The time stipulated in the contract between the rare zoo and the leather and textile factory is passing. The current situation is like they have switched places with the animals and are trapped in the house. Once they have the idea of ​​​​trying to escape and resist, the leopards with high strength will dodge. And even if the staff resist with electric batons, they will be injured.

The bullets in the bodyguard's gun are not endless. Facing all the animals in the rare zoo in front of the house, once he shoots at this time and the bullets run out, he will not be able to guarantee Chen Yu's safety.

Chen Yu bit her lower lip anxiously and stared at Su Yun downstairs. Su Yun just said to take care of her as if it was nothing, and was about to leave with her experimental product in his arms. He didn't seem to care whether Chen Yu would do it or not. promise.

Chen Yu slammed the window and called Su Yun to stop.

Su Yun stopped and turned around, wondering: "Is there something wrong with Miss Chen?"

In Su Yun's estimation, Chen Yu would not readily agree.

Acquiring a rare zoo means that she will no longer be the director of the zoo and the owner of this copy.

NPCs who lose their identity as employees in the dungeon do not need to leave, but Su Yun doesn't know what will happen if the director of the zoo loses his identity.

Before Chen Yu could speak, the bodyguard appeared beside Chen Yu. The window quietly opened a gap big enough to accommodate the gun. The gun was pointed at Su Yun. Su Yun said without changing his expression: "If you shoot me, your boss and you will be there." Then he was attacked by animals and died. If you put down the gun, we can still talk."

Chen Yu asked the bodyguard to take back his gun, took a deep breath, and said, "Tell me first, did you release these animals to attack me?"

Su Yun said calmly: "It doesn't count."

"I didn't ask them to attack you."

This was a disguised admission that Su Yun had released the animals himself.

As expected, her key was taken by this person. The two players deceived her and they were in the same group.

Chen Yu felt a knot in his heart and gritted his teeth, "If I agree to your request, can you let these animals leave here?"

If Su Yun couldn't do it, she wouldn't agree to Su Yun's purchase of the zoo.

Su Yun: "Yes."

This is not difficult. What animals want is safe freedom, and they do not have to seek revenge from humans. If they can get safe freedom, they will agree to such a request.

Of course, the premise is that Chen Yu and the staff must leave the rare zoo. The zoo will need to recruit employees who love animals and meet the standards, so that they can better care for and feed the animals. These are rare animals after all, although it is not clear whether they are in line with reality.

Chen Yu was silent for a long time, then spoke again after taking a few deep breaths: "Okay, I promise you."

A staff member exclaimed: "Director! What will we do if you leave the zoo?"

This person spoke out the voices of other employees and raised concerns one after another. They did not care who the director was, and whether they would lose their jobs if the zoo was handed over to others, and how they would survive after losing their jobs.

Su Yundao: "I will give you the corresponding statutory severance compensation."

Staff: “We don’t want compensation, we want to work!”

How can the temporary compensation be as high as the salary and rewards of a lifetime of work?

Su Yun smiled: "If you insist on staying, I can't guarantee whether the animals will hurt you. Of course, I don't mind compensating you for your death."

The expressions of the staff who still wanted to persevere changed, and they agreed to take compensation and leave. At this time, the sound of a truck horn came from the entrance of the zoo.

The staff of the leather and textile factories arrived much earlier than the stipulated time.

As the truck horn sounded, the animals seemed very scared. Su Yun whispered to the ape that she had a way to disguise herself as a human to deal with the people who came, and she could ensure that those people would not take away any rare zoo animals, but she still needed to The cooperation of the animals also requires the ape to calm the animals' emotions, although I believe she can do it.

The ape was convinced that if they were not wild cubs, these companions would still be slaughtered in the zoo, and there would be no chance of trapping the hateful director.

Moreover, the cub he picked up was so smart, it could actually play tricks on these humans.

Chen Yu didn't know how the player Su Yun became the director of the leather textile factory, but the attitude of the members in the game towards the player was the same as toys and food. Under normal circumstances, they would remain consistent when facing the player. Camp, help each other.

Although Ye Qing seems to have completely switched sides.

After Ye Qing refused to help, when Chen Yu thought of the beautiful face that made her fall in love at first sight, she felt no emotion at all and could even complain.

He has such a high ability, abstains from the election, and becomes a vassal of a player. I don’t know what he is thinking.

The truck outside the zoo was still honking continuously. Chen Yu quickly called the staff below who had the key to the door to open the door. The staff looked at the raptors around them and did not dare to move. At Su Yun's signal, the animals made way for them. .

The staff left at a trot, arrived at the zoo gate, opened the door to greet the partner, and told the staff of the leather and textile factory who came over about the situation encountered in the copy with embarrassment.

The staff heard this in a funny and angry tone. Although the rare zoo, a friend of a business, was initially set as a primary dungeon, a player actually wanted to drive away the director of the zoo. What a joke!

After all, it is also a long-term cooperation partner of their leather and textile factory.

The employees of the leather and textile factory immediately asked the zoo employees to get on the trucks, and several trucks went directly to where the zoo staff pointed.

The staff sent by the leather and textile factory looked angry until they saw the so-called bold player——

Their factory director who had been missing for two days.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether we cooperate or not.

The factory director's actions must have deep meaning on her part.

Wang Qian was the person in charge of inspecting the goods this time. When she saw Su Yun, her eyes became hot and her previous angry expression completely subsided. The same was true for other staff members.

Su Yun was a little surprised. Facing the gazes of the animals, she showed a slightly panicked look. She calmed down for a moment and stepped forward with a smile. "Are you the people sent by the leather and textile factory to purchase the goods this time?"

The employee labels of several staff members are clearly marked with the words Leather and Textile Factory, which can be seen at a glance.

Wang Qian nodded in confusion, "Yes, factory director, it's time for delivery."

Chen Yu's expectations were dashed. The staff of the leather textile factory were completely sure of Su Yun's identity. They seemed particularly excited to see Su Yun again, and they didn't mind a player being the director of the leather textile factory.

Su Yun said: "As you can see, Miss Chen is in trouble. She cannot hand over the goods on time today."

Chen Yu gritted his teeth and patted the window: "Su Yun, we agreed that you would buy the zoo and offer me a reasonable price. Do you want to go back on your word?!"

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