
Chapter 169 Yangzhou Governor

Chapter 169 Yangzhou Governor (Seventeen)
Hearing the loud noise, Meng Jingxiu pulled Ye Lingxi and hid under a cloak. Ye Lingjue glanced down and said nothing, looking out the window. Two heads poked out from under the cloak.

Not knowing what she saw, Meng Jingxiu took a breath and exclaimed: "Is that a human or a ghost?"

Ye Lingxi also had a look of horror on his face when he saw the weird man with disheveled hair and lying on all fours.

I saw that the window upstairs on the opposite side was broken, and one of Yuan Luo's men was lying on the ground. The clothes in front of his shoulders were stained red with blood, as if he had been thrown down from the upstairs by a brute force.Immediately, the weird man jumped down from the broken window, and lunged at the people on the ground with bared teeth and claws. Seeing that the young Imperial City Guard was about to die, a bamboo pole flew towards the disheveled face, and a figure quickly He subdued the weirdo and dragged him back to the building. Another person who was traveling with him went over to check the young guard's injury. Then another Imperial City Guard came out of the building. The two of them worked together to carry the person to the teahouse opposite. A waiter in the teahouse rushed to fetch a doctor.

The movement on the other side had already alarmed the guests in the teahouse, and everyone was talking about the weirdo.

Some said they were suffering from madness, some said they were struck by evil spirits, others said they had chicken plague, and some even said they were caused by monsters...

Seeing the injured person entering the door, everyone stretched their necks to watch the excitement. The Imperial City Guard shook the shoulder knife at his waist, and all the probing eyes around him shrank back.

After placing the injured, the other person left the teahouse and went to the cockfighting ring opposite.

"Sister Lingxi, look, brother Yan has also gone in."

Ye Lingxi kept watching the dark figure enter the building opposite. Meng Jingxiu raised her hand and waved it in front of her, with a sly smile on her face. She came over and whispered, "Are you worried about your brother Yan?" When you said the two words, you deliberately lengthened your tone and winked at her. Ye Lingxi replied smoothly, "Yes, I worry about Brother Yan every day. I don't think about food and drink, and I can't even sleep."

"Lingxi." Ye Lingjue's voice fell above the heads of the two of them. They both looked up at the calm face, waiting for the next words. After a few seconds, when there was no more words, the two of them turned their attention to the face again. Opposite the cockfighting ring.After a while, Meng Jingxiu asked quietly, "Is Your Highness angry?" Ye Lingxi quietly replied, "Second brother is thin-skinned and can't listen to those quarreling words." Meng Jingxiu said in a low voice, "My eldest brother is shameless. He is thin and not enlightened at all. My mother-in-law said that my eldest brother is too serious because my father is usually too strict."

Ye Lingxi looked at the cockfighting ring opposite and asked quietly: "Is Uncle Meng usually very strict?"

Meng Jingxiu quietly replied: "My father is very strict with my eldest brother. I have to get up before dawn every day to box, listen to my master's lectures in the morning, practice riding and shooting in the afternoon, and do homework in the evening. In fact, I was quite afraid of my eldest brother when I was a child. My eldest brother doesn't like to laugh or talk." At this point, she asked, "Are you afraid of my eldest brother?"

Ye Lingxi said: "Brother Meng is cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise came from the opposite side, like gunpowder being detonated, and a thick smoke jumped out and went straight into the sky.

Meng Jingxiu was startled by the loud noise. When she turned around to look, the person beside her had disappeared. She looked back and saw Ye Lingxi running towards the door. Ye Lingjue also walked away. She didn't feel like staying alone in the room, so she hurriedly followed her out.
The door of the teahouse was crowded with heads looking out, and everyone was whispering about the explosion and the thick black smoke.

Ye Lingxi easily squeezed out of the crowd with her petite body and ran quickly to the cockfighting ring opposite.

Everyone in the building evacuated, and some of them were disgraced.

Ye Lingxi ran straight to one of the gray-faced people, took out his small handkerchief and wiped the other person's face, "Brother Yan, are you not injured?" "It's okay." Yan Fei said, bending down.

Another gray-faced man came over and clicked his tongue twice. Before he could speak, Ye Lingxi asked, "Uncle, what happened?" Yanjiang patted the black and gray on his body and said, "I was tricked."

A quarter of an hour ago.

After Yan Fei entered the building, one of Yuan Luo's men took him to the backyard. Yan Jiang was squatting on the ground studying the dead chickens with interest. When he got up, Yuan Luo asked him what he had found. Yan Jiang pondered For a moment, he seemed to be thinking about some important conclusion, and then said, "There is no chicken plague." Yuan Luo was silent for a second, and then praised, "General, you really have unique insights." Yan Jiang said, "I think these chickens look pretty good. It's quite fat, why don't we share it and take it home for the banquet." Yuan Luo said, "Since the general likes it, just keep it, and I won't drink on weekdays."

"There is a saying that when you meet a close friend, a thousand cups are too little. It seems that Mr. Yuan has not met a close friend yet."

"Meeting a close friend over wine is indeed a beautiful thing in life. The general has many friends. I wonder if you can introduce me to one or two."

"My place is full of fair-weather friends. Mr. Yuan must be disdainful of his high moral character."

"The general is too humble. The general is highly respected by the emperor, but I am ashamed of myself."

Yan Fei was not interested in these idle words, and focused his gaze on the small building. There was a man lying on the floor, with a large sticky blood stain underneath him.

"Is that a thug from the building too?" Yan Jiang came over at some point. The man he captured before was also a thug from the cockfighting ring. He had a tiger head tattoo on his arm. The tiger head tattoo was Lou's. These thugs are also Mr. Hu's bodyguards. Now that the bodyguards have become like this, Mr. Tiger is probably in trouble.

"General, do you want to go in and take a look?" Yuan Luo asked.

Yanjiang asked Yanfei to stay outside. He and Yuan Luo walked in. The fishy smell that originally filled the building had dissipated a lot.At that time, Yanjiang smelled a fishy smell before he even saw the backyard. His eyes darkened, as if he was familiar with the smell. When he walked into the backyard, he returned to his usual calm smile.

Arriving in front of the sticky blood, Yan Jiang stopped and glanced at the bleeding face, and then walked in. Yuan Luo followed behind and asked, "Has the general ever seen such a death state? "

"Is there any secret room down here?" Yan Jiang answered the question, as if talking to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, he squatted down again and groped around with his fingers on the ground. He then pulled out a dagger from his sleeve and used the blade to pry open a small gap between the floors. He heard a squeak and a piece of floorboard was lifted. He stood up, and at the same time a strong fishy smell rushed out from inside. He exerted force with his wrist again, and the entire floor was pried open. The fishy smell was overwhelming, and both of them stepped aside.

(End of this chapter)

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