Chapter 23 24 The fifth princess’s birthday party

"Sister, come up quickly!"

With her slender hands, she slightly opened the bead curtain in front of the car, revealing a pretty face with a gentle smile. She was not Lin Yuqing, the eldest lady of the Marquis.

Lin Jianyue glanced at this luxurious carriage. It seemed that from some unknown time, Lin Yuqing regarded her carriage as hers.

Lin Yuqing smiled, but her teeth were almost broken.

She was almost dazzled when she looked at Lin Jianyue, who was dressed up today. If Lin Jianyue attended the princess's birthday banquet with such a gorgeous appearance today, wouldn't she be compared to nothing? I can see myself coming.

Lin Jianyue was supported by her maid into the carriage. Before she could sit firmly, she saw Lin Yuqing approaching.

"Sister, why are you dressed like this today!" Lin Yuqing frowned, with a worried look on her face. "The prince likes plain colors, and so does the queen. What's more, today is the fifth princess's birthday party. If you dress like this, it's really... Sorry! I see it’s still early, so you’d better change your clothes!”

So familiar, Lin Jianyue has loved beautiful clothes since she was a child, but after her parents passed away, even if three years of mourning had passed, Wang always used various reasons to let Lin Jianyue dress herself up and down. .

They are all at the right age. Which girl doesn't like to wear red and green. Only Lin Jianyue was influenced by the Wang family. She dressed all day long as if she was going to become a monk. No wonder the prince in the previous life said that she was boring.

"Sister, do you think I'm not good-looking?" Lin Jianyue asked.

Lin Yuqing choked up. She really couldn't go against her will and say that Lin Jianyue was not good-looking. If Lin Jianyue was not good-looking, then so would all the girls in the city.

"Of course my sister is pretty!" Lin Yuqing replied with a smile.

"So sister, do you think the fifth princess is narrow-minded? She doesn't even have the tolerance to tolerate others?" Lin Jianyue asked deliberately and maliciously.

These words made Lin Yuqing's expression change, and she quickly patted Lin Jianyue's arm with a handkerchief.

"Sister, be careful! The fifth princess is naturally an open-minded person, but we should be more cautious in our actions!" Lin Yuqing advised.

At this time, Lin Yuqing felt very unhappy. In the past, all she had to say was a word that was neither salty nor bland, and Lin Jianyue would be obedient. But now that she has said so much, Lin Jianyue still looks indifferent. The appearance made Lin Yuqing very puzzled.

"Just putting on some clothes, sister is making too much fuss!" Lin Jianyue said. At this time, Aunt Wei had already got on the carriage and said, "Miss, you are not feeling well yet, please rest first!"

Lin Jianyue said "hmm". In fact, she didn't want to bring Aunt Wei with her when she entered the palace. After all, there were many rules in the palace. Aunt Wei was old and she didn't want her to be tormented, but now there was no one around her. It's available, so we can only ask Grandma Wei to follow.

Aunt Wei took out a brocade quilt from the carriage compartment and spread it out. She greeted Lin Yuqing slightly, "Miss, my lady is not feeling well. Please go back to your carriage!"

This carriage is not only luxurious but also very spacious, but if it is covered with brocade quilts, it will naturally look very crowded.

Lin Yuqing's expression changed. She was used to riding in this carriage. Every time she went out, the rich ladies would envy her. Moreover, this carriage was also very comfortable. Lin Yuqing had not ridden in her own carriage for a long time.

"Sister, I'm going to rest first!" Lin Jianyue said, already taking off her shoes.

No matter how reluctant Lin Yuqing was, she could not ignore Lin Jianyue's body and sit here shamelessly. She still had a smile on her face.

"Sister, please rest first!" Lin Yuqing got off the carriage, her expression suddenly darkened, and she glanced at Shantao who was standing outside the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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