Su Yun didn't care about taking a shower, hurriedly turned off the water, and quickly went downstairs. Even Su's mother heard the sound and opened the door to check, but Su Yun didn't have time to explain.

Her heart was beating wildly.

I have a bad feeling in my heart. It seems that what I have been worried about before will come true.


If, she meant if.

If it is true as she guessed, the game will cover a certain area of ​​reality and transform it into a copy. Then according to the situation in the previous copy, the bus will not completely drive into the copy, let alone the bus. Park outside the hotel so that players can enter the hotel to rest as soon as they get off the car.

The time doesn't match either. The previous copy time was around eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, but now, Su Yun had checked the time before, and it was around six o'clock in the evening.

After Su Yun went downstairs, people had already entered the hotel one after another, making the reception area of ​​the hotel, which was not spacious, crowded with people. For a while, Su Yun could not get out.

You could clearly hear the sound of the bus closing the door and driving away again, but Su Yun was still inside the patient. When Su Yun squeezed through the crowd and walked out of the hotel, the bus had already entered the rain curtain and was driving towards the outside of Happy Town. There was only a faint scarlet looming in the rain.

I can't see the license plate number, maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe it's not a bus but another vehicle, or... the town is remote, but it has made changes in order to develop tourism, and Su Yun's memory still remains many years ago. ,not sure.

As for the people who entered the hotel, Su Yun counted 22 of them. The younger ones looked to be in their teens and the older ones were in their early thirties. Half were men and women.

Su Yun didn't feel very good, and his heartbeat did not reach the normal frequency. This seemed to be highly consistent with the number of people and ages who had participated in the dungeon in the past. The game side always liked the number of men and women to be balanced.

But these people looked like they were traveling in a group. Although they didn't bring anything with them, compared to the game players Su Yun met before, these people were obviously much more leisurely and relaxed. They took a look at the furnishings of the hotel, and then We gather together and chat freely without any fear of copying the game.

Even a little noisy.

"Bang bang—"

The man near the counter clenched his fist and hammered the wooden counter. This made the people chatting in the hotel quiet for a moment, and they started chatting among themselves again. Only a few people had time to watch the man's movements.

At least some of the people here know men.

It really seemed like I signed up for a tour group to travel. Some were familiar with each other, and some were not familiar with each other, but in the end they were all members of the same tour group. However, there was no one who was clearly a group leader or tour guide in this tour group. .

The old lady behind the counter frowned, raised her head slowly and stiffly, and grinned at the man, revealing a set of jagged teeth full of tartar, paired with teeth that were as lustrous as tree bark and had lost their elasticity. The accumulated skin looks a little scary.

The man was not afraid at all. He yawned, stretched, and said casually: "Old woman, hurry up and get a room, I want to go to bed."

The old lady said: "There are still nine vacant rooms in the hotel."

The man raised his eyebrows, "Nine rooms? There are twenty-two of us here. Old lady, can't you count? Two or two rooms are not enough. You run a hotel business, how can you leave tourists without a place to sleep?"

According to his words, it seems that they are really some tourists.

Are there any tourism projects in Happy Town?

Maybe not.

On the contrary, I heard that many students from Hope School in Happy Town had died recently. As soon as Su Yun and his parents entered Happy Town, they happened to see someone carrying a coffin into the mountain.

The old lady didn't say anything. She just took out a pen and paper and asked people in the hotel to register. She didn't mention the hotel's charges. Someone asked how it would be if she didn't fill in the information. She didn't answer. Instead, she took out the room card. Put it on the table, then walk into a small room next to the counter and close the door.

The meaning is very obvious, this is to let them allocate their own accommodation. It doesn't matter whether they log in or not.

Su Yun was a little strange. According to normal hotel stay, if you don't pay in full, you also need to pay a deposit, but the old lady didn't mention the deposit, as if the hotel was open for free.

Su Yun's worries have not been eliminated. She plans to ask Su's father whether he paid a deposit before and how he negotiated with the hotel owner.

Su Yun turned around and went upstairs, and met Su's mother who had changed her clothes and came to see her. Su's mother was stunned for a moment when she saw the twenty extra people in the hotel, and then asked Su Yun with concern what happened and why she was so anxious. ran down.

Su Yun has always behaved calmly and decently, and rarely runs in a panic, which makes Su's mother very worried.

Su Yun looks very similar to Su's mother. When they appear together, passers-by can tell at a glance that they are mother and daughter.

"Su Yun?" The person who registered his name happened to see the word Su Yun on the form and subconsciously blurted out.

Someone repeated these two words in a low voice, somewhat surprised by the tone.

Su Yun's footsteps paused slightly. Su's mother looked at the people who read out her daughter's name. Seeing the appearance of those people, she didn't recognize Su Yun, so she went upstairs with Su Yun.

Su Yun went to the room where Su's father and mother were. Faced with Su's mother's concern and unable to tell the story, Su Yun told a reasonable lie to get through and asked Su's father about the hotel room fee.

Dad Su said frankly that hotel charges are settled once upon check-out, and no deposit is required.

This was a bit strange. The old lady didn't say anything to those people.

Su Yun took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the time was still beating. It was getting late. Su Yun did not disturb Su's father and mother Su's rest, and went back to the room.

Time can move, and Su Yun turns on her phone and searches the Internet for information useful to the survival of the copy, but it has no effect. All this seems to indicate that her worries are overblown.

This is a good thing.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief and continued his unfinished washing.

In this compartment, there was a knock on the door of Su's father's and mother's room. Su's mother looked through the peephole and saw a tall man wearing dark clothes standing in front of the door, knocking on the door.

This is a strange person.

In the middle of summer, even though the temperature dropped suddenly, I didn't wrap myself up so tightly that not even a single hair was exposed.

Su's mother asked in confusion: "What's the matter with you?"

The man stopped and raised his eyes, revealing a pair of water-blue eyes under a dark hood. Judging from the shape and color of the eyes, he looked like a foreigner.

However, the man didn't say anything, turned around and left.

Mother Su’s mind was filled with questions.

After a while, there was a knock on Su Yun's door.

(End of this chapter)

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