Su Yun's home is a self-built three-story villa style house. It is not close to the city. It took more than an hour to drive. It was almost two o'clock when Su Yun and Su's father arrived home.

As soon as the two got off the car, Su's mother hurried to the gate, and suddenly stopped. She looked at Su Yun and hesitated to speak. She did not step forward without incident like Su's father, but her eyes never left Su Yun. leave.

Su Yun sighed, as proud as Su's mother, who refused to bow her head first.

Su Yun raised a smile and called Mother Su first. Mother Su coughed unnaturally and said, "Well, come in and eat."

Su Yun did not hesitate and followed in the footsteps of Su's mother. Su's father was walking at the end with his suitcase. There was a new pair of slippers prepared for her at the door. Su Yun changed them and as soon as she entered the room, she smelled something she liked. The aroma of food mixed together.

When Su Yun was changing his shoes, he noticed a wedding invitation on the coffee table in the living room. Marriage has always been a taboo word in these years. Even if he stayed out for a long time, Su Yun couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of the previous unpleasantness with Su's mother. I was nervous and didn't ask.

Procrastination did not break the hard-earned peace.

Sure enough, Mother Su cooked a large table of dishes, all of which were Su Yun's favorites. Mother Su walked into the kitchen and took out Su Yun's favorite drink, and poured it into three water glasses that had been placed on the table. The drink was hot. It was still steaming when it was poured out, including the food on the table.

But according to Su's mother's habit, with a large round table full of ten dishes, the buns filled with cabbage and pork that Su Yun wanted to eat were placed in the middle. This thing is the easiest to cool, but without exception, it is always hot. , steaming, it is not difficult to guess that Su's mother heated the dishes several times while waiting for the two of them to go home, keeping the temperature of the dishes, while the drinks were kept hot waiting for Su Yun to come back before taking them out.

It was Su Yun's habit to eat food at the same time. Su's mother naturally filled a bowl of hot rice for Su Yun, and sat next to Su Yun according to her previous habit, sitting close to make it easier to pick up food for Su Yun.

Su Yungang picked up a piece of pork with pickled vegetables and pickled vegetables with his chopsticks. Su's mother immediately put other vegetables into Su Yun's bowl. After a while, a small mountain was piled up.

On the "top of the mountain" was a piece of Mapo Tofu, standing tremblingly. When it was about to slide down, Su Yun picked it up with chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

It seems that the mother's apology does not come from words, but from the concern in her actions, which becomes a signal to bow her head and submit.

Su's mother had a long-lost smile on her face. She was gentle and took out the paper towel and put it in front of Su Yun for easy access. She then put other dishes on the empty space on Su Yun's bowl.

Su Yun didn't care to chew carefully, chewed and swallowed quickly, and quickly spoke out to stop Su's mother from being too concerned.

Her bowl was already overflowing with vegetables.

Su's father said from the side, "Don't choke the child."

Mother Su glared at him and quickly sent the drink to Su Yun.

Su Yun was helpless, "Mom, I can just pick up the food myself."

She said, just like Su's mother, she handed the vegetables to Su's mother and Su's father.

The two of them looked at each other one after another, the joy in their eyes melted, and the smiles on their lips could not be suppressed.

It was a harmonious and friendly meal, and Su Yun was a little full. After all these years, Su's mother's cooking skills have remained unchanged, and it is still the taste that Su Yun likes to eat.

After the meal, Su’s father packed up the dishes and took them to the kitchen for cleaning. Su Yun and Su’s mother sealed the remaining dishes with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator. After finishing a series of dishes, Su’s father had washed the dishes and took them to the kitchen. Two plates of cut watermelon and strawberries were placed on the coffee table. He turned on the TV and invited the two of them to sit over.

A humorous comedy movie was playing on the TV, but Su Yun couldn't laugh.

She was a little nervous.

But her years of experience abroad have made her hide her nervousness very well, to the point where outsiders won't notice it at first glance.

Just an outsider.

