Chapter 446 Chapter 447 Emperor of Western Shu

"So, this is Xishu?"

Lin Jianyue slightly opened the car curtain and saw the scenery in front of her that was very different from Dongshan. Her expression was full of surprise and awe.

Different from Lin Jianyue's surprised look, Cheng Yu and Meng Ning in the carriage looked as normal.

These two people are both people who have traveled far and wide. They have seen all kinds of scenery and have been to Xishu several times.

In Western Shu, the grasslands are vaster than the sky. The sun is high, the blue sky is clear, the white clouds are long, the mountains are high, and the pasture is rich, making people seem to be in a good mood.

"Western Shu is different from Dongshan. Dongshan is more refined and beautiful, but Western Shu is more wild. When you have the opportunity in the future, you can go to other countries to see it. Every country has different customs and customs!" Meng Ning Explained beside.

During the time she spent with Lin Jianyue, she knew how much Lin Jianyue yearned for freedom, but was tied up in Qingyang City. Meng Ning felt pity for her and hoped that women like Lin Jianyue could leave her footprints in many places in the future.

"Natural!" Lin Jianyue said silently.

She had always planned to walk around, but unfortunately, she was always tied up by various things.

Now that she came to Xishu, she realized how narrow her vision was and how short-sighted her knowledge was. After this incident, she must go on a journey and live up to her life in this world.

Xishu specially sent someone to pick her up. Both their attitude and etiquette were very polite and they did not embarrass anyone in the slightest.

After traveling for another two days, Lin Jianyue and others finally arrived at the Imperial City of Xishu.

The Imperial City of Xishu is as lively as Qingyang City in Dongshan, but the only difference is that the women here can also run businesses in public, and the women's smiles are brighter and heartier.

The common people cast curious glances at the envoys, and Lin Jianyue also discovered that the clothes of the Xishu women's family were lighter and more colorful, like flowers blooming in the grassland.

I thought that they came to Xishu to ask for something from Xishu, and the Emperor of Xishu would give them a try, but they didn't expect that they would hold a banquet in honor of them that night.

Lin Jianyue led everyone into the splendid palace of Xishu. Her eyes were calm, but she had never seen the civil and military officials of Xishu and her breathing stopped the moment they saw her.

Her glossy black hair was held up by a hosta, and she was wearing a gorgeous colorful dress, the hem of which swayed as Lin Jianyue walked. Her appearance was peerless and extraordinary, her eyebrows were as curved as a girl's, and there was a faint smile on her lips. Her whole person exuded an alluring beauty.

Xishu had known for a long time that the new emperor of Dongshan had someone he liked, but he heard that for the sake of this future queen, the harem did not even accept a single concubine.

It turned out that everyone was just happy after hearing this, thinking that there were many such beauties in Western Shu, and which man could leave his backyard vacant for a woman.

But the moment Lin Jianyue walked into the palace, everyone seemed to understand why Dongshan Emperor was so fond of this person.

Such a bright and beautiful beauty, if you see her, your eyes will not be able to tolerate others.

"My little girl has met His Majesty Xishu!" Lin Jianyue's crisp voice resounded throughout the hall, leading a group of envoys to salute slightly.

"No courtesy!" A solemn but gentle male voice came from above his head.

Lin Jianyue and others got up, and heard the above continue to ask, "Princess, you have been tired all the way, how are you?"

Lin Jianyue listened to the Western Shu Emperor's concern and thought that the new emperor seemed not as scary as the rumors. He looked quite kind. Of course, Lin Jianyue knew that this might be just a disguise. "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Everything is well, little girl!" Lin Jian Yue said politely and took this opportunity to look up.

I saw a figure sitting casually on the dragon chair.

She is not wearing a dragon robe, and her black hair is only tied up with a silver thread. She is not tied or tied with a hairpin. She is wearing a purple robe and has a slender body. The whole person is handsome and has an innate nobility. It makes people feel unattainable.

Lin Jianyue had never expected that the Emperor of Western Shu would look like this. He was very handsome, and even had a rather unruly temperament.

But Lin Jianyue could not help but feel familiar, so she took a few more glances. At this time, Emperor Xishu on the dragon throne also looked at Lin Jianyue, and their eyes met.

Lin Jianyue quickly looked away. She thought about it carefully and felt that maybe it was because the appearance of the new emperor and Princess Taihe were somewhat similar, which made her feel familiar.

Speaking of Princess Taihe, Lin Jianyue came to Xishu this time. She originally thought that Princess Taihe would meet her, but she didn't expect that she never saw her.

At the banquet, the Emperor of Western Shu was taciturn, and the envoys occasionally mentioned the state affairs of the two countries, but they were all blocked by the Emperor of Western Shu.

After the banquet, Lin Jianyue was preparing to go back to the Xishu Palace to rest with the envoys, but she saw a father-in-law walking over.

"Princess, your Majesty invites you!"

Cheng Yu, who was nearby, was very wary after hearing this. Just when he was about to refuse, he saw his father-in-law holding something in his hands, which turned out to be the handkerchief that Lin Jianyue gave to Taihe.

"No problem, I'll go there!" Lin Jianyue nodded towards her cousin.

Although Cheng Yu was still worried, he respected Lin Jianyue's decision and could only let his cousin leave with his father-in-law.

The father-in-law took Lin Jianyue to a palace. As soon as Lin Jianyue walked in, she saw her father-in-law closing the palace door. Lin Jianyue moved her palms and felt a little relieved when she touched the dagger and poison in her sleeves.

The dagger was to save her life, but the poison was given to her by Meng Ning when she entered the palace. It could save her at the critical moment.

In the palace, a figure had been waiting there for a long time. Lin Jianyue was just about to salute, but the Emperor of Western Shu held Lin Jianyue's arm.

"Princess, don't be too polite!"

Lin Jianyue quickly backed down a few steps, feeling a little resistant to the actions of the Emperor of Western Shu.

The Emperor of Xishu glanced at Lin Jianyue, with a hint of loss in his eyebrows, and his eyes were filled with tenderness and longing.

"I wonder why Your Majesty summoned my daughter here?" Lin Jianyue looked businesslike.

The Emperor of Xishu smiled to himself and suddenly approached Lin Jianyue, with aggression in his eyes. "I was shocked to see the princess today! I know why the princess came to Xishu, but as long as the princess is willing to become Xishu Queen, I must join forces to resist Bei Gui!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jianyue felt that he was hallucinating.

She admitted that she was indeed beautiful, but she did not think that a prince who could rebel and seize the throne would be a person seduced by beauty.

"Your Majesty is joking! It is true that my daughter came here for the sake of state affairs between the two countries, but she is not ready to sell herself. Since your Majesty is unwilling to talk, I will leave with the envoy tomorrow! Maybe the war between me in the east and the war in the north will be difficult to distinguish for a while. Win or lose, but I can be sure that Dongshan will win!”

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