying than a man-eating beast.

"Why are you laughing! Do you remember what my father said? You are my son, Lin Lin, and I provide you with rich clothes and fine food. Now you are trying to destroy my Wu'an Marquis Mansion!" Lin Lin looked at Seeing his son laughing crazily, he quickly scolded him.

But at this time, Lin Cheng just kept laughing, lying on the ground laughing like a lost dog, no different from a madman.

Lin Lin cursed a few more times, but Lin Cheng on the ground just kept laughing and couldn't stop laughing.

At this time, Lin Lin couldn't help but wonder if the child had gone crazy because of the shock. If he was crazy, then the Zhou family would have calmed down and Dali Temple would decide the case again and let the child pay for it with his life. It should be settled.

Lin Lin thought, with a bit of pity and reluctance in her eyes, but she left with extremely firm steps.In his eyes, this only son has become an abandoned son, no matter how regretful it is, it is useless.

Lin Cheng didn't know how long he laughed, his face was covered with tears, but his heart felt like a hole was opened, and the cold wind kept pouring in.

But when he looked up, he saw a pair of satin white boots embroidered with hibiscus flowers.
(End of this chapter)

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