Su Yang was unwilling to violate his own rules, even with the knife on his neck. The task of purchasing the items needed for the underworld marriage waited for no one. Time was passing slowly. Killing him would make the task even more impossible to complete. After all, Yao Jiang I don’t know how to make paper supplies, and I don’t know what paper supplies are needed for ghost weddings.

Yao Jiang looked at the finished paper products in the store and thought that he could just take them away and hand in the tasks. For this kind of sick ordinary NPC that was not a dungeon boss, Yao Jiang didn't pay attention at all.

As soon as Yao Jiang made a move, Su Yang spoke: "Those paper bindings are different from the ones you requested for the underworld marriage. If you take them back, it will be in vain."

Yao Jiang stopped and looked at Su Yang, thinking about the truth and falsehood of Su Yang's words.

Su Yang's expression made it difficult for him to tell.

Yao Jiang clicked his tongue and lost his patience. Before Su Yun could react, he took out the knife from the system backpack again, approached Su Yang in an instant, and put the knife against Su Yang's neck. The blade easily cut A cut was made in the thin skin, and blood instantly poured out of the wound and slid down his neck. The blade of the knife was still pressing against the pulse. With just a little force, Su Yang would die.

Su Yun: "Yao Jiang, there is only this paper-making shop in the town."

Su Yang: "I am the only one in town who can make paper-making supplies."

The two of them spoke at the same time. Yao Jiang looked at Su Yun, then at Su Yang, and then at Su Yun. Su Yun blinked, with an innocent and sincere look on his face, "Jin Bao is your friend. Although he hasn't had time to be alive yet, It’s time to have a wedding, but we should organize the underworld wedding. The temperature has dropped today, but it’s still summer after all, and we can’t wait until the water level on the bridge goes down.”

She really had no problem with that.

Yao Jiang retracted his knife irritably, feeling so frustrated playing a game for the first time.

Su Yang didn't react at all to the bleeding in his neck. He didn't treat the wound and just waited for the blood to coagulate automatically. The movements of his hands in making paper-tying supplies were not affected at all.

With a pair of dark green eyes open, he was very anxious to catch up on the order.

Su Yun stepped forward and asked: "Boss, you can't handle the workload alone, why don't you hire someone?"

Su Yang said: "If you can't find a job, most of the young people in the town have gone to the city to find jobs, and the old people are taboo about this."

Su Yun nodded: "Indeed," she said with some doubts, "The profits of paper-making shops in small towns are not high, right? As young as you, why don't you go to the city to work hard?"

"Is it because of inheriting the craftsmanship of the older generation? Or is it because of inheriting the family business?"

If it's the latter, how can this family be inherited... With him in such a state of hanging on to death, it seems that he might as well go out to work.

However, since he can stand up for himself, refuse orders that are late, and refuse to add money to jump in line, he should not be short of money.

At least there should be no worries about food and clothing.

Su Yang paused in his movements, looked up at Su Yun, and shook his head.

[Congratulations to the player for triggering the hidden mission: Su Yang’s Wish (Advanced)]

[Task description: Su Yang, the owner of the paper-making shop, has been guarding the paper-making shop all year round. The obsession that has been buried in his heart cannot be achieved. Players need to explore Su Yang's wish by themselves and complete it]

[Duration of mission: seven days (if the timeout is not completed, the dungeon personnel who died in the school will attack the player)]

[Task reward: 2000 points]

Su Yun was stunned. Someone... died in the school? ...explode corpses?

Su Yun's scalp was numb, and he had a vague suspicion.

But what is the relationship between the owner of the paper shop and the dead student?

If you just sold paper-making supplies to the deceased student to use at the funeral, you wouldn't be guilty of running out of the grave to find someone to settle the score just because his wish was not fulfilled, right?

Su Yang rubbed his brows and waved to the two of them to go out if they had nothing to do. As for the paper-making supplies needed for the ghost wedding, either they would postpone the time and send them to them when their orders were completed, or they would go to other places to buy them. Here it gets in the way of his work.

Su Yun was silent for a moment, but then said: "What are your salary and working hours for recruiting people? Do you have any requirements for employees?"

This made Yao Jiang and Su Yang a little surprised.

Su Yun met Yao Jiang's gaze, feeling a little embarrassed, "I resigned before and couldn't find a job. The town is close to my home, so I wanted to give it a try, but the boss is so busy and I don't know if he is willing to hire me. If I can learn from my boss, and I can also make the paper supplies needed for the wedding as soon as possible.”

She said to Su Yang: "Excuse me, if you don't have experience in paper tying, can you do it?"

Yao Jiang smiled.

Everything about Su Yun is in line with what ordinary people do. The jobless homeless person discusses the current situation and feels embarrassed about it. She is eager to find a job and get rid of the bad evaluation brought by the title of homeless person. and psychological burden.

If this mission of purchasing paper supplies fails, there is a high probability that the mission of attending the wedding will fail. Although he is not afraid of dungeon NPCs at all, it will be very difficult if he is besieged by an entire dungeon of NPCs.

With Su Yun's thinking direction, it seems that the task can be completed, at least before the wedding is held tomorrow night as Su Yun said. This man can't do it alone, so two more should be able to do it.

But would an NPC think so much?

Su Yun agreed with her fourth aunt to buy paper-making supplies to hold a ghost wedding for her cousin. She was also anxious to get those paper-making supplies as soon as possible. This all seemed very reasonable.

However, her idea is good and you can try it.

Yao Jiang changed his direction. Wasn't it just a piece of paper that hit someone? This was not a problem for him.

Yao Jiang is full of confidence. With his ability, he will definitely do well. He is happy to see the people he is "pursuing" looking at him with admiration.

Moreover, he had no money on him, and the pack of cigarettes in his pocket was snatched from him. Yao Jiang was used to it. To him, this was an alternative large-scale game, but the copy NPCs were made a little more human-like, and they were different from PC mobile games. There is not much difference between them. They are almost a bunch of data. Killing and looting have no psychological burden on him.

The game's design of money in the dungeon is outrageous. Points can be exchanged for a large amount of cash, but they are not allowed to be used in the dungeon, and players are not allowed to bring in their own money. As a result, players still have to worry about money in the dungeon.

So he also proposed to Su Yang to work in a paper-making shop.

The paper-making shop has had too many orders recently. Su Yang did not hesitate and agreed to the two's request to be apprentices in the paper-making shop, but the salary was very low, one thousand a month. After becoming a full-time employee, he could earn two thousand, which works out to dozens a day. , if you are a town citizen whose family has little other income, it will be difficult to survive on this salary. It is no wonder that his paper-making shop cannot recruit people.

When he first started learning paper-tying, Su Yang deliberately placed a small bench under the lamp and slowed down the movements of his hands so that the two of them could watch and learn. He would wait until he came to work at the paper-making shop early tomorrow morning to start.

The sky was getting dark, and paper-making supplies were currently unavailable. Su Yun could only buy several large bundles of paper money and incense candles from Su Yang. Under Yao Jiang's probing eyes, he calmly took out the cash he had brought with him to pay, and then asked Su Yang to pay for it. Yao Jiang put the things back in the car.

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