There is a high probability that no one would have thought that the last critically endangered animal in this dungeon mission would be the player himself. In reality, humans are far from being a critically endangered species, but the premise is that this is a dungeon.

The closer the player gets to the animal, the more dangerous it is. Among the animals, it is not only the white-browed gibbon that can confuse the player, but other animals may have other methods to target the player.

Su Yun calmly stated: "Human beings are the most advanced animals."

She looked at Li Ping indifferently, as if looking at an object, which made the evil fire in Li Ping's heart calm down a bit.

[Task Target Recognition: Human]

[Copy: Rare Zoo]

[Identification successful, critically endangered animal, mission progress: 7/7]

[Congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Three Good Students (Advanced)]

[Task reward: 10000 points, which will be sent to the player's account when the instance is settled, please pay attention to check it]

[I wish players a happy game and a long life]

Xu Lan was unsure. When Su Yun looked at her, his expression softened, "You can give it a try considering the mission of being a good student."

Xu Lan did as she was told, and sure enough, the sound of the system prompting that the task was completed rang in her mind, and the point reward for completing the task was immediately doubled to her game account. Looking at the system mall that was unlocked at the same time, Xu Lan told Li Ping excitedly.

Li Ping's face felt a little hot, but he still followed Su Yun's instructions and completed the task.

He looked at the points issued and the mall unlocked, wondering what he was thinking.

Regarding the cooperation mentioned by Su Yun, Xu Lan felt that Su Yun had helped her a lot, so she readily agreed and asked what Su Yun needed her to do this time.

Su Yun smiled: "I need you to report my whereabouts to the director Chen Yu, just like our cooperation before, tonight."

To put it bluntly, Xu Lan and others lured Chen Yu and others away by reporting her whereabouts. She could also take this opportunity to go to the villa to find the key to the zoo area.

Although Xu Lan was puzzled, Su Yun had no need to deceive her. She was about to agree when she told Li Ping to stop him.

Li Ping said: "Who doesn't know that everyone in the zoo is looking for you? You have offended their boss. What if we do this and they fail to find the person and take it out on us? We still have a few days to leave here." What a hell, we offended the owner of the zoo, what should we do next?"

Xu Lan's expression was a bit awkward. She pulled Li Ping and tried to stop Li Ping's overly aggressive words.

Su Yun was not annoyed, "I will do my best to ensure that you can successfully pass the dungeon."

She said this with certainty, as if being unable to protect herself was not a problem at all. She really had a way to get them out of the copy safely.

Just as she vowed, she would make them complete their mission of being good students.

that's the truth.

Li Ping choked, and he was not happy to agree so readily without asking for any benefits.

The expression on his face revealed what Li Ping was thinking. Su Yundao said: "The canteen is behind the staff accommodation area and is still providing meals."

Li Ping and Xu Lan were delighted when they heard this. Su Yun looked at Xu Lan and said, "It's best not to eat meat."

Li Ping: "Why?"

Su Yun said: "There are some rules in the dungeon that are not stated clearly but cannot be touched. Once triggered, you will be entangled by the NPC monsters in the dungeon." She paused and said, "The meat may be the meat of animals in the zoo." Xu Lan was surprised: "How could this happen? Aren't all rare animals here prohibited from hunting? It is illegal to hurt them."

"Yes," Su Yundao said, "but this is not reality and there are no clear legal constraints."

"Of course, this is just my guess. Although you are not clearly in danger at the moment, it is best to be cautious in the dungeon."

No matter how much Su Yun said he was an old player, what they saw in the land here was indeed very strange. No one would joke with their own lives. Xu Lan stopped Li Ping's intention of making things more difficult and readily agreed.

Su Yun glanced at the two of them. Xu Lan's current state has obviously put aside all previous suspicions. She believes that she can live well with Li Ping. In such a strange copy, she has an extremely lack of sense of security and seems to be too soft-hearted. A friend in need is a friend indeed. …

She finally spoke up and vaguely reminded this partner: "Pay attention to safety and don't trust anyone too much in the dungeon."

Xu Lan trusts others too easily. As long as she shows a little kindness, she can trust the other person to be a good person without hesitation. Such people are the most soft-hearted and most vulnerable to harm.

But she is also the best partner.

When Su Yun said this, Li Ping's expression turned obviously bad, but Xu Lan only felt that Su Yun was doing it for her own good and reminded her kindly. She smiled and thanked her, and before leaving, she returned the coat to Su. cloud.

Xu Lan and Li Ping didn't know where Chen Yu was, so Su Yun told them the location of the villa, and then they left together.

After leaving, the door at the end of Area B opened quietly. The two people who had entered the fog and were safe and sound looked at each other and followed quietly.

They smelled the smell of blood on Su Yun's body that they were looking for, although it was very faint.

Xu Lan and Li Ping went to the cafeteria to eat first. The meat dishes in the cafeteria were extremely tempting, but in comparison, the vegetarian dishes seemed too bland and tasteless.

Li Ping swallowed his saliva, and despite Xu Lan's obstruction, he finally chose to add a variety of delicious meats to his dinner plate.

He found a seat with his dinner plate and started to devour it. Xu Lan was still worried, talking about the information Su Yun had told the two of them before, but her plate was all filled with vegetables that had no meaty taste.

Li Ping was very hungry and was eating vigorously. When he heard Xu Lan mentioning Su Yun and taking one bite of Su Yun, he felt angry and slammed his chopsticks on the table with a loud bang.

Xu Lan trembled and looked at Li Ping with a complicated expression. She was habitually afraid of Li Ping's anger just now. She pursed her lips and said, "Husband..."

During this period, Li Ping repeatedly promised her that he would live a good life, be considerate of her, and protect her in such a strange place. This reminded her of how meticulous Li Ping was when he pursued her before marriage.

He seemed to really know that he was wrong, and sincerely repented of improperly expressing his love and attention to his lover before. No one is perfect, as long as he is willing to correct himself, she chose to give Li Ping this opportunity.

Her soft heart made her forget the hurt she had suffered, and it seemed reasonable for her to say something angry out of anger about him threatening to kill her parents.

Li Ping remembered that he was still coaxing this pretentious woman, and immediately calmed down his expression, and said seriously: "Look at the food, the meat dishes are the least, and they are almost gone, which means that most of them are eaten by people, how can there be that woman?" It’s so mysterious.”

"You are so kind-hearted. We are just a couple. You keep mentioning that woman like this, but you are so cruel to me. I feel uncomfortable." Li Ping felt aggrieved and looked jealous.

Xu Lan stepped forward to hug Li Ping, apologizing for ignoring her lover's emotions.

Li Ping didn't break free, and looked angrily from an angle that Xu Lan couldn't see.

Su Yun didn't know what happened in the cafeteria. She came to the woods in front of the villa to observe the situation of the villa.

Based on the fact that he escaped with the red-haired child and all the bodyguards were dispatched in the villa, Su Yuncai boldly guessed that those who were poisoned might be the bodyguards who wanted to arrest him. (End of chapter)

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