Su's mother noticed it early on. She didn't mention the main things that needed to be discussed this time. Instead, she handed Su Yun's favorite strawberry to Su Yun and let her taste it.

Strawberries are out-of-season fruits in July and August. Su's father and mother Su are fond of Su Yun and have always been generous in spending money on them. Su Yun Yiyan took a bite of the strawberry, and the sweet smell of the strawberry spread on the tip of her tongue. She answered with a vague voice about the sweetness of the strawberry. Mother Su looked at it with a smile, then cut Father Su's pieces and inserted a small He took a piece of watermelon from the fork and put it to Su Yun's mouth. Su Yun took a bite. Although watermelon and strawberry were both sweet, they couldn't resist the fact that both of them were Su Yun's favorite fruits.

After feeding Su Yun, Su's mother took another piece of watermelon and handed it to Su's father, and then ate a piece herself. At the same time, she picked up the dazzling wedding invitation on the coffee table and said: "Yunyun, your fourth uncle's son will marry the day after tomorrow, please invite us. The family is having a wedding banquet, are you free?"

Father Su looked over.

Su Yun did not answer immediately, but was observing the emotions revealed by Su's mother when she spoke.

There didn't seem to be any signs of anger because his cousin, who was a few years younger than him, was getting married.

Mother Su said earnestly: "So, if you are tired from work, tell your parents, no matter what, you are the most important, you know?"

Su Yun held the strawberry and was silent. After a while, he put down the strawberry and looked directly at Su's mother and Su's father, "Mom, dad, I don't plan to have any more blind dates, nor do I plan to get married."

Su's mother's face changed, and when Su Yun thought she was going to get angry, she sighed longly, "Mom has figured it out, you should make the decision in your life. We just want you to live an easy life in the future, and be healthy when you get older. We will take care of you so that you will not be lonely, but if you persist, we will no longer force you."

Dad Su echoed: "Yes, mom and dad just want Yunyun to live a happy life. Yunyun doesn't want to now. Parents don't force it. Mom and dad will always hope that you can live happily. Mom and dad will always be your most solid support. backing."

Su Yun was stunned. Su's father and mother Su were looking at her firmly and tenderly, silently telling her that they were serious.

I think so from the bottom of my heart.

Su Yun's eyes were a little hot. He quickly closed his eyes and ate the strawberry he put down into his mouth. Years of depression had been resolved, and he seemed to feel sweet in his heart.

Father Su changed the subject, "How is your job? I heard your friend say before that you always stay up late and work overtime. What kind of job is this? Staying up late is very harmful to your health."

Mother Su frowned: "What kind of job do you stay up until 12 o'clock? Is the money enough to pay for medical treatment if your body is ruined?" The words were heartbreaking.

Father Su: "No, that's not a good job. It's not easy to take care of yourself if you're in poor health."

Su Yun: "..." lowered his head and ate strawberries silently.

Mother Su asked: "Are you going to go to your fourth uncle's son to get his wife? So, you haven't been back to your hometown for a long time, so you can drop incense sticks for your grandparents on the way."

Su's father interrupted: "Besides, let's just go with the etiquette. Xiao Shiwan is here. Let's go with dad to eat something good. There's no need to wash the dishes."

Su Yun's mouth twitched, "Go."

Su's mother got angry when she mentioned this: "We're getting married soon, and we're due in two days. Why didn't your brother give you the invitation before he put the dishes on the table? Is he polite? He just wrote down the money as soon as possible." The invitation is here!”

Mother Su was so angry that she said, "Even if your neighbor who is beyond your reach gets married, he will be invited a month in advance. Your brother should be invited a few months in advance anyway. Look at what your brother is doing!"

"So, are you right what mom said?"

Su Yun: "...Yes."

Father Su was trained like a quail and dared not say a word. He coughed dryly and asked Su Yun, "Do you have time at work?"

Su Yun smiled and said, "Yes, the new job has plenty of time. You can take about a month off at the beginning."

Mother Su: "There are indeed a lot of lies." (End of Chapter)

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