"Girl, there are many people kneeling outside!"

Lin Jianyue stood up, served by General Chen Jingchi, and Chunli reported outside the house.

These days, Lin Jianyue has been staying in the empty City Lord's Mansion, and Chen Jingchi is naturally by Lin Jingchi's side. The two of them have done nothing these nights, but the more this happens, the more and more each other's position in each other's hearts becomes. The more important it is.

Now that the plague in Jiulin City has not only been controlled, but many of the people have recovered, Lin Jianyue and Chen Jingchi are also preparing to return to Qingyang.

Just leave the rest of the things to the people below.

"Common people?" Lin Jianyue and Chen Jingchi looked at each other, with confusion in her eyes.

Chen Jingchi picked up the bright red cloak on the side and tied it on Lin Jianyue. The weather outside was still a bit cold in the morning.

"The people must know that you are leaving today!" Chen Jingchi explained, with pride and honor in his eyes.

During these days, Chen Jingchi witnessed with his own eyes what Lin Jianyue did. She did everything herself and never pretended to be tired. She was very kind and caring to the people, and sent so much food and medicinal materials for free. All of this broke Chen Jingchi's imagination. .

Chen Jingchi knew that Lin Jianyue was different from ordinary women, but he had never seen such a woman before. She was as bright as the bright moon hanging high, which made Chen Jingchi feel lucky more than once that he had this bright moon.

"Should I leave secretly through the back door?" Lin Jianyue stood in front of Chen Jingchi, her white porcelain eyes a bit at a loss. She really didn't know how to face the people.

If it were the past, Chen Jingchi would also agree with what Lin Jianyue said. Just like himself, every time he did something good and the people wanted to thank him, he would leave quietly.

But this time, Chen Jingchi didn't want to do this.

"Go meet the people!" Chen Jingchi said, holding Lin Jianyue's hand and walking outside.

His beloved girl is not an official of the imperial court. She has no such responsibilities and obligations. She has done so many things for the people and deserves a word of thanks from the people.

Tingzhou opened the door of the City Lord's Mansion, and at this time Chen Jingchi released his grip on Lin Jianyue's wrist and gently pushed Lin Jianyue outward.

Chen Jingchi himself stood aside, minimizing his presence as much as possible. At this time, he stood quietly aside, protecting his girl.

Under the steps of the city lord's mansion, people were standing, huddled together.

Lin Jianyue felt familiar to many of these common people. In these days, Lin Jianyue had personally served them concoctions and served them food.

She couldn't pronounce their names, but she knew they existed.

"Princess!" I don't know who started shouting, and then I saw all the people shouting together, and each one of them shouted louder than the other.

The children shouted at the top of their lungs, the women wiped their tears while shouting, and even the seven-foot-tall man's eyes were red.

The plague was coming so fiercely that they all thought they could not survive. They resented the unfairness of their fate and quietly waited for death to come.

It was the princess who came, bringing food, medicine, and doctors. It was the princess who worked tirelessly to take care of them day and night, so they could stand here now.

Lin Jianyue's expression was quite calm at first, but when she saw the people shouting one after another, and when she saw these people who had problems with food and clothing, they sent everything they could to their carriage outside the house, even if Lin Jianyue, who usually has a somewhat cold temperament, couldn't help but be deeply moved at this time.

"Don't give these things to me, keep them for yourself!" Lin Jianyue shouted to the people below, and the secret guard guarding the carriage also looked at a loss.

It's okay to let them kill people, but facing such enthusiastic people, they are really helpless. “Princess, please don’t dislike me!” someone shouted.

These people threw everything on the carriage, including family heirlooms, shoes handmade by the woman herself, and some even valuable paintings from home.

They just want to give the best things to their benefactors.

But in an instant, he saw that the carriage was packed to the brim. Seeing how enthusiastic the people were, Lin Jianyue could only keep these things.

But none of these people came to disturb Lin Jianyue. They kept the most appropriate distance.

Lin Jianyue walked down the steps and saw the people around her kneeling down one after another. Even though Lin Jianyue helped them, they refused to get up.

In the end, Lin Jianyue had no choice but to quickly get on the carriage, and Chen Jingchi followed suit. After the carriage left, the people slowly got up.

"Tingzhou, go back and return these things!" Lin Jianyue sat in the carriage, which had already left Jiulin City.

After hearing this, Tingzhou immediately led a few secret guards to pack the things on the carriage. Lin Jianyue continued to order, "Let Uncle Zhong send some food over, at least to help these people get through this difficulty first!"

"I understand!" Tingzhou nodded, and when he raised his eyes, a few glimmers of light that did not belong to him flashed in his eyes.

Not only Tingzhou, but also all the secret guards who followed this time were greatly thanked by the people. At this time, these secret guards seemed to have found another meaning.

Chen Jingchi's heart was hit hard when he heard Lin Jianyue's words. He didn't say anything, he just held Lin Jianyue's wrist tightly.

"This time, I stole the general's limelight. Does the general mind?" Lin Jianyue nestled in Chen Jingchi's arms and joked with a smile.

Nowadays, Lin Jianyue and Chen Jingchi get along more and more naturally. She also shows the coquettishness of her little daughter around Chen Jingchi. Even when the two get along, their movements become more and more intimate.

Chen Jingchi held Lin Jianyue's slender waist, and after hearing this, his smile was filled with doting.

"You know how to tease me!" Chen Jingchi said. When his eyes fell on Lin Jianyue's playful eyes, he gently kissed her.

Chen Jingchi never cared about these false reputations, what's more, he wanted to see Lin Jianyue respected and loved by others more than anyone else.

There is a feeling called "You are proud", and that's what he feels now.

"You have a very high prestige among the people this time. I'm afraid the prince will be unhappy!" Chen Jingchi frowned, looking a little worried.

But at this time, Lin Jianyue didn't look worried at all, and pointedly said, "Don't worry, the prince has no time to trouble me!"

Chen Jingchi looked at Lin Jianyue with some confusion, but Lin Jianyue did not answer the question. Instead, she held Chen Jingchi's neck and asked, "The prince's moral character is so bad. How can he look like a prince? Has the general ever thought about changing to a prince?"

But Chen Jingchi's expression suddenly became serious after hearing this.

"Yueyue, be careful! Your Highness is the Prince of the East Palace, how can you criticize him like this! What's more, the royal family has very few heirs now. If the position of the Crown Prince is shaken, it may cause internal strife!" Chen Jingchi's tone was a bit harsh.

Lin Jianyue just smiled and did not answer, but her hands released Chen Jingchi's neck, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little solid.

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