The division of labor in the team was clear, and no one had any intention of stepping forward to help. In the end, the coffin was lifted up by the coffin bearers and carried to the mountain for burial.

After the funeral procession left, Su's father drove towards Su Yun's fourth uncle's house.

Su Yun had nothing to do along the way and began to observe this happy town that was unfamiliar to her.

There is a school on the left side of Happy Town, with a national flag rising high. In my mind, this seems to be a junior high school. It seems that its full name is Hope School, which teaches elementary and junior high schools.

On the right hand side, along the road, are the town's markets and residential buildings, crowded side by side, with a few residential buildings scattered in the surrounding mountains.

Because Su Yun's fourth uncle and fifth aunt are both in the breeding industry, they built their houses in the mountains to facilitate their care. When Su's father drove to Su Yun's fourth uncle's house, it started to rain lightly.

The opening ceremony is currently being prepared. Many people from the town gathered here, eating melon seeds and chatting around the table. When they saw strange vehicles parked on the roadside, they all looked at them curiously.

Su's father got out of the car and took out the gifts he had bought before from the trunk. At the same time, Su Yun and Su's mother also got out of the car. Su's mother held Su Yun's arm and waited for Su's father to hold large and small bags in both hands. Yes, I have no intention of helping.

Su’s father’s younger brother is called Su Yuanlong. He also belongs to the Yuan generation. He looks somewhat similar to Su’s father. People watching the lively discussions and seeing Su’s father can guess that the person Su’s mother is holding her arms with has not been around for a long time. Su Yun returned to the village.

Several women watching the excitement sipped melon seeds and raised their heads to signal another woman, saying: "Zhang Lijuan, your relatives are here."

Zhang Lijuan is Su Yuanlong's wife. Su Yun should call her fourth aunt.

But this person obviously didn't care much about Su Yun's family. He just glanced at them lightly, finished the melon seeds in his hand, clapped his hands, and walked back.

Mother Su noticed Zhang Lijuan's reaction, frowned, and said nothing.

After a while, Zhang Yunlong walked out of the room and greeted him with a smile. He said what kind of gift Su's father was bringing when he came to lie down here, and took it. Only then did he notice Su Yun and Su's mother.

Zhang Yuanlong was stunned for a moment, "Sister-in-law is here too. Is this... Su Yun? She hasn't looked so beautiful in a few years."

Su Yun smiled and politely called his fourth uncle.

Zhang Yuanlong took the things from Su's father's hand and brought them into the house. He told Su's father that he was busy now and had no time to entertain, so he asked them to take care of it and eat some peanuts and melon seeds in the yard first while waiting for dinner.

Su's mother led Su Yun to find an empty table and sit down, while Su's father went to chat with his peers.

Su Yun didn't like melon seeds and peanuts, so he took out his mobile phone and continued to watch the video of unlocking the door. Su's mother looked at Su Yun's screen curiously, and her eyebrows twitched.

"Yun Yun, your job..." The unfinished words in her heart were written on her face. Su Yun had never seen anyone interested in this before. She was worried that her daughter might have gone astray.

Su Yun was helpless. Players were not allowed to reveal anything about the game to real people. Su Yun didn't want Su's mother to be worried if she found out, so she just excused herself as curiosity.

Mother Su believed her, and as long as she wasn't going astray, everything else was easy to say.

The rain was getting heavier, and the raindrops formed a line, forming a layer of mist on the ground. The sky became darker, and Su Yun could only vaguely see the outline of his car parked on the roadside in front of the yard. . The host asked the helpers to bring in all the tables and stools that were originally set up outside the tarpaulin. Su's father also came over and sat with Su's mother.

As the tables and stools were moved in, the gap between the tables narrowed. Then the helpers brought disposable bowls and chopsticks, and the host yelled and rushed to serve the food.

All the people attending the banquet were seated so close that even if raindrops continued to fall on the tarpaulin, Su Yun could clearly hear the discussion of the people at the table next to him.

"I heard that several students died in the school recently. They all jumped off the building. They said it was because they were under too much pressure and couldn't think about it."

"How could it be? You're a good little kid, you don't have to worry about food or clothing, so where does the pressure come from?"

"No, it's not like our time. The clothes and trousers are all the leftovers from my brothers and sisters when they were young. The shoes they wear to study in winter are all worn out and there is no money to replace them. Nowadays, we have everything we want. Which family doesn't treat their children As a baby, you can get whatever you want, so you can't think of committing suicide. I think it's the school's problem... The school was built on a mass grave before, so it's probably not very clean."

"What age is this? Don't talk nonsense. How will the school deal with it?"

"How to deal with it? If we didn't deal with it, the parents of the dead students went to make trouble and put their children's bodies at the school gate. The school kicked them out. The official said that they committed suicide by jumping off the building. The children were under great pressure and the parents should I usually paid attention to enlightenment, gave the school a few words of reprimand, and asked the school teachers to adjust their homework appropriately. In the end, the school paid thousands of yuan to the parents who asked for explanations, and the matter was over."

"Hey, if you buy a life for a thousand dollars, that's the end of it?"

"Otherwise, everyone says the child committed suicide and it has nothing to do with the school."

After a while of sighing, the food was almost served. The people chatting focused on eating the food, commenting on the salty taste of the food, and did not mention the strange things at Hope School.

As the protagonist of this wedding, Su Yun's cousin appeared.

The cousin's name is Su Jinbao, a member of the Jin family, and Su Yun is also a member of the Jin family. However, Su's parents and Su's mother agreed that adding a gold character in the middle was too ugly, so they did not follow the family name.

Su Jinbao and Su Yuanlong were seven levels similar in appearance. They were on the thin side and about the same height as Su Yun, about 1.7 meters tall. As the host, Su Jinbao happily let the guests eat and drink, and finally came to the table where Su Yun and the others were sitting. , naturally and familiarly put his hands on Su's father's shoulders, and called his third uncle eagerly.

Su Jinbao looked Su Yun up and down very impolitely, smiled and said to Su's father: "Third uncle, cousin, has she found a boyfriend? She must not have scared away her blind date again, this won't work, third uncle , My cousin is already quite old, and if we continue to choose, we will have to marry someone for the second time. Third uncle, you can buy me an apartment. In the future, when you and third aunt grow old, I will provide for you and your wife until the end of your life."

Su Yun frowned, Su's mother looked at Su Jinbao coldly, then looked at Zhang Lijuan who was silent behind Su Jinbao, and said, "How do you discipline your son?"

Zhang Lijuan smiled with a smile on her face and glanced at Su Yun, "What's the problem with what my son said? He meant well. Your daughter is just picky because of her beauty. When she gets older, won't she just have to do this?" If you find a second and third marriage, you won't be allowed to do it, and you will still find it objectionable. You don't care about your daughter, what do you say about my son?"

Father Su gritted his teeth and waved away the hands on his shoulders, "Your cousin is none of your business, it's not big or small."

Mother Su put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth gracefully with a tissue, and said, "On this special day, you talk about taking care of yourself until the end of your life. You are really filial. No wonder it rains so heavily."

Zhang Lijuan was furious: "What do you mean!"

Su's mother tugged on Su's father's sleeve, "Husband, it seems that the fourth sister-in-law and your nephew don't welcome us, so let's go."

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