Su Yun took a sip of tea, put down the cup and spoke again: "That's it, Principal Su, I heard that a teacher in your school unfortunately passed away, so currently, your school is short of one teacher. If you let other teachers take over in a short time, , This will reduce the time for teachers to prepare lessons and rest. Without adequate rest, it is difficult to ensure that the quality of teaching declines, which is not good for teachers and students."

Principal Su asked: "What do you mean?"

Su Yun smiled modestly, "I have taken the teacher qualification certificate before, and there should be no problem in being a junior high school teacher. You can check this information." He paused briefly, "Students' studies are important. I don't think there is any problem in your school yet." During this period of time when a suitable teacher is recruited, I will temporarily take over the previous teacher's class. If you are worried, you can ask me to teach a class for you. You can see the effect and then consider my proposal."

Principal Su was a little embarrassed. After all, he checked what Su Yun said about the teacher qualification certificate and confirmed that what Su Yun said was true. He held an emergency meeting with the teachers for a few minutes and finally organized a class for the students. Su Yun taught a class to the students under the witness of the school teachers.

The teacher who had previously fallen down for no reason taught Chinese. Su Yun behaved calmly and gently on the podium. She combined the slightly obscure classical Chinese texts in the textbook with short stories to illustrate the story in a lively and interesting way. In addition, she was beautiful and had a nice voice. With a gentle smile on his face all the time, the students adapted quickly and actively raised their hands to participate. Students who were originally reluctant to listen to the class clearly became interested in continuing to learn.

This made the teachers in the school who were quite critical of him suppress their original belief that Su Yun was a "connected person".

Su Yang, who happened to be walking outside the classroom: "..." rubbed his eyes.

He felt that he was too nervous about his brother's whereabouts today, so he saw some strange things.

No, why did Su Yun go to teach? What on earth is she here for?

After the teaching, Principal Su agreed to let Su Yun take over the class after the school recruits a suitable teacher, and asked another teacher to apply for a temporary teacher certificate for Su Yun. The office space will be temporarily occupied by the previous teacher, including Teaching books, etc.

Su Yun asked Principal Su about the incident in which many students fell from the building at the same place. Principal Su sighed and said that the school's rooftop door had been locked since the first incident, and he had left the key. , just a handful, those people don’t know how to open the rooftop door.

After saying that, he took Su Yun to the monitoring room. The surveillance showed that except for the person who jumped from the building, no one else was present at the time.

Su Yun flipped through last night's surveillance video. The person went up to the rooftop building after twelve o'clock in the evening. He was a male adult. Su Yun looked for a similar appearance in his memory, and finally remembered that this person was from Su Rui's small group. people.

He stood on the rooftop for a long time, until it was almost dawn, that is, when students were leaving get out of class one after another. He seemed to have seen something that frightened him, and his expression was horrified, but his first reaction was not to turn around and run away, but to run towards He ran in the direction of fear, his hands stretched out in front of him, as if he was pulling something, and he tried his best to back away, but he seemed to be no match for the invisible force, and finally fell down the stairs in such a strange posture.

Su Yun frowned when he saw it. Except for the children who looked strange, the adults who jumped off the building had more or less strange actions like this.

Su Yang trembled: "That's strange. Did they see something we couldn't see?"

This was too weird. Although he was the owner of a paper shop, he was not allowed to become a spirit after the founding of the People's Republic of China. He didn't believe this, otherwise he wouldn't have slept in a pile of paper.

Su Yundao: "It's really strange, Principal Su, I want to investigate this incident within the school. If you don't solve the problem of students jumping off the building, it will have a great impact on your school's reputation. This will also indirectly affect the tourism of Happy Town." What do you think of the development of the industry?"

She seems like a well-intentioned person who has both the town's happiness and the school's reputation in mind.

Su Yang looked at Su Yun with wide eyes in shock.

Su Yun was betting that he might be able to trigger the mission from the principal, which would make it easier to act in the school and at the same time earn an extra amount of points.

The mission of [Cause of Death of Students] is a continuous mission. There is a high probability that the incident of townspeople jumping off the building in the school will be solved later. In terms of points, the more the merrier.

Principal Su was equally surprised, but what Su Yun said was what he was concerned about. He immediately agreed to Su Yun's request and promised that the school would cooperate with Su Yun's investigation and if there was anything he needed, just ask the school. [Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: solving problems in school (advanced)]

[Task description: I hope that the reputation of the school has declined recently due to the fact that people have committed suicide by jumping off the building for no reason every day. This has made the principal Su Wenshuo very anxious. He has become bald because of this. I hope you can investigate the cause and solve this incident]

[Task reward: 1000 points, random props dropped (random level)]

[Duration of the mission: until the end of the copy (if the mission fails, the trust and favorability of the school staff towards you will be greatly reduced)]

Su Yun looked at the displayed task points and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Principal Su, please don't worry, I will definitely find out what happened this time."

She felt happy that she had found a way to collect game points.

Principal Su patted Su Yun on the shoulder and praised Su Yun as a responsible young man.

Su Yang was numb, "Not only do you want to be a teacher, but you also want to solve crimes and become a detective?" His expression was filled with shock and resentment, "Do you still remember that you said you would take me to see my brother?"

Su Yun nodded: "Of course I remember."

She took out her phone and took a look, "It's still early now, we need to wait until eleven o'clock at night."

At that time, these students who had no problems had already returned to their dormitories early and turned off the lights and went to bed, and those "third-year junior high school students" who needed to make the final sprint for the college entrance examination also happened to have evening classes.

"Eleven o'clock?" Su Yang was shocked, "Why didn't you tell me the time earlier!"

If you spend a few hours working on it, you can complete several paper projects.

Su Yun said calmly: "Boss, you didn't ask me. You just wanted to come here without eating dinner."

Su Yang: "..."

That's right.

After a while, Vice Principal Zhang rushed over with Mayor Su. The mayor was a man nearly fifty years old. Su Rui's shadow could be vaguely seen on his face. After Principal Su's detailed explanation, Mayor Su treated Su Yun's attitude was extremely polite and he talked about related matters. It was still early, so Mayor Su was not in a hurry to leave. He asked about Su Yun's personal situation and whether he was married.

Su Yun did not answer. The mayor talked to himself about his only son, Su Rui, who is about the same age as Su Yun. He is still single. He looks good and loves his wife. If there is time, the two of them can Meet and chat.

Su Yun declined Mayor Su's kindness. As for the development in the town and the use of the land, he needed to talk to the townspeople. He would probably be able to give an accurate answer tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Then he would arrange to have a detailed discussion at a hotel outside.

(End of this chapter)

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