The staff moved things that could withstand the villa in an attempt to prevent the monster from breaking through the door.

The monsters at the door of the villa seemed to be impatient. They completely broke free from the shackles of human skin. Two damaged and cracked human skin fragments fell off, and their bodies like dead trees suddenly grew taller. The villa seemed to be in front of the two behemoths. So small.

Two monsters pinched the villa on the left and right, pulling it up from the ground.

The villa was like a model house in front of two monsters that were too huge. It was squeezed in the hands of the two monsters. The body of the house was squeezed out of shape, and the two staff members in the hall were shaken and rolled around inside. He rolled around and screamed repeatedly. After being hit on the head, he completely fainted.

When Su Yun's field of vision suddenly dimmed and the villa shook violently, he exchanged the protective cover from the system mall without any hesitation. At the same time, he tightly held the door frame to support it. With the protective cover protecting him, he was not injured or fell. go out.

The two monsters shook the villa without moving away from the target they were looking for. Their dead tree-like faces were ferocious and confused. They lifted the villa high and knocked hard on the ground, trying to destroy the villa.

The ape's eyes widened and his eyes were split open, his brave heart was for the safety of the animals and the freedom of the wild cubs.

there is none left!

The ape let out a sharp and sad roar, tore off the disguised human skin, its eyes were red, and it bared its teeth and attacked the two monsters.

When the animals in the nearby zoo heard this, they roared and banged against the closed doors of their rooms. The roars came from other zoos one after another. All the animals in the zoo were locked up and tried to open the locked rooms. Door.

Chen Yu and others who were far away in the panda park also noticed the loud noise in the villa. When they all looked back, their expressions changed.

I don’t know when there were two more monsters in the villa. The monsters had tree patterns all over their bodies, like old tree bark that had become spirits. Originally, the towering trees in the zoo needed several adults to hug them. The two monsters had strange shapes. The monsters in front of them were only up to their thighs, and the deformed thing they lifted and smashed down was none other than Chen Yu's villa.

Xu Lan and Li Ping's eyes were straightened, and fear crept into their hearts. It was a weird thing that only appeared in science fiction movies, but such a real sense of reality, and the fear that even the tips of their hair were screaming, was something that 3D modeling could not bring out. Come.

The latter came to his senses first and ran away, thinking only of getting away from such a terrifying monster.

As soon as Li Ping ran away, Xu Lan, who was left behind, came to her senses. Compared to such a mind-numbing monster, Li Ping's behavior made her feel cold, but she chased after him in the end.

Chen Yu's face was so dark that it dripped with ink, his lips were trembling, and he murmured: "My collection..." He almost went crazy.

The bodyguard looked solemn and asked for Chen Yu's intention. The latter cursed regardless of the image. Who cares about Su Yun? Su Yun's home is gone. She wants to expel two uninvited guests who should not be here. The person who let these two things in will be held accountable to the end!

Chen Yu and his bodyguard got in the car and drove to the villa. He ordered the bodyguard to gather all the employees to drive away the two monsters.

at the same time--

[Warning, warning! A ghost that does not belong to the instance was detected in the instance. Game error! Game error! 】

【Emergency maintenance——】

[Emergency mission released: Players survive until the copy is repaired]

[The system deeply apologizes for the inconvenience caused to players due to game errors. Players who survive until the maintenance is completed will be compensated by the system with high game points, random props, etc.]

[Compensation reward: 1000 points, random level props dropped]

[Players please try to survive until the copy is repaired]

[System prompt: The player Su Yun is at the center of danger. To encourage him, an additional 100 points will be compensated to the player Su Yun. Please try your best to survive]

One hundred points is equivalent to a low-level protective shield.

And what she just redeemed was also a low-level protective shield worth one hundred points.

The system is still the most stubborn. Su Yun was holding on to the door frame, unable to complain. Her hands were turning white from the exertion, and her arms were shaking uncontrollably. She clenched her teeth, and there was a thin trickle of sweat on her forehead. Between her arms, she had a look of abnormal condition. A red-haired child, he was confused by Su Yun's abnormality and had no idea of ​​the current dangerous situation.

The hot potato looks too simple and ignorant, which makes people have the urge to give up.

Su Yun frowned.

This is not the way to go.

Instead of waiting for the system to be repaired, it is better to save yourself. I have never seen how long this wait takes before, at least a few hours.

A few hours were enough for the two giant monsters to flatten themselves and then round them.

The weapons in the system mall are expensive and disposable, which is not cost-effective and cannot be replaced. The terminal code is very useless. The only item she can use currently is the leather textile technology to commend this.

The violently shaking villa suddenly stopped. A finger like a tree trunk poked through the window, and the long knuckles directly broke the bedroom partition.

Su Yun was frightened and had a bad intuition.

The originally too low brightness in the room dropped by another degree. Su Yun looked at the broken window that revealed the cement bricks inside. There was a pair of huge scarlet eyes right there.

At this moment, a monster was holding the deformed villa with both hands, holding it high, while another monster was approaching the window to observe the situation inside.

The corners of the mist monster's mouth opened in a huge arc, and it opened and closed its mouth, making a strange chuckle, which seemed to be saying - I found you.

The ape was bent on avenging the heroic sacrifice of the panda cub, biting and tearing at the bark of the tree, but this was not worth mentioning in front of the overly large fog monster, and the attack on the body had no effect.

The ape turned and nimbly picked at the lines of the tree, stretched out his hands, and tried to interfere with the mist monster that wanted to tear the villa in half in front of its eyes.

The mist monster paused for a moment. It was annoyed by the ape's interruption. It let out a sharp roar and raised its hand to catch the annoying ape.

Su Yun planned to give it a try, and immediately put the key into the red-haired child's hand, and quickly said something in the red-haired child's ear, although he would most likely not understand.

[Props used: Leather Textile Technology Commendation (Advanced)]

[Lock target: Mist Guard]

[Props in use——]

【Used successfully! 】

Seeing that the ape was about to be caught by the Mist Guard, the huge figure that was exactly the same as the Mist Guard instantly opened the villa. The deformed villa was completely torn into pieces and collapsed beyond repair.

The mist monster disguised as Su Yun stopped the monster that was about to attack the ape, and the ape was able to escape.

The sudden appearance of the "companion" stopped the monster's attack. Like an animal, the monster sniffed Su Yun's breath and found out that it was a companion.

The monster is puzzled. Su Yun is not sure that he can really stop the monster. After all, the Leather Textile Technology Award is just a high-end prop. It can only be disguised on the outside. The core inside is still Su Yun himself, and the strength and so on remain unchanged.

She was ready to redeem the protective shield at any time, but fortunately, the two monsters mistook her for their companions at this moment.

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