The players' hearts were filled with excitement again. Who could afford to live here for [-] yuan a night?

Not only the man in the suit, but also several players had opinions, and the opinions were very strong, and they felt a strong sense of imbalance.

Why doesn't that woman need to pay, but they do?

Their gazes were not concealed, and Su Yun was not as expressionless as at first. She raised her eyebrows and said bluntly: "You don't have to be an intern."

The players' expressions changed, and it was easy to see that they were wary of Su Yun, and regarded Su Yun as an NPC who had sneaked into the players.

Su Yun turned around and entered the gate as if he was unaware.

The boy wearing glasses pulled the boy named Zhang Xiaofan to follow Su Yun without hesitation, and then came the man who got off the bus on the way. His movements were slightly eager, and then the young couple.

As the fog approached, a dozen players hesitated for a while and then walked in one after another.

What she did just now was enough for the players to question her identity. Su Yun didn't care about the players' suspicions, and there was no need to explain anything to strangers. Everything she wanted to verify was verified, and there was an unexpected gain.

For example, the man who got off the bus was no longer the same man as she expected.

According to the reaction of the NPC just now, this "person" does not seem to be the dungeon NPC that the player knows.

People disguised by those giant monsters in the fog.

If you don't stay in the fog and act as a "guard", why are you in such a hurry to enter the dungeon?
  The boy wearing glasses was the first to speak: "Sister, thank you."

Su Yun came back to his senses and was slightly surprised.

This boy is calm enough and observes very carefully, but currently he does not question his identity at all.

His expression was sincere and contained no other emotions.

Su Yun smiled, "It's okay."

The rare zoo is very large, and you can’t see the end of it at a glance. Many of the houses inside are still lit, and the houses are far apart. The houses are all of the same shape. It’s not clear whether they are places for animals to rest or for people. There is a square at the door. It looks like a small kiosk that should be the duty room for the staff.

As for where the players live, they need to wait for the staff to lead them there.

The staff is still waiting at the door.

The mist was already approaching, and most of the new players who were unconvinced and unwilling to just go in were the new players, until the mist approached the last male player.

The man noticed something, but before he could make a sound, he was dragged away by the monster in the fog. All of this happened too suddenly, and what woke the player up was a scream that came to an abrupt end from deep in the fog.

The staff member looked at the direction in which the player disappeared, his eyes were red, and he swallowed uncontrollably, making a loud voice, as if he was greedy.

The remaining players were stunned for a moment, then turned pale, screamed in terror, and rushed into the zoo.

The accident at the door made the players who entered the door panic and depressed.

Zhang Xiaofan pulled the arm of the boy wearing glasses and pinched his sleeve with his fingers so hard that he turned white. His eyes were straight and trembling slightly. He was obviously frightened. The boy wearing glasses pursed his lips, patted Zhang Xiaofan's back and whispered. He comforted him not to be afraid, and blocked the person behind him to block his sight.

Looking extremely calm.

Among this group of new players, only this boy was the calmest. He was much more calm than Su Yun himself was when he first entered the dungeon.

There was no trace of fear in his body movements and expression.

In the young couple, the man is covering the girl's eyes with one hand, "Don't look." His voice is very gentle.

And the girl was protesting: "I can't see if you don't block my eyes." Her voice was very small, with the unique softness of a baby voice, but she spoke standard Sichuan dialect. It was exactly the same as the voice I heard complaining about the man in the suit before.

Su Yun: "..." silently looked away.

You can't just look at people by their appearance, just like Yu Nan.

The man on the side looked in the direction of the mist, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly. He seemed to be aware of Su Yun's gaze. The corners of the man's mouth twitched a little, and his face also turned pale in an instant. His eyes were full of fear, and it seemed that the corner of his mouth was full of fear. The trembling was also due to uncontrollable fear.

The remaining players swarmed into the zoo. The staff felt a little regretful when they saw this, but they started to close the door. Just when there was only a gap left in the iron door, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Don't close the door, don't close the door!" The voice was urgent.

The expressions of the players changed, and even the staff were a little surprised. The man who was dragged into the fog came back intact.

He was out of breath from running, his face was a little pale, and his hair was still dripping with water, as if it was caused by mist after running all the way.

The man struggled to push open the unlocked door and ran in. The players all backed up, keeping a safe distance from the man.

"You...were you not dragged away by a monster?"

His expression was blank for a second, then he seemed to have recovered from fear, and turned around to reveal his back. The clothes on his back were torn, with several interlaced claw marks on them, and they were pure blood marks. The blood on it was not dry yet, and it was rich. The smell of blood is astounding, and it’s shocking to see.

The man was frightened and said: "Hey, you scared me to death. If I hadn't run fast, I would be dead."

Some players are scared and curious: "What does the monster look like?"

The man gestured, "How could I know? I just saw its teeth, so long! If I hadn't run fast, I could have been bitten to pieces by that monster's long nails. Hiss, my back hurts now." Fortunately, I ran fast, and my clothes were all ruined in just one moment."

Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

The staff member glanced at the man who was talking non-stop, closed the door, and locked it.

The staff member said: "Okay, stop inking. I'll take you to your place to stay first. Let's make an agreement first. For this night, if you interns can't pay, you have to find a place to sleep on your own."

He clearly mentioned the interns, which of course did not include Su Yun. Su Yun's current identity was a regular employee sent by the factory to discuss cooperation with the zoo.

Some new players were obviously unconvinced, but after what happened just now, they held back their words.

The staff led the person inside and walked for about half an hour before arriving at the accommodation area.

The accommodation area is specially enclosed by a brick wall, and there are high-voltage lines on it like the outer wall of the park.

The current number of players is 21, 10 female and 11 male.

The accommodation arranged was a bungalow, side by side, with a total of ten rooms in front and back. Each room was partitioned by brick walls. The space did not look large, or rather small. It looked like it could only be wide enough to accommodate a bed. The big bunkhouse It has to be divided into dozens of rooms.

This made Su Yun feel unhappy.

She thought of a not so good word.

It's like a pen for animals rather than a room for guests.

The zoo's territory is large enough, and logically speaking, there is no shortage of land to build houses.

The room is arranged by the player. The staff left the key and told Su Yun that he would inform his foreman about the cooperation tomorrow morning and give her a reply, asking Su Yun to make do with staying here. There were too many people and there was nothing he could do. Arrange alternative accommodation.

What he said was unnecessary, and there seemed to be something else in his words.

Before leaving, inform the players that after choosing a room, go to bed quickly and do not open the door to go out. If anything happens, the zoo will not be responsible. (End of chapter)

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