"Excuse me, I can't do it!"

Shen Weixun raised his eyes and looked at the prince, his voice was gentle and cold, like jade breaking ice.

If Yang Shi'an had not been killed at this time, it would have caused turmoil in the court and would have implicated the eldest princess's house. Shen Weixun wished he could kill Yang Shi'an right away.

"What?" Yang Shi'an was contentedly preparing to accept Shen Weixun's surrender, but he didn't expect Shen Weixun to reject him.

Yang Shi'an's eyes suddenly showed displeasure, and he released his hand holding Shen Weixun's shoulder. Yang Shi'an looked Shen Weixun up and down, his tone was sarcastic and disdainful, "Weixun, don't you have a crush on Lin Jianyue?" "

Yang Shi'an knew very well that Lin Jianyue's beauty was enough to make any man's heart flutter, and there was nothing wrong with Shen Weixun if she really fell in love with Lin Jianyue.

Shen Weixun didn't answer, but Yang Shi'an seemed to understand Shen Weixun's thoughts.

"Lin Jianyue is indeed beautiful and fragrant. It's normal for you to fall in love with Wei Xun! But you should know clearly, Wei Xun, that she, Lin Jian Yue, is the woman Gu has fallen in love with. Are you going to rob Gu Gu?" Yang Shi'an's The tone was oppressive.

Shen Weixun clenched his fists, but a smile bloomed on his eyebrows.

"Your Highness has misunderstood. Naturally, I don't dare to compete with His Highness! But I can't do anything to set up an innocent woman!" Shen Weixun said neither humble nor arrogant.

These words really slapped Yang Shi'an in the face, and Yang Shi'an instantly showed a ferocious sneer.

"Are you going to disobey Nigu?" Yang Shi'an asked.

Shen Weixun still looked calm and relaxed. It seemed that the threat from the state governor did not make him timid or flinch in any way.

"I dare not!"

He said he didn't dare, but he refused to help.

Yang Shi'an laughed angrily, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of sinisterness, "Shen Weixun, do you really think you are the aloof, bright and clear prince? You are just a dog beside me!"

These words were full of insults.

After hearing this, Shen Wei only smiled lightly without any trace of resentment.

But Yang Shi'an hated Shen Weixun's appearance the most. He desperately wanted to break the mask on Shen Weixun's face and looked at Shen Weixun as embarrassed and pitiful as when he was a child.

"Gu still remembers that when you were a child, you were so cute and cute, your father was very happy! So Gu let people starve you on purpose and gave you rancid food. You wolfed it down, and even Gu's dog didn't eat it. Will you take a whiff!" Yang Shi'an seemed to be recalling extremely pleasant things, with a smile on his cheeks.

Shen Weixun's eyes flashed. He was the eldest son of the eldest princess Lin'an and Prince Ying. He was the eldest son of the eldest princess's palace. He was favored since his birth.

When he was six years old, His Majesty personally ordered him to go to the palace to study with him. This was a supreme honor in the eyes of others, but for Shen Weixun, it was the beginning of pain.

The princes and princesses in the palace love to tease people the most, whether they are the maids, eunuchs, or the princes from high-ranking families who accompany them, and he is no exception.

Because of his intelligence, he was always praised by his master, which made the princes and princesses dissatisfied.

They would throw away his meals and ask the eunuchs not to give him any food. Every time he was dying of hunger, the prince and others would appear and give him rancid food that they had picked up from an unknown swill. .

At first, Shen Weixun was reluctant to eat. He was well-dressed and well-fed at home.

But then he was so hungry that he couldn't bear to eat the food no matter how fishy it was. Yang Shi'an stared at Shen Weixun, only to see that Shen Weixun's expression was as usual. Over the years, Shen Weixun's temperament had become more and more refined, and his gentle face seemed to be welded to his skin.

"Have you forgotten? I will help you remember them one by one today!" Yang Shi'an continued to speak with malice.

"At that time, you were afraid of being beaten, so Gu asked you to dress up as a dog and dig into Gu Gu's crotch, and you did it right away. You even imitated a dog's barking to please Gu Gu. I wonder if Wei Xun is now able to imitate a dog's barking?"

The prince and princess loved to make fun of them, not only ruining Shen Weixin in terms of food, but also torturing Shen Weixin mentally.

The prince and princess stood in a row, spread their legs, and asked him to imitate a dog and get under them while barking.

At first, Shen Weixun refused. He was the prince of the eldest princess's house and had his own integrity. As long as he refused, they would beat and kick him.

Once the beating was so severe that Shen Weixun almost didn't survive.

He was staying in the palace at that time. These princes and princesses were protected by their wives, and no one cared about Shen Weixin's life or death. Shen Weixun also wanted to complain to his parents. He believed that his parents would not sit idly by and ignore it.

But the queen summoned him into the palace and made him kneel on the cold ground of the hall.

She used her condescending voice to warn Shen Weixun that if he dared to complain, the families behind the princes and princesses would definitely attack the eldest princess's mansion.

Although Shen Weixun was young, he also knew that the emperor and his ministers had other reasons. He also understood that if he complained, his father and mother would be harmed, and the princes and princesses would only be scolded at most.

Although he was young, he didn't want to bring trouble to his family. No matter how hard he was bullied, he didn't want to file a complaint.

And on the days when he leaves the palace and goes home every month, the princes and princesses will not do anything to him in the first few days, making him seem to be living a good life in the palace.

"I still remember that you had a little maid by your side at that time. What was your name? She was a loyal dog! What a pity, she died! How did she die?" Yang Shi'an recalled with a deliberate frown, I really can't seem to remember.

After all, Yang Shi'an had so many lives in his hands, and the lives of those servants were like nothing in their eyes.

Shen Weixun seemed indifferent and emotionless, but his whole body was filled with coldness.

And Yu Niang, who was standing next to Shen Weixun, was biting her lip, even if her lip was bitten and bleeding, she didn't show any abnormality.

Just because that maid is Yu Niang's biological sister, named Shan Niang.

Shan Niang is a few years older. Although Shen Weixun came to the palace with her back then, she took care of Shen Weixun's daily life in the palace. She was prudent and careful in her work.

When Shen Weixun was beaten and starved, Shan Niang had a hard time, and any palace maid or eunuch could bully her. But Shan Niang never showed it in front of Shen Weixun, and still served her wholeheartedly.

But one day, Yang Shi'an led a group of princes and princesses and asked Shen Weixun to take off his clothes and go with the dog to grab a piece of raw meat to eat.

Shen Weixun refused, even if he was beaten. Shan Niang saw that Shen Weixun was dying after being beaten, and quickly stepped forward to protect Shen Weixun.

But Yang Shi'an and others suddenly seemed to have discovered something interesting.

They caught Shan Niang and wanted to drown her into the lake. The young Shen Weixun panicked. He knelt down, kowtowed to them, and begged them to let Shan Niang go. He was willing to do anything.

But they just smiled ferociously, ignored his pleas, and sank Shan Niang alive to the bottom of the lake.

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