"I have met the eldest princess!"

A figure wearing a long green dress stepped into the room. The eldest princess quickly stood up and personally supported Mrs. Chen's arm.

"Mrs. Chen, don't be too polite. Please sit down!" The eldest princess asked Mrs. Chen to sit next to her.

Mrs. Chen had her long hair pulled up, and you could see the mottled silver threads in her hair. There were no other jewelry except for a silver hairpin on her bun. She looked plain and very neat.

Compared to the room full of elegant ladies, she seemed out of place, but no one looked down upon her.

Mrs. Chen's appearance is not as soft as that of a woman. Her appearance is more graceful and heroic, her facial features are very regular, and she was also a cheerful woman when she was young.

In fact, Shen Weixun and Chen Jingchi are almost a few years apart in age, but Mrs. Chen looks a bit older than the eldest princess. This is actually because Mrs. Chen followed General Chen to the battlefield to guard the border, and she was only in her 30s. pregnant body.

Later, after the old general died in battle and Mrs. Chen suffered a blow, she looked older. She didn't like to dress up, so she looked older than the eldest princess.

In order to show her status and respect, everyone called her Mrs. Chen.

"You're here uninvited, but please invite Princess Haihan!" Mrs. Chen's voice was as calm as a dry well.

"What did Mrs. Chen say? It's too late for me to be happy that you can come!" The eldest princess said with a smile, "It's my fault. I was so busy posting messages for General Chen that I forgot about Mrs. Chen!" "

In fact, it's not that the eldest princess forgot, it's that no one thought that Mrs. Chen would attend. Many times, everyone chose not to disturb.

"The eldest princess is considerate of me, and I will naturally understand!" Mrs. Chen smiled lightly. Although she lives in seclusion, she is not unsophisticated, and she naturally understands the eldest princess's good intentions.

Although I don’t quite understand why Mrs. Chen appears, since the person is here, the eldest princess will naturally entertain her with all her heart.

After Mrs. Chen sat down, apart from exchanging a few words with the eldest princess, she just sat aside as if the old Buddha was in meditation, and did not need any entertainment.

At this time, Lin Jianyue was being led around the mansion by Shen Qingmiao. Many rich ladies and young gentlemen had already come to the back garden of the princess's mansion. As for the ladies, they went to accompany the eldest princess.

The gentlemen are in the pavilion behind the lake in the garden, while the girls are admiring the flowers here in the garden.

"Sister!" The sudden voice startled Lin Jianyue. Lin Jianyue turned around and saw Lin Yuqing standing next to a pot of cuckoos, looking at her with a smile on her face.

Today, Lin Yuqing was also the most outstandingly dressed in the room. She wore a pink long dress, but the style was different from the long dress worn by girls from aristocratic families. Her dress began to tighten her waist just below the breasts, making her breasts bulge and her waist look bulging. But it is very slender, and there is a circle of silver bells hanging at the hem of the clothes. The bells ring when you walk.

Lin Yuqing's makeup today is also unique. Her pupils are surrounded by black, which makes her eyes particularly innocent. A small flower is painted on the eyelids, adding a bit of charm.

From the moment Lin Yuqing appeared, I don't know how many noble ladies cast curious and envious glances at her. After all, everyone now knows that Lin Yuqing seems to know a lot of novel makeup.

"Concubine!" Lin Jianyue bowed slightly and saluted.

Lin Yuqing, on the other hand, smiled and pulled Lin Jianyue up, scolding, "Why are you and my sisters still saluting!"

Lin Jianyue just smiled and did not answer. She gave Shen Qingmiao a reassuring look, but Shen Qingmiao was still a little wary. After all, Lin Yuqing had hurt Lin Jianyue like that before.

"Did the concubine come with the prince?" Shen Qingmiao asked, pulling Lin Jianyue to stand beside her.Lin Yuqing glanced at Shen Qingmiao. Xiao Zi behind her just reminded her that Shen Qingmiao's identity would prevent Lin Yuqing from making a fool of herself.

After greeting each other, Lin Yuqing smiled and replied, "His Royal Highness said he was afraid that I would be bored in the house, so he took me out for a walk!"

Lin Yuqing's words did not show how favored she was, but Shen Qingmiao and Lin Jianyue were indifferent. It didn't matter to them whether the prince doted on Lin Yuqing or not.

"Sister, why don't you come with me for a walk? My sister and I also have something to say!" Lin Yuqing suggested.

Although Lin Jianyue really didn't want to get along with Lin Yuqing in private, she was now full of doubts about Lin Yuqing. What's more, Lin Yuqing was now the crown prince's concubine, so there were some things she couldn't do too much.

Giving Shen Qingmiao a comforting look, Lin Jianyue accompanied Lin Yuqing for a walk in the backyard of the eldest princess's mansion.

The back garden of the eldest princess's mansion is very large. Even though there are so many guests, they are scattered in the garden and it doesn't seem crowded.

Lin Yuqing held Lin Jianyue's arm, and the two of them walked further and further away, while Lin Yuqing kept talking.

"Sister, you and I may have had some misunderstandings before, but in the final analysis, you and I are sisters after all, and I hope you will be well from the bottom of my heart! Now my sister's marriage has not been settled, and my sister is worried when she looks at it, thinking that it is my sister who is causing trouble. I feel uneasy about your marriage, and now I want to make it up to you!" Lin Yuqing said, and suddenly jumped into the pool beside her.

In this weather, the water in the pool was freezing cold. The moment Lin Yuqing fell down, her whole body was frozen to the bone.

She didn't want to frame Lin Jianyue like this. It was Lin Jianyue who occupied the prince's heart. She claimed that she was a heroine from time travel, so how could she be willing to find another woman for the prince.

Isn't the prince thinking about Lin Jianyue? She wants to discredit Lin Jianyue and let everyone know how selfish and terrible Lin Jianyue is.

Lin Jianyue watched helplessly as Lin Yuqing fell into the pool deep enough for one person. In the pavilion nearby, a group of young masters gathered. The prince and others quickly looked towards this when they heard the sound.

Lin Jianyue didn't understand Lin Yuqing's intention, but her eyes were full of disdain.

Compared with Lin Yuqing's methods in the past, Lin Yuqing now seems to have become much stupider, and Lin Jianyue even feels impatient.

"What's going on?" A group of young men came over quickly and asked Lin Jianyue who was standing on the shore, but their eyes were already filled with suspicion.

Crown Prince Yang Shi'an's eyes were filled with suppressed displeasure: "Miss Lin, what's wrong with the lonely concubine?"

Lin Jianyue blinked her eyes and stopped her grandma who was about to go down to get someone. She said innocently, "I don't know what's wrong? The concubine here told me that she wanted to go down and take a bath, but I didn't have time to stop her. She just jumped down!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Weixun smiled sullenly and waved his hand to tell his mother not to go fishing for people.

Others only thought that Lin Jianyue was talking nonsense, but at this moment, Shen Qingmiao from behind the rockery came out and said, "Yes, I heard the concubine say that just now!"

Shen Qingmiao had always been worried about Lin Jianyue and secretly followed the two of them, but now she became a witness.

Shen Qingmiao winked at Lin Jianyue, and both of them had smiles in their eyes.

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