Ye Qing finally came out, as an adult.

He didn't seem to know why Han Xiaoxiao was crying. After asking, he didn't get an answer from Han Xiaoxiao. Instead, he saw his tears falling like broken beads, and he cried even louder.

Ye Qing seemed a little at a loss.

He turned his eyes to Su Yun for help.

Su Yun said that this place was supposed to be the real world they thought, but it was suddenly classified as a dungeon and could not get out. Han Xiaoxiao's friend had just passed away. The little girl might be sad because of these two things.

Han Xiaoxiao kept crying and coughed. He nodded and shook his head. He held a tissue in his hand and wiped his eyes until they were red and swollen.

"My mother... was worried that I would be alone, so she also came with me, right at my... friend's house..."

Su Yun was startled. She didn't expect that Han Xiaoxiao's mother was also in Happy Town. If she was just a bridesmaid and was unfortunately involved in the dungeon, the main tasks of the dungeon could always be found. As long as the task was completed, by taking the player's The bus should be able to escape from the dungeon, but she didn't expect that Han Xiaoxiao's mother would follow her because she was worried about her daughter traveling far away.

She did not see a woman who looked similar to Han Xiaoxiao. Han Xiaoxiao's mother was most likely at the woman's house. The woman and the man should be in the same town, otherwise the rain would cover the bridge and the only road would be blocked. As a "human" member of the wedding party, If they can't get through it, the marriage won't work.

However, this little girl's mall should be different from hers. She said before that the mall had new clothes on sale, but Su Yun's mall didn't sell any clothes.

Alternative points recovery method.

But after all, she didn't have any points.

If you want to get your loved ones out of the dungeon, you can currently only make a wish to the game.

Su Yun's heart was heavy and he gave the last small pack of tissues in his bag to Han Xiaoxiao. She was not wiping her tears lightly. Ye Qing frowned and took the tissue from Han Xiaoxiao's hand, using the tissue a little at a time. She shed tears softly, lest the little girl wouldn't be able to open her eyes the next day.

Ye Qing comforted him softly: "It's okay, the league leader can get 100 million points."

"Just smile and make a wish."

He said it very easily, as if winning the league was not difficult for him.

But this comfort had the opposite effect. Han Xiaoxiao didn't know what he thought of, and the tears fell even more fiercely.

Ye Qing sighed.

Su Yun had nothing to do with the crying little girl, especially since she had a face that was inappropriate for her age. Her eyes and nose were red from crying, including her cheeks.

She and Yu Nan have two different personalities, but they are both small.

Ye Qing was sure that she could easily win the championship, and exchange 100 million points for a chance to make a wish. Such heart-warming comfort didn't work, and she didn't know what to say.

Su Yun suddenly remembered something that he deliberately wanted to forget, and looked at Han Xiaoxiao with a very complicated expression.

Han Xiao smiled and shed tears, looked at Ye Qing, and then looked at Su Yun: "I...whenever I cry, I...can't stop burping..."

She explained while crying, "I couldn't control how much I sent, right... I'm sorry hiccup..."

"Thank you...for your paper, please leave me alone for a while so I won't cry...I'm sorry, oh, oh, oh..."

The little girl packed her backpack guiltily, buried her head low, and stubbornly wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

She cried so much that the puppies in the distance started barking.

Tear incontinence constitution?

Su Yun hesitated for a long time and finally said: "Do you dare to agree to my call?"

Han Xiaoxiao suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Yun with his eyes wide open, the expression on his face seemed to be a ton of fright.

But the effect was immediate, and the little girl's cries stopped.

Ye Qing was slightly stunned, raised his hand to his lips, and chuckled. Su Yun smiled politely, "What a coincidence, teacher."

After she said it, she let go. As if she was afraid that Han Xiaoxiao wouldn't remember when she had an extra student, she told Han Xiaoxiao the name on her social media account. Looking at Han Xiaoxiao's red cheeks, she suddenly I thought, "Teacher, I have time now to teach. When will you teach?"

Han Xiaoxiao stared back and said, "No, I didn't. You got the wrong person!"

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Really? But I didn't say it was you before."

Han Xiaoxiao: "..."

Ye Qing couldn't stop laughing at the side.

The laughter stimulated Han Xiaoxiao. The little girl seemed to be so ashamed that her head was about to smoke. She pushed Ye Qing forward, "Ah, ah, don't laugh. You go teach me."

Ye Qing: "...?"

Su Yun was stunned and looked at Han Xiaoxiao: "Can your Ye Qing appear in the non-dungeon range as an adult?"

Han smiled and replied: "No."

"I didn't know he was an acquaintance. I was crying like that just now. I'm too embarrassed to see anyone. Just destroy him."

Judging from the reply, Han Xiaoxiao knows martial arts.

It's no wonder that Han Xiaoxiao's short legs could run faster than him before.

Su Yun put away his teasing thoughts and said seriously: "Will you cooperate?"

"Currently, it seems that you and I are the only players with NPC identities in the dungeon. If we want our loved ones to escape from the dungeon, we must first ensure that we can survive safely and clear the dungeon. We don't know the mission of this dungeon."

Although there is no need for non-cooperation, Su Yun has cooperated with Han Xiaoxiao once before. With Han Xiaoxiao's character, Su Yun will not have another enemy.

The woman in the gray and black cloak looked evil, and Su Yun had a bad guess in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, she really needs to master the skills of using the Tang Dao as soon as possible. Han Xiaoxiao happens to be the one-on-one martial arts teacher she has booked. In addition, it is the beginning of the dungeon, the previous wedding mission, and the divorce ceremony. There were still two days left before she had to attend the wedding, and Han Xiaoxiao probably wouldn't leave before the wedding was over. The time was just right.

Han Xiaoxiao's cooperation this time was very straightforward. The two had the same goal and the same result. Although the cooperation was established, there was no actual points transaction.

As for the teaching of Tang Dao, although Han Xiaoxiao was embarrassed and said that he would not teach, he still had the professional ethics to take orders. Taking advantage of this free time, he used Ye Qingjian as a sword wielder to do the most basic and simple teaching. Su Yun's memory It's not bad. After using it twice, the control of the powerful moves is already in a good shape.

Han Xiaoxiao was very satisfied with his apprentice and regarded him as one of his own, and his interactions with Su Yun became less restrained than those who were afraid of society before.

Ye Qing's outfit was okay in the previous dungeon, but it was still too eye-catching here. Due to the unknown dangers in the dungeon, dark marriage was not a good thing. Han Xiaoxiao was also used to bringing Ye Qing with him in human form. He was also afraid that his mother, who was in the happy town, would find out, so she picked a set of casual clothes in her backpack and asked Ye Qing to change into it.

Appearing in front of others again, facing the sudden appearance of Ye Qing, the bridesmaids were surprised. They covered their mouths and exclaimed. Looking at Ye Qing's performance, they were filled with cold smiles and several pairs of eyes. The two of them looked back and forth, their eyes shining brightly. They pulled Han Xiaoxiao and whispered loudly, "Sister, are you single!?"

"Something happened, so I found a partner for you?!"

"It's very interesting to talk about it."

Han Xiaoxiao hugged the bag, relaxed in front of acquaintances, and blurted out: "No, that's my cub."

The bridesmaids were stunned: "Huh?"

Ye Qing: "..." His smile froze obviously.

Su Yun: "..."

No wonder the little girl's previous behavior didn't seem like she was getting along with her boyfriend, and she thought it was just two young lovers in love who were too bored.

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