There was the sound of a car starting in the distance, heading towards the zoo gate.

Sure enough, as Su Yun expected, the staff entered another room midway, probably asking for instructions from the leader.

The "leader" chose to go to the leather and textile factory to find someone to check.

Not too cautious to be easily fooled.

It seems that she doesn't have to wait until tomorrow, as long as the car comes back, her situation at the rare zoo will be very troublesome.

Here, Jiang Yi's purpose seemed to be just to observe these two people who were obviously no longer players. They followed the signs in the zoo to where each animal was.

At night, the animals were only in cages, and there was no progress in the main task of observing animals issued by the system. In the pitch-black night, I could only see a rough outline, but not observe or appreciate the animals.

So these two "people" are indeed looking for something.

What else could the animals in the rare zoo be but precious and rare animals?

There is something strange, but she has no clue. She needs to observe again. Her intuition tells her that it is not simple.

However, after this round, Su Yun discovered something.

Regardless of the height of the house, the houses where the animals rest are very spacious. It is different from the residence that the staff led the players to at the beginning. It is many times more spacious.

In a few hours, they walked about half of the entire rare zoo. It was obvious that the two people did not find what they wanted. They did not give up and were still searching. Jiang Yi had no intention of going back to rest.

Estimating the time, I arrived at the rare zoo after twelve o'clock, and it would be dawn in about two or three hours.

At this time, there was a faint sound of car horns.

The vehicle that had gone out earlier came back. It was far away from where Su Yun and others were currently. Apart from the sound of the whistle echoing in the quiet night, the sound of the vehicle could not be heard.

The three people obviously heard it, and strangely, they still had no intention of going back.

The two people seemed to want to find what they were looking for as quickly as possible. They looked very anxious and in a hurry.

Su Yun didn't feel very good at the moment, and he became increasingly wary.

Her guess was always correct. Before long, a large number of staff were walking around the park. They were holding flashlights and searching separately.

If Su Yun didn't make any guesses, maybe, maybe, with a high probability, he was looking for himself who suddenly "disappeared" in the room.

Hiding behind the tree trunk, she could see the vehicle driving in the distance. The car was very familiar. It was the one Chen Yu rode into the leather and textile factory.
  The vehicle was moving very slowly, its lights were turned on, and its purpose was clear: it was looking for someone. There were also staff shining lights in different directions around it.

What you didn't want to see happened eventually.

Regarding the arrival of the NPC, the two players were obviously a little panicked.

Except Jiang Yi.

The boy took his time and hid behind the big trees on both sides of the road just like Su Yun. He observed the current situation, his eyes mostly falling on the two people who were very panicked, and he did not choose to leave.

He must have noticed something unusual about the two of them. He was so calm that he didn't look like a new player.

Maybe it's just that the talented person is brave.

The two people hurriedly checked the animals in the park they had just entered, and then hurriedly left together. Even though they knew someone was coming, they still had to look again to make sure there was nothing they were looking for in the house.


Their contradictory states gave Su Yun an illusion.

That thing is either an incredible treasure, or just like the player, it is a task that must be completed. The time limit for this task is very tight. If it is not completed as soon as possible, there will be big trouble.

In addition, strange information was revealed.

They are worried about being discovered by NPCs.

This confused Su Yun.

There is no doubt about the identity of the two people. Will the monsters outside the fog still be afraid of being discovered by the NPCs in the dungeon?
  After all, the essence should be similar.

At least they all eat people.

No matter how slow the speed of the vehicle is, it is still very fast. With the staff following with flashlights, even if you hide behind the trees, you will be discovered. The trees in the zoo are not too dense, mainly because they are big and old, so the branches are lush. , hiding can't hide anything, at most it can't be discovered by the people who are following you in front.

The person in the car would most likely be Chen Yu, and Su Yun couldn't take the risk.

She clicked on the camouflage item dropped from the previous instance, and a display box popped up in front of her eyes.

[Tip, props: Leather Textile Technology Commendation (Advanced)]

[The remaining time of the props in this copy: 48 hours]

Su Yun didn't even think about it. When the staff came to find him, he ordered to use the props.

[Tip: Interesting skins are ever-changing. As long as you want, the skin will be automatically generated for you. If the player has not selected it, it will be randomly transformed for you]

[Countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2——]

Su Yun's eyes searched around, and finally stopped at the sign indicating the zoo. There were three different fluorescent signposts in the shape of a lion, a raccoon and...

Su Yun's eyes were fixed on the chubby giant panda that looked like it had stayed up for several long nights.

A rare animal, perhaps a national treasure.

[Tip: The target has been locked and the skin is being generated]

[Generation completed, props used successfully, you will be the cutest cub in the zoo]

[Friendly reminder from the system, please maintain your skin and corresponding actions. Shh, don’t be discovered by the little animals. You are just a hateful human who skins little animals and makes them into leather products for sale. 】

After Su Yun was prompted by the system to use the props successfully, her field of vision was significantly shortened. Because she is still human in nature, her ability to see things has not been compromised. Fortunately, there are no things like clothes or brands in her line of sight. .

Two short black paws appeared in front of him leaning against the tree trunk. Su Yun moved his fingers, and the short and fat paws also moved.

He is estimated to be sixty or seventy centimeters tall, still a minor.

Su Yun's heart trembled, he put down his paws numbly, and sat back on his short legs.

The feeling hasn't changed, but the short black panda claws are not as long as human fingers, and they don't look very flexible.

It reminds me that the original meaning of disguising as a small animal is that except for the change in appearance, Su Yun's core has not changed. It is easy to subconsciously ignore the disguise on his body and be noticed by animals.

In contrast, what will happen if an NPC in the zoo detects an abnormality?
  Su Yun did not forget that the rare zoo's business partner was a leather and textile factory.

In this car, the car's lights hit Su Yun, and the car stopped. A familiar face poked his head out of the car window. Chen Yu frowned, his eyes fell on Su Yun, and he made a confused sound from his nostrils. Her expression was obviously impatient, "Why did the panda run out too?"

It was obviously not the first time she had seen an escaped animal.

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