Chapter 41 Calmly temper your mind
"The Second Madam is kind-hearted. Whether they are in the Mei Mansion or outside the Mansion, all the servants have received favors from the Second Madam. They think of the Second Madam in their hearts, so naturally they will not forget you, the Second Madam."

Lan Zhen, who was listening to the flattering words, dug her toes on the ground.

Mrs. Jiang was very pleased after hearing this, and thought to herself that she is a discerning person.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he came up with a plan, "What are you doing in Jinlou? Buying jewelry for your wife?"

Yunxiu answered truthfully: "It's to look at jewelry for our girl. Our wife said that when the girl is older, she should learn to dress up, but she doesn't have many decent jewelry, so she sent her slave to buy noodles and go home." , I want to shop around and take a closer look before buying."

Mrs. Jiang knew that Yunxiu was talking about Mrs. Niu's biological daughter, but she didn't want to mention it. Instead, she said, "Oh, my grandma Lan brought so many good things there, do you still need your wife to come and buy them in person? "

Lijuan took one look and immediately cooperated with her master in singing, "Yes, yes, just pick one of the things my grandma Lan brought here, and it is enough for a girl from your noble family to dress up. There is no need to bother to come to Jinlou to buy it." Lao Shizi. Yunxiu, are you making a mistake?"

Got it wrong?What went wrong?

Yunxiu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing her reaction, Lijuan pretended to be surprised and asked, "Oh, Yunxiu, don't you know this yet? My Aunt Lan brought a dowry of 6000 taels with her. ! Twenty-six thousand taels, not to mention the jewelry, even if you buy the entire golden building, it is more than enough! Moreover, that is only counting the items that can be discounted, and the precious utensils that cannot be discounted. Priceless treasure... You got so many good things for free, but now you are competing for a certain appearance. You know, you are pretending to be poor. You don't know, you think it is my Aunt Lan who deliberately concealed the property and deceived the elders. Woolen cloth!"

Yunxiu's eyes almost popped out of her eyes when she heard Lijuan's words.

Mei Jiaolan brought six large carts of dowry to the Wu Mansion for the second time. She witnessed it with her own eyes, and she truthfully reported it to her wife Niu.

However, the result of their analysis at that time was that the so-called dowry brought by Mei Jielan was real, but not a good thing. Because Mei Jielan married a bastard from a poor family, she was already an abandoned son as far as the Mei family was concerned. It is impossible for people to be willing to spend money on her.

And now listening to the words of Jiang and his party, their analysis was wrong?
She couldn't rule out that Mrs. Jiang was deliberately sowing discord, but if this was true, wouldn't their wives suffer a big loss!

Thinking of this, Yunxiu ran away without even saying hello.

"Hey, why don't you even have any etiquette!" Lijuan spat in the direction she ran, "He is indeed a slave from a small family. He is ignorant and uneducated!"

Ms. Jiang sneered and said, "She is in a hurry to report the news to Mrs. Wu. She is actually a loyal servant."

With that said, he led the minions towards the door of the Golden Tower.

After walking a few steps, he looked back again, the stern look in his pupils undisguised.

Mei Guerlain, if you act bad at home, there are still people who can tolerate you. When you get to the Wu family, let's see who will support you!
It's light enough to peel off your three layers of skin!

Wu Mansion, Qingfeng Pavilion.

Wu Moyun came back with his personal servant A Fang. As soon as he entered the door, he changed his clothes and lay still on the wicker chair.

Al Fang was very tired carrying a thick stack of books on his back. He put the books down, relaxed his shoulders, and couldn't help complaining: "Sir, you let me carry these books back and forth every day, and you have to do it again." If you don’t look at it, what are you picturing?” Wu Moyun was closing his eyes to rest. When he heard A Fang complaining, he raised his eyelids and said, “It’s to let you exercise.”

Afang: "..."

A Yuan smiled and joked: "Did you hear that? I'm doing it for your own good. Exercise more to strengthen your body and strengthen your bones, so that you don't lose weight like a little girl all day long, making people think that the husband in the building ran away." !”

"Shut up!" Ah Fang felt very free in front of his master. Hearing Ah Yuan tease him, he wanted to go up and strangle him.

Wu Moyun let them play around, closing his eyes and wandering around in a daze.

In fact, he memorized all those books after reading them once, and there was no need to read them a second time.

The reason why A Fang was carried on his back from Qingfeng Pavilion to the school and back to Qingfeng Pavilion every day was just to create the illusion of perfunctory business.Among the children of the Wu family who were in class at the school, some had their books turned upside down, some lay down on the table and fell asleep, and some paid to hire people to copy their homework. He took a pile of books to the school every day and could not even pour a single bit of them. Doesn't appear obtrusive.

These routines of his were followed correctly even when faced with two loyal servants, A Fang and A Yuan.

And it was obvious that both slaves were deceived by him.

Seeing that his master had closed his eyes and rested his mind, Ah Yuan picked up the "Tao Te Ching" and started reading. He couldn't help but said: "Sir, to be serious, don't think you guys are too talkative. The master and his wife always say that you don't understand." Go ahead, but you guys all know how many books you have read. But unfortunately, none of the books you read are serious books. Today you read "Laozi" and tomorrow you read "Zhuangzi". The only thing you don't read is Confucius and Mencius. It's useful. I don’t read anything, I just look at that useless thing over and over again, hey, I really don’t know what you think.”

At this point, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, "Although what Miss Camellia said that day was unpleasant, it was not unreasonable. Master, just listen to the advice of the young ones. Your brain is better than anyone else. Those in the house The master and the young master are not worth mentioning in front of you. If you can just be a little more attentive, you can easily get rid of them, and why would the Chengri family be angry with them?"

When Wu Moyun heard this, he laughed softly.

He put the book in his hand aside, stood up, stretched and said, "You don't understand, these books may be useless to others, but they are useful to me."

A Yuan pursed her lips and said, "Young understand, you always say 'calm down' and 'train your mind', but you've been grinding for so long, haven't you had enough? Besides, what's the use of grinding it out? Don't you still have to grind it out?" Do you want to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy with all your strength?"

When Wu Moyun heard this, the smile on his face faded.

After grinding for so long, haven’t you grinded enough?
For so many years, he has been looking for the end, but he doesn't know where it is.

At this time, a playful voice suddenly came from outside.

"What are you saying bad things about me behind my back? Let me tell you, I have 120% respect for the Third Master. Don't sow discord."

Ah Yuan and Ah Fang looked at the door at the same time. The person who came was none other than the Camellia girl they had mentioned just now.

As soon as she entered the door, Camellia blessed her first, and then said: "Sir, our grandma invites you to come over for dinner. In addition, grandma went back to her parents' house today and brought back several treasures, which she wants to give to you!"

Wu Moyun raised his thick eyebrows, bringing the baby to him?
(End of this chapter)

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