Today, the zoo is closed to the public. When Su Yun and Chen Yu were drafting the contract, Su Yun wrote a recruitment notice and asked the staff to post it on the wall beside the gate of the rare zoo before leaving.

The work is simple, including feeding, scooping poop and smoothing the hair of the animals under management, and paying attention to the health status of the animals.

The requirements are simple and there are no academic requirements, as long as you are patient with animals and have a heart to care for animals.

The employees of the leather and textile factory were very excited to hear that they were provided with food and accommodation, two days off per week, and a generous minimum salary plus subsidies and commissions.

In addition, qualified veterinarians are also needed. After all, these are endangered protected animals that deserve the best care and maintenance.

Some things in the zoo area also need to be improved. For example, there is no map in the huge zoo.

In addition to the first, it is not too late to complete these basic tasks later.

The animals have gained their long-awaited freedom. On the premise that they are not open to the public, today is equivalent to a holiday for them. It is restricted by the rules of the game system. As long as those players do not try to realize their wishes with the animals in the copy, Nothing will happen.

As for what those weird and extremely tempting meats might trigger...

And she currently only has points that she can’t get in or out of.

Su Yun had an idea in his mind.

In a happy mood, the red-haired child was going to the employee canteen when he saw a man sneaking up behind the trees, as if he was afraid of animals and did not dare to come forward. He also wanted to see Su Yun for something.

The somewhat familiar figure was the man who had opened the door for her before.

The animals noticed that several animals rushed forward at extremely fast speeds and surrounded the man. The man was so frightened that he held his head and screamed, shouting in the direction of Su Yun: "Su Yun! It's me, it's me!"

Su Yun walked over, and the bright eyes of the animals were fixed on Su Yun, making way for her to pass, and they did not try to attack the man again.

The man who was sure it was safe put down his hands and told Su Yun about his purpose this time, about the amount of money Su Yun promised him to compensate for the loss of Chen Yu's villa.

Su Yun listened silently, and with the man's slightly flattering expression, he said calmly: "You don't need to pay for Chen Yu's losses at all. After you, Chen Yu also met those two people, but she did not mention them The two of them were kicked out and nothing else was done."

The man was stunned for a moment, surprised and happy at the same time, but no matter what, as long as he didn't lose money, he could say anything.

He looked at the staff of the leather textile factory following Su Yun and confirmed that Su Yun was indeed the director of the leather textile factory and had not lied to him. He immediately asked about the job Su Yun had promised him before. He told Su Yun tactfully that he I saw the recruitment notice that Su Yun had people post, and I was interested in this.

When the original employees resigned, he could guess that most of them were not recruiting the previous employees, which was commonly known as a big shake-up, so he settled for the next best thing and thought it would be fine to go to a leather and textile factory.

He can be regarded as Su Yun's "benefactor" no matter what. If it weren't for him, Su Yun would still be locked up outside. How could he drive Chen Yu away? He should be paid no matter what the treatment at the leather and textile factory, right?

Su Yun smiled and said nothing.

The man who didn't get a response looked a bit ugly. He frowned and asked roughly, "You don't want to regret it, do you?"

Su Yun shook his head. Just when the man was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Su Yun say: "I told you, sir, you only have one chance. When you were not greedy enough, you have already missed the reward I offered."

"We didn't reach a cooperation."

The man's mind buzzed, and he understood why Su Yungang said that.

His efforts were in vain, and in the end he gained nothing. How can he live without a job?

The man blamed Su Yun for everything, and his face was extremely distorted in anger. However, the man had no chance to get close to Su Yun. He was blocked and knocked down by animals and employees.

Su Yun didn't let a small episode affect his mood.

The canteen employees of the Rare Zoo have not left their jobs. As for the question about food, the dungeon does not require food to trigger the player's death condition. As long as the player carefully distinguishes what can be eaten and what cannot.

In fact, food with an overly attractive aroma can be regarded as an anomaly that deviates from normal conditions and serves as a reminder to players.

In the leather and textile factory, the canteen employees used the player's meat.

Su Yun guessed that the meat of rare animals in the rare zoo was most likely used. As long as the meat of rare animals in the zoo was not used as food, there would be no danger in the canteen.

The red-haired child was easy to feed. He seemed to be especially fond of steamed buns. Plus, he had hands and feet. Su Yun was in a hurry, so he gave him the steamed buns, put them on the table, and let him eat by himself. I simply ate something to fill my stomach, packed two buns, and left the canteen with the child who was stuffing his mouth full.

At this point, those players should also come to the employee cafeteria for breakfast.

As soon as he left the cafeteria, he saw Han Xiaoxiao holding Ye Qing's arm.

The little girl stopped, and Ye Qing did the same. Su Yun greeted the two of them politely. The little girl opened her mouth, smiled shyly, and then raised one hand and gave her a thumbs up. .

Han smiled: "Boss, 6."

Su Yun: "..." smiled.

The player's residence is a long way from the guest's house. Before, I could only hear the sounds of some animals vaguely, but it was very quiet at dawn. In the quiet atmosphere, the sudden appearance of the monster last night affected my sleep. Although my expression was tense, But due to the habits developed over the years, I fell asleep very deeply, and most of them were awakened later by internal anxiety.

After hurriedly finding the bathroom to solve the problem, he went to the employee canteen to solve the problem in the Five Zang Temple, and then he noticed that all the animals in the zoo had escaped.

They were walking around the staff canteen, and you could even see animals of the same species grooming each other on trees, rooftops, or on the road.

This scene is warm and cozy.

But the strange thing is that no staff in the zoo saw anyone. Except for a few extra trucks marked with leather and textile factory characters, no one was seen.

The player was so frightened that his expression was obviously wrong and he didn't dare to eat. Who dared to pass by the "big cat" on the roadside?

The players controlled the volume and covered their mouths, trying not to disturb the animals, but the animals' hearing was so keen that they stopped in unison, stood up, and walked towards the players.

That doesn't look friendly at all.

The players' scalps were numb and they ran away screaming.

The player who ran last was the first to be pushed to the ground by the leopard. It lowered its head and sniffed the player's scent, then roared angrily and opened its mouth to bite the player's neck.

Su Yun called out in time to stop the animals' movements. When the players looked up in shock, she calmly walked towards the player closest to her who was pinned to the ground, with the leather and textile factory workers following closely behind her. Staff, the red-haired child was held in the arms of one of the staff members, holding a bun in his little hands, nibbling on it as he was full.

Su Yun knelt down in front of the player, said with a gentle and friendly smile: "How about making a deal, five hundred points, and saving you?"

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