"Learn to learn piano. When I was busy with work before, I never had time to calm down and learn. Now that I have less work, I just take this opportunity to hone myself."

Ning Yike tasted the red wine in the glass elegantly, tapping the wall of the glass with her fingertips, and said with a hint of sadness in her voice, "I guess there will be a lot of time to learn the piano in the future."

"Rumors will eventually pass away, and those who are clean will be cleansed themselves."

Li Boyu raised his glass and clinked it with her, "Don't be too sad. I happened to know a director recently and I heard that he is preparing a drama. I will recommend you to him."

Ning Yike looked at him in surprise, "Thank you then."

"Thank you very much. From the first time I met you, I felt that I was very attached to you."

Li Boyu stared at her directly.

The first time he met Ning Yike that day at the bar, he fell in love with her.

Later, after the conversation, I found out about her relationship with Ning Ying.

"I feel so too."

Ning Yike smiled shyly.

Li Boyu felt proud.

The two had a great conversation and drank a lot.

When they were happily chatting, Li Boyu talked about making things difficult for Ning Ying today.

"I deliberately made her wait in the lobby of Hotel Z for a whole day! I just wanted her to know that it's not that easy to get a foothold in Li's Technology, even with big brother here."

Speaking of this, Li Boyu took advantage of his drunkenness and held Ning Yike's hand, "You told me before that she often made things difficult for you when she was at the Ning family, so I am also saying this for you!"

Ning Yike raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes were pure and her eyes were red, like a little white rabbit, she looked at him in panic, "Aren't you afraid that your elder brother will cause trouble for you if he finds out?"

"Brother won't know!"

Li Boyu was determined, "I have people at Hotel Z who will never leak this matter. Even if they find out in the end, it won't involve me. At most, it's just the negligence of my employees.

Besides, their relationship is not as good as expected. As far as I know, the eldest brother has a woman he has liked for many years, so he despises her! "

It was the first time Ning Yi heard this. From an angle he couldn't see, a sharp light flashed across his eyes.

"How do you know so much?"

Ning Yike asked tentatively.

Li Boyu chuckled lightly, "You mean that eldest brother likes other women? That's because I accidentally entered his lounge before and saw a painting of a woman hanging on the wall."

Ning Yike thought thoughtfully, "Isn't she He Bao's biological mother?"


Li Boyu denied, "He Bao's biological mother is a low-class woman. If it weren't for the fact that her eldest brother was set up..."

At this point, Li Boyu realized that he had said too much, stopped in time, squinted his eyes and looked at her, "Why do you ask so many questions? You are interested in my eldest brother."

"How could that be! I was just curious and asked."

Ning Yike took back his hand.

Li Boyu's palms were empty, his expression was slightly startled, and he raised his eyes to look at her, "Keke, can I chase you?"

After saying this, he waved to the waiter.

Not long after, a bouquet of flowers was handed to Ning Yike.

"Ever since I met you in the bar that night, I have been thinking about you. You are my type and I want to date you."

Li Boyu is a playboy and also full of arrogance.

As long as he liked it, he never failed.

So when he said this, he confidently believed that Ning Yi had no reason to reject him.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

"Feel sorry."

Ning Yike lowered his head and sniffed the beautiful roses, and slightly curled his lips, "The flowers are beautiful, and the wine tonight is also delicious. It's a pity that I can't accept your pursuit."


Li Boyu's face fell instantly.

Ning Yike pursed her lips and said seriously: "We haven't known each other for a long time, and I don't know you well enough. I can't accept your pursuit so hastily." Hearing this answer, Li Boyu was unhappy, but At the same time, the desire to conquer also surged up in my heart.

No woman has ever dared to reject him so directly.

Li Boyu became more interested in her.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, he raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass. He wiped the corners of his mouth slowly and said, "Okay!"

"Please do not be angry."

Ning Yike whispered softly.

Li Boyu shook his head, "No! One day, you will accept me!"

He has confidence!

Ning Yi was noncommittal.

After dinner, Li Boyu wanted to send her home.

Ning Yike declined on the excuse that he was drunk.

Watching her get into the taxi, Li Boyu felt itchy in his heart.

I haven't felt this way for a long time.

With the tip of his tongue touching his back molars, Li Boyu laughed to himself, turned around and got in the car.

Not long after, his cell phone rang.

It was a call from a subordinate.

"Mr. Xiao Li, Mr. Li is asking about the affairs of the R&D Department and Hotel Z today."

"and then?"

Li Boyu leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes tightly.

"Of course, according to your previous instructions, tell Mr. Li that the information and finalized time have been informed to the R&D Department. We don't know the rest. I guess the problem lies with the R&D Department or Z Hotel."

"very good!"

Li Boyu smiled with satisfaction, "Big brother has always paid little attention to our project department and always used R&D to pressure us. This time, let their R&D department suffer a loss and let big brother take a good look. Without us, they are nothing." !”

"Then what if this cooperation is really messed up?"

the subordinate asked nervously.

Li Boyu smiled disdainfully, "If you messed up, what does it have to do with us? We have already negotiated the early cooperation, but their R&D department failed to grasp it.

When the time comes, I can use this matter to ask my dad to challenge Li Jingyu at the board meeting, saying that he let his wife join the company and lost such a big business!It's like killing two birds with one stone! "


If we can use this incident to claim credit and gain favor from Ning Yike, we will kill three birds with one stone!

Li Boyu was impressed by his intelligence, and the haze that he had just been rejected by Ning Yike was swept away.

"Manager Li is still wise."

Li Boyu chuckled and hung up the phone, feeling proud.


Because something unexpected happened in the cooperation, Li Jingyu personally called Zhou Jingjian to explain the situation after investigating the internal problems of the company.

Hearing this, Zhou Jingjian only felt ridiculous, "According to Mr. Li, it was the failure of our company's employees to report in time that led to such a result?"

Li Jingyu did not respond and just said: "Mr. Zhou, cooperation is for win-win results. I guess you were also interested in the reputation and products of our Li's Technology, so you proposed the cooperation."

Zhou Jingjian did not deny it.

Indeed, in the current market, there are only a few products that can compete with the products of Lishi Technology.

"Okay, since Mr. Li personally called me, I will take the time to meet your colleagues in the R&D department tomorrow."

Zhou Jingjian was relieved.

Li Jingyu achieved his goal, but he did not forget to mention: "There is one more thing. My wife is so noble that she has been waiting in the lobby of your hotel for a full day today. It is reasonable and reasonable. When Mr. Zhou meets her tomorrow, should he say goodbye to her? Sorry?"

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