I became the strongest beater in the thriller game

Chapter 101 Leather and Textile Factory

Qian Fugui spat: "The factory belongs to me! Give up your position when you say it. Who do you think you are?"

Old Liu agreed: "The factory director is right. What she said is nonsense. She is not even a regular employee. Director, we are not familiar with these two people. All the employees in our factory recognize you and rely on you." , I will definitely not listen to these two women."

What he said was extremely unconscionable, but when he thought about the bonus he would get after trying to please Qian Fugui, other people in the factory who worked hard could not get this amount.

Qian Fugui felt more at ease after being told that. He looked towards the audience, glared at Su Yun and said: "Whoever drives these two women out today, I will give a reward of... 10 yuan!" My heart is bleeding.

The reward of 10 yuan made Lao Liu extremely envious, and his hand holding the electric baton was ready to move.

But other workers in the factory seemed unmoved.

Their expressions looked unmoved. Which one is better, 10 yuan or the factory's new system?

One is short-term and the other is long-term.

Coupled with Qian Fugui's character, I am afraid that if the reform fails this time, there will be no chance again, and all of their employees will be kicked out of the factory.

Although the workers have worked hard for so many years, they are not stupid.

Not getting the expected response, Qian Fugui was surprised, "10 yuan! Why are you still standing there?"

Is 10 yuan too little?These people are too greedy.

No one responded to him.

Qian Fugui was inexplicably anxious.

Su Yun smiled and said: "Is this what you want to say?"

"Are you finished?"

Qian Fugui froze, the muscles on his face twitched, and he twisted into a laughing expression, and said fiercely: "Do you know who you can't mess with now? You know it's too late, you're dead."

"10 yuan is too little, right?" He looked impatient, "Then I'll give you 20 yuan. Whoever can drive these two rebellious people out of the factory, I will give 20 yuan."

Probably because he was too impatient, and because of the heartfelt words he said before, Qian Fugui's expression now lost all disguise, and he looked like "Don't be so shameless."

The workers' expressions became angry, and they almost couldn't hold back and rushed up the steps.

"No one is a fool, Mr. Qian," Su Yundao said, "Everyone in the factory must know your character very well."

"Moreover," Su Yun smiled, holding up the contract with Qian Fugui's fingerprints in his hand, and facing everyone, "This is Qian Fugui's fingerprints. According to the previous contract, he has voluntarily resigned from the position of factory director."

"As for the position of factory director, according to the contract, all employees will vote for selection."

Su Yun spoke slowly and slowly. Qian Fugui became angry and his eyes were red. He cursed and said, "Bah! That fingerprint was made by that bitch Li Huizhen who grabbed my hand and pressed it!"

"And you! Did you two stinky bitches tie me up?"

Su Yun sighed: "Mr. Qian, you were knocked unconscious by the guard, so you can only put in some effort. Manager Lao Li helped you sign the contract."

"Of course, even if you don't press your fingerprints, the contract will have come into effect the moment you go back on your promise."

Su Yun smiled, "This is just a formality." Qian Fugui choked, "Damn you!"

He placed his hope on the workers in the factory, but the workers were not only indifferent, but even had a bit of joy on their faces. Qian Fugui's mind buzzed, and he said to the guard Liu Liu without giving up: "Kill them for me." You two, tear up the contract and I’ll give you 20, no! 50! 100 million! It’s all fine!”

Qian Fugui still believed that he had so much money, "One million! I will give 100 million to whoever kills these two bitches!"

Except for Lao Liu, no one moved.

They don’t even regard their workers as human beings, how can they expect this thing to really give them money, instead of kicking them out after the work is done, and then recruiting new people, and training them with the same methods as before? A new crop of leeks that dare not resist?

At that moment, the guard Liu was about to rush towards Su Yun with an electric baton. Yu Nan saw this and ran up the steps. Before the guard Liu could get close to Su Yun, he kicked him down and Liu fell out. Far away, I was grinning from the fall, and the electric baton was thrown away because of the fall.

Yu Nan pinched her knuckles and was very confused: "By the way, don't you know that I'm covering Sister Susu? You are so brave, how dare you?"

Old Liu winced in pain. He thought of the lock that Yu Nan had broken and the fight between Yu Nan and Heng Tian just now. He felt that all the bones in his body were about to break.

100 million, that's 100 million!
The thrown electric baton rolled to the feet of a worker. The worker hesitated for a moment and then took the electric baton in his hand. Lao Liu stood up tremblingly, pressing his waist that was hit, and roared at the worker to use the electric baton. The stick was handed back to him.

In the past, the worker would have been frightened into a quail by his roar and would have been obedient. But now, instead of handing over the electric baton to him, the worker even wanted to hit him with the electric baton.

Old Liu was so frightened that he closed his eyes and held his head. The worker snorted, "You're just doing something unconscionable, bah!" and walked away with the electric baton.

When Lao Liu saw no movement, he opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at Su Yun again.

It looked like he hadn't given up yet.

One million is indeed not a small amount. He can retire if he can get this money.

The little girl stepped forward and looked at Old Liu with confusion, "Uncle, you are so old, can't you understand human language? It's so funny that he ignored the rights of the workers and made them work overtime desperately. Today, he finally Let everyone get back the rights they deserve. You are still doing this for him. You don’t think he will really give it, right? One million, not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. He said he would give 100 to others. You’re reluctant, didn’t you see?”

Yu Nan paused and suddenly realized: "Oh, yes, you have been fishing at work. You don't open the door when it should be opened. You are afraid that the workers will go out and delay the factory to make money. He should give you a lot of salary."

Yu Nan pretended to be the boss and sighed, saying behind his back: "Oh, you're done. Once the new factory director is elected, if you fish like this, you will definitely be fired."

The workers now not only hate Qian Fugui, they also hate Lao Liu who is in the same camp as Qian Fugui. Lao Liu's scalp was numb. Following Yu Nan's words, Lao Liu turned his attention to Qian Fugui.

The latter's eyes were a little dodgey, and he said: "Of course I will give it to you! I will do what I say! Old Liu, don't listen to this girl's nonsense. Don't you still know who I am? That girl and Su Yun That bitch is part of a group!”

Old Liu was silent.

Qian Fugui was still chirping, saying that if he gave money, he could get the 100 million, or even more, by killing Su Yun and a few others. Among the people on the list of those killed was Li Huizhen herself.

Qian Fugui's quarrel made Li Huizhen's head hurt. She couldn't bear it until her temples were pounding. The hands hanging by her side were clenched into fists, and her nails dug into her flesh. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and kicked him.

"You're so noisy, Qian Bapi! I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

Qian Fugui was kicked so hard that he staggered down the steps, sat down on the ground, and looked at Li Huizhen in disbelief.

In his eyes, Li Huizhen was just a tool that was easy to handle, no different from those inferior workers, but she was much prettier than others in the factory, so he promoted her to a manager and kept her by his side.

How dare she kick him!

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