The footsteps that were following behind him stopped. Su Yun turned around and saw the salesperson pulling the woman in a gray and black cloak. Veins popped out on the back of her skinny hands, and her mouth was grinning almost to the back of her ears.

She repeated again: "Guest, you haven't bought anything yet?" Her voice still seemed to be squeezed out of her throat one by one, dry and strange.

The woman tried to break away to no avail, so she threw the salesperson over her shoulder with her backhand.

The salesman's head hit the wall. With a bang, the huge movement could clearly hear the crisp sound of the bones being broken. As the salesman's body fell, it was obvious that an obvious dent was made on the wall. There were marks, and there was blood splattering in the dents.

The salesperson's head twisted to an extent that was difficult for ordinary people to do. Her eyes were wide open, and before the smile on her face had time to shrink, she fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

Everything happened very suddenly, just a moment.

Su Yun took a breath and opened his eyes in disbelief.

The woman took out a silk handkerchief as if she was disgusted, slowly wiped the hands that had come into contact with the salesperson, tilted her head slightly, looked directly at Su Yun with a pair of blue eyes, turned around and walked closer to Su Yun.

Su Yun's first reaction was to take out his mobile phone, dial the emergency number and call the police, and at the same time turned around and left to ensure his own safety. He pressed the three numbers quickly, and the sound of the call being dialed came from the other end of the phone.

“Thank you for your patronage and look forward to your next visit~”

The woman has stepped into the sensing area of ​​the supermarket door, but the phone has not been connected yet.


“Thank you for your patronage and look forward to your next visit~”


“Thank you for your patronage and look forward to your next visit~”


No one entered the supermarket, but the voice in the sensing area seemed to be stuck in a bug and kept repeating. On a quiet rainy night, this was so weird that Su Yun turned around in surprise.

At the entrance of the supermarket, the salesperson was holding the woman's ankle in a crawling posture. Her neck seemed to be broken. The weird tilted posture of her head remained unchanged. Her eyes were bloodshot and red, staring at the woman closely, with a smile on her lips. Long, his lips opened and closed, "If you don't want to buy anything, stay, stay, stay -"

The salesperson's voice was even weirder, a hoarse voice that was extremely harsh, and oddly mixed with a malicious laugh.

Faced with such a scene, the woman showed no panic at all. She kicked the salesman in disgust and tried to kick him away. However, the salesman held her ankle tightly and did not let go. Instead, he kicked her tighter and tighter, and his fingers were embedded in her ankle. In the meat.

The pain made the woman groan, and a short knife appeared in her hand for no reason. She stabbed the salesperson in the neck without hesitation.

Su Yun's heart skipped a beat, and unprecedented panic overwhelmed her.

The call was never answered. Since the woman had been following him, she was obviously coming for him. The sense of crisis made Su Yun subconsciously move his legs, turn around and run away.

The walk from the supermarket to the hotel was not that long. She rushed all the way to the hotel. The hotel owner was standing behind the counter, looking at her unblinkingly with his lifeless eyes.

Su Yun's heart was beating wildly, and the umbrella in her hand was unconsciously placed by the wall without being closed.

She opened her personal panel, slid down the refreshed panel of various normal values, and stayed at the skill interface.

[Skill: Silk-pulling play (pseudo-god level)]

[Usable objects: Zhou Xiaoyun and Su Yuanhao (the dual value of this NPC is full. Once used, it can be controlled for life. Other characters have not reached any passing value. If you use skills, there will be a huge risk of failure and backlash)]

[Tip: Does the player use skills? 】

【Yes or No】

Su Yun's body was shaking uncontrollably, and the food he bought for Su's mother in his hand almost fell to the ground.

What she feared actually happened.

Su Yun didn't remember how she got back to the room on the second floor. She saw Mother Su who opened the door for her, her eyes still concerned, and she looked dazed. Su's mother's stomach was still growling. Her eyes unconsciously looked at Su Yun's exposed skin, and she swallowed slowly and hard.

Her hunger increased.

Su Yun's heart sank, and his last hope was shattered.

No wonder Mother Su's condition was a little abnormal, no wonder she was so hungry that she couldn't sleep even if she didn't eat even one meal, and no wonder Mother Su buried herself under the quilt instead of going to the supermarket with her.

For players, dungeon NPCs are the most appetite-stimulating food in the world.

Such a result was clearly in front of his eyes, and Su Yun felt ridiculous. And powerless.

Mother Su's expression was extremely unnatural, and Su Yun's condition was obviously not right, but the increasingly amplified hunger and the temptation of food emanating from Su Yun made her reluctant to ask.

As if she was extremely hungry, she took the large bag of food in Su Yun's hand, hurriedly told Su Yun that those strange people had not come to harass Su Yun again, and knocked on Su's father's door with snacks in hand. .

Su's father seemed to be at the door. Just as Su's mother knocked, the door was opened. Two cooing sounds were mixed together. Su's father glanced at Su Yun, looked away with difficulty, closed the door, and locked it.

Su Yun stood frozen at the door for a long time, a huge feeling of powerlessness filling his body.

Man cannot compete with the game.

Weird games beyond scientific understanding control people's destiny.

The fate of everyone, not just the players, but also those who were transformed into NPCs for no reason and became strange NPCs.

God-making game, what kind of god did you create?

Slow footsteps were heard on the corridor. Su Yun subconsciously looked over and saw the woman wearing a gray and black Western-style cloak.

The woman stared at Su Yun with a pair of blue emotionless eyes. Apart from that, she made no other movements. After a long time, she looked back thoughtfully, with a smile in her eyes. When Su Yun was on guard, he was about to turn Tang Tang When the knife was taken out of the weapon interface, he walked past Su Yun as if nothing had happened and headed towards room 210 at the end.

Open the door and enter the house.

Su Yun stood at the door for a while and then returned to the room.

Go to bed and rest.

Although I wonder if driving out of the dungeon will return to reality, the current weather is not suitable for driving away.

Su Yun lowered his eyes and had a guess in his heart that even if it stopped raining at dawn, they would not be able to get out of the dungeon.

If the dungeon could be properly integrated with reality, those NPCs that prey on humans would have caused social unrest long ago. However, except for the players, no one in reality knows about this game. Even if the game is mentioned, it will be blocked by the game.

Always gotta try it.

Everything possible needs to be tried.

It is currently known that the happy town where Su Yun is located is in the game dungeon, and Su’s father and mother are involved in the dungeon. Although most players are wary of the dungeon NPCs and are afraid of breaking the rules, there are also some who are similar to the female player before. of.

They are not afraid of dungeon NPCs. Not only that, to them, the NPCs in the dungeon are no different from the monsters in the game.

After all, this is just a copy of the game for the players, and the NPCs in the copy are full of appetite for the players. If they are not careful, the players will become the food of the NPCs.

For this reason alone, players and NPCs will be at odds from beginning to end.

Su Yun needs to cheer up, not only to ensure that he can survive the dungeon crisis that he needs to face as a player, but also to ensure that Su's father and mother will not be harmed.

Whether it is damage caused by other factors in the copy or caused by the player.

Thanks for the reward~ Thanks for the monthly ticket~ Thank you for your kindness~

So you are still a player, local + player identity

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