The students walking around didn't look out of the ordinary, with different but natural expressions. They looked to be in their teens, and were junior high school students.

Coupled with the bright lights in the teaching building and the sound of reading, it felt like evening classes.

Common, but not compliant.

At this time, students should normally turn off the lights and go to bed.

Su Yun stepped forward and asked a little girl who was stuffing food into her mouth and hurried towards the teaching building. At the current time, why were the students not resting in the dormitory but in the teaching building.

The student rolled his eyes at her, "What else can I do? Of course I have to go to class. The college entrance examination will be held soon, so I have to hurry up and study."

Su Yun frowned slightly, "Classmate, when exactly is the college entrance examination?"

The student rolled his eyes and said with a slightly impatient tone, "Next Friday."

Su Yun: "Next Friday...what month is it?"

"June 7th!" The student said angrily, "Are you okay? It's time to take the exam, and I can't even remember the time for the college entrance examination. Something's wrong with me."

The student cursed and walked away.

Not right.

There is no problem with the time of the college entrance examination. The problem is that the current month is August. Calculating the time, the school has just opened. The test results are OK, but it is not the unified college entrance examination time.

Su Yun looked at the teaching building where the student went and thought, even in the dungeon, according to the game's custom, it should be compared with reality, and Happy Town has indeed changed from reality to game.

Then the time is not right.

But there really wasn't anything unusual about these students. What was a bit strange was that this student didn't feel strange about seeing a stranger in school at night.

Although this can also be explained, I am busy with the college entrance examination next Friday and don't care much about strangers. So these days are sprint time and I have to stay up most of the night to fight hard, which makes sense.

Su Yun asked Han Xiaoxiao carefully before coming. The teaching building where the accident occurred belongs to the junior high school teaching building. The school did not identify which building it was in the third year of junior high school. The current answer is obvious. It is the one with the lights on. Save time searching.

Su Yun was not in a hurry to go to the teaching building to check. At this moment, the lights in the entire teaching building in the office area were not turned on. There should be no one, and no one noticed him. He first went to the faculty and staff office to search for information about students who had accidents on campus. It's easiest to get up.

She always felt that the scratched-up student in the photo should be a clue, and it happened that the first person who died was also a student in the same class.

While working at the papermaking shop during the day, Su Yun asked Su Yang about the students who died suddenly. Su Yang's expression remained unchanged and he did not hide anything. He simply told Su Yun the information he knew.

Those who had the accident were mostly junior high school students. Some whose names he knew also told Su Yun that they died after jumping from a building. The cause of death is unknown.

It would be easy to explain if she met someone. According to her current identity, she was a staff member of the paper shop who came to the school to discuss work with school personnel. She came to the school to find someone, so it was normal for her to appear in the office area.

The whole building in the office area was dark and extremely quiet. There were no patrolling school staff. Su Yun took out his mobile phone from his bag and adjusted the screen brightness to a level where he could see things clearly without being too bright and eye-catching. Pay attention to the level, step lightly and check.

The school's office is easy to find. There are labels on the teacher's office and the principal's office. Su Yun found the transcripts recorded by current students in the teacher's office. The deceased students were also among them. There were good, bad and average grades. Yes, there are no rules.

Su Yun came to the principal's office and found the current student files. According to the records in the file, the students' scores were stable, even if there were slight fluctuations, they were within the normal range. If they were affected by the outside world, the students' scores would change most with their mood. Be affected first.

When Su Yun considered the situation of a student jumping off a building, he first thought of two things: school violence or pressure from school or family.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a spirit, and the situation of strange power and chaos will not be considered. Judging from the transcripts and records of conflicts with classmates, both of the above points can be ruled out.

They seemed to be sudden and bizarre suicides.

Su Yun frowned, thought for a moment, and found the files belonging to the class of students who first died on the roof of the third-grade teaching building.

She turned to the previous class photo. Although the photo in the file was a little yellowed and old, it was very clear and the face of the boy standing at the edge was not scratched.

Su Yun paused and his eyes fell on the young man's face, with a complicated expression.

Coincidentally, this person looks like an old acquaintance.

I don’t know if the boy’s hair is caused by a middle school disease, or he is naturally a little red, or the photo doesn’t look good. It looks like he has short red hair and a childish face that is consistent with his age, like I saw a smaller version of Su Yang, or in other words, a grown-up version of Collection No. 6.

There was nothing he could do about it, his expression was so innocent that it looked familiar, a contradictory state of being slightly curious about new things but not very interested.

Su Yun flipped through the files and compared them one by one with the profile pictures, but could not find the detailed record of this person. After counting, according to the class members, the file was missing one page.

It was as if the school deliberately removed the boy's file from the folder and pretended that the person did not exist.

The photo may be because the students were crowded together for a group photo. It looked strange to cut off a person's head. There was no photo editing technology in those days.

Su Yun thought and searched for the class where the bride was.

The bride, Zhu Mingyu, belongs to the latter class. She looked through several student files and did not see Su Yang's name appearing. Su Yun was not sure whether the red-haired boy and the owner of the paper-making shop were the same person. It was hard to say. What if the owner of the paper-making shop was young? He was suffering from the secondary disease, so he couldn't tell if he had dyed his hair red. After all, judging from the length of his hair, it was almost the same as his current length.

Even if some people grow up, their preferences will not change.

In addition, these students have basically graduated successfully and been admitted to high school. The only thing they have in common is their identity. It is hoped that for junior high school students in the school, no other information can be seen from the information files.

As for the young man whose information is missing, or for Su Yang, it is impossible to say for sure because of the lack of information.

The suspected clues obtained were interrupted.

The only breakthrough point seemed to be the red-haired boy.

Maybe you can ask Su Yang. Even if it's not Su Yang, the face carved out of the mold is most likely related to him. He should know something. Regarding his wish, it is most likely related to the school.

Su Yun packed up the information files and put them back in their original places, and was about to leave the principal's office when he heard a steady voice coming from the door: "Classmate, what are you doing in the principal's office?"

Su made a movement and looked up.

The speaker was a woman wearing a teacher's uniform. She was standing at the door with a smile on her face. She was a little confused as to why Su Yun was here, but she was not angry.

She appears to be a normal teacher.

When Su Yun didn't get an answer, the woman frowned and said, "Classmate, it's time to go to class. Don't waste time on meaningless things." Her voice was a little harsh.

(End of this chapter)

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