The car stopped at the panda park, and two staff members guarding the park immediately stepped forward. Chen Yu got out of the car, asked about the number of giant pandas, and asked someone to count them.

Su Yun was alert. During the day, in order to facilitate the viewing of tourists and prevent animals from entering the room and not coming out, the animals' residences were closed and there was no possibility of hiding. Instead of staying alone, she walked into a group of pandas. Among the cubs, the current panda cubs are no different from other cubs. They all look like their fur is covered in dirt, which greatly affects their beauty and makes them inconspicuous.

All the panda cubs look very round. Except for the giant pandas and the panda keepers who can tell who is who, it is basically impossible for others to recognize them.

Although the panda park is quite large, the zoo in the dungeon is not a real zoo. There are a lot of pandas here. Su Yun carefully counted them before. Except for his own fake one, there are a total of forty pandas in all sizes. , even if they are playing independently in the park, it still looks a bit dense.

After just a period of observation, there is no progress in the mission of Mihaoshi students. The rarity classification of the copy and reality seems to be synchronized. The giant panda is not an endangered animal. It is a vulnerable animal and is not within the scope of the mission.

How to get out of the park without being exposed is a question.

The duration of the "Leather and Textile Technology Commendation" prop is passing. After 48 hours, she will no longer be able to disguise herself. 48 hours, two days, and the dungeon lasts seven days, currently less than six days. It is impossible to disguise herself as an animal. If She is a human being. Her identity has been exposed now. Judging from Chen Yu's attitude, she will not give up until she avenges herself at the leather and textile factory.

Su Yun needs a reasonable opportunity to reduce the use of props.

In addition, the zoo will lock up the animals at night. If Mihaoshi student wants to complete this task, she must do it during the day. She needs to leave the panda zoo and try to find all seven endangered animals in the zoo in one day.

Without using the "Leather Textile Technology Commendation", rationalize to become a "human" and not be discovered by the animals.

After the staff counted the pandas, they were surprised that there was one more panda, and informed Chen Yu of this situation.

Chen Yu smiled strangely, and she ordered the staff and bodyguards to catch the unusual, cleanest and most beautiful panda cub.

The staff were in a difficult position. All pandas, large and small, in the park were dirty and unrecognizable. Although they were breeders, they were no different from raising ordinary chickens and ducks. By then, they would have grown up. Qualified animals are sold in pairs to leather and textile factories and fed as food. They are not interested and cannot tell which one is which.

Delaying time would annoy the director, who had to explain that the pandas were all in the same condition and couldn't tell which one was extra.

Chen Yu's smile fell and he said impatiently: "Catch all the panda cubs and let them have another batch of cubs."

Compared with panda skin's list and catching Su Yun, the latter is obviously more important.

If the panda cubs are gone, then let the giant pandas have another batch of cubs, and the business can be done later, perfect.

The staff got the order and entered the zoo area together with the bodyguards

As far as is known, the animals in the rare zoo are extremely intelligent and can understand human speech. Naturally, they also understood what Chen Yu meant. If the panda cub is caught, they know what will happen next. Clearly.

The giant pandas were very hostile and defensive about the approach of the staff, and were also afraid of the electric batons in the hands of the staff. They roared angrily and prevented the staff from approaching.

The trees next to the giant panda park were shaking. The animal that had been watching the show saw the situation in the panda park and climbed the branches to go somewhere else. Its movement was obvious, and the branches were shaking and making a sound, but no one went there. Tube.

However, even if a strong adult giant panda steps forward to block the attack, the staff are not afraid. Instead, the giant panda approaching the staff will be hit mercilessly with electric batons. The beaten panda falls to the ground. He was convulsing and couldn't get up for a long time. Even so, some giant pandas still stepped forward regardless.

Except for Su Yun, a foreigner, the other cubs are also their own children. Although Su Yun is a foreigner, she is also within the protection scope of the pandas. Su Yun's heart sank. Although it was in the game copy, no one knew what the giant panda represented, and how could a national treasure be treated so roughly.

Su Yun's anger rose, but he did not expose himself recklessly.

Once exposed, there will no longer be hostility from the human side in the rare zoo.

Only by saving her life can she find another chance to make a comeback. Now she can only blend in with the panda cubs and react in the same way as the other cubs, so that multiple targets will not expose herself.

As for Chen Yu.

She thought she already knew which side to choose after this.

The mission of Collection No. 6 is released, coupled with the use of camouflage props, the intention of the game is very obvious. Humans and animals must choose a side.

In this compartment, it didn't take long for the fallen giant panda to get up and continue to block it. Due to the giant panda's resistance, the progress of catching all the cubs was seriously hindered. Chen Yu became increasingly impatient. In order to speed up the process, she asked someone to call Come and look for other Su Yun staff in the park.

Such a big movement has also aroused the curiosity of players. Such abnormal behavior of NPCs will most likely trigger side tasks. If you are lucky, you can get points as rewards. Even if some tasks are not completed, there is no penalty.

What's more, this is just the beginning of the game, there is no risk factor.

Therefore, in addition to the staff called by the pager, there were also a dozen players, including Han Xiaoxiao, Jiang Yi and others.

When Chen Yu saw the person coming, her mind changed, and she said to Ye Qing: "Can you please help my employees to catch all the red pandas inside?" Her cheeks were flushed, and her tone was much softer.

Although Chen Yu's words were addressed to Ye Qing, the mission was issued to all players present.

[Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: The Principal’s Commission (Elementary Level)]

[Task description: Chen Yu, the director of the rare zoo, wants players to help her catch all the panda cubs in the panda zoo]

[Task time limit: 1 hour]

[Task reward: 500 points, free stay at the zoo]

Only Su Yun did not receive this mission, but combined with Chen Yu's words and the expressions of surprise written on some players' faces, as if they had gotten a big deal, it is not difficult to guess what mission Chen Yu sent.

Su Yun still carefully learned and maintained the same behaviors as other cubs.

For players, the points and the qualification to stay at the zoo for free are very tempting, and they readily agree and join the team of staff to capture panda cubs, but there are exceptions.

(End of this chapter)

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