Ning Ying's eyes darkened slightly when she heard about the DNA test.

Li Jingyu's expression was equally bad.

This woman is really not afraid of getting tested!
That being said, she is very likely to be Hebao's biological mother...

Ning Ying gasped for breath and clenched the hand on her side a little tighter.

Li Jingyu could feel Ning Ying's emotions and wanted to say something, but felt powerless.

After a moment of silence, Li Jingyu raised his eyelids and looked at the woman again, "Okay! Then do it! But if the final test result is not true, you should know what price you have to pay."

The woman's pupils trembled slightly and she nodded, "True gold is not afraid of fire. I am He Bao's biological mother!"

Li Jingyu ordered people to get Li Zihe's hair, then pulled out the woman's hair and sent it to the inspection agency.

After taking the sample, the woman still stood there, looked around, then looked at Li Jingyu, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Li, where will I stay tonight?"

Li Jingyu's eyes sharpened, and the solemn look in his eyes seemed to freeze the blood in a person's body.

Before he could speak, the woman said again: "I am really Hebao's biological mother. If you drive me out so cruelly, Hebao will definitely be sad when the identification results come out!"

Li Jingyu's face was gloomy, the corners of his lips were sinking, and he looked extremely cold.

Ning Ying didn't say anything either.

No matter what she said, this was wrong.

What's more, why should she care about Li Jingyu's mess!

"I have a headache. Let's go upstairs first."

Ning Ying stood up and left.

Li Jingyu frowned and stared at her back. It wasn't until Ning Ying entered the elevator that he looked away and ordered: "Place her in the small building outside the main house and keep her under guard. She can't leave even a step without my instructions."


The bodyguards took the woman away.

Li Jingyu raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the elevator. Thinking of Ning Ying's expression when she left just now, she felt her temples pounding.


Ning Ying got out of the elevator and walked to her room when she passed by Li Zihe's room.

He didn't close the door, and at a glance, he saw his little figure sitting on the carpet, looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ning Ying paused, turned around and walked in.

"what are you doing?"

Ning Ying stepped forward.

When Li Zihe saw her, he stood up and walked forward to hug her.

Ning Ying: "???"

"what happened?"

Ning Ying touched his head, squatted down, and looked level with him.

"Brother, you won't leave, right?"

Li Zihe looked up at her, his big grape-like eyes sparkling with tears.

Ning Ying's heart suddenly tightened.

She raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "Do you feel that there is too much money again and there is no place to put it? Okay, give it all to me, I will take the flowers!"

"Big brother!"

Li Zihe fell into her arms and sobbed quietly.

The smile on Ning Ying's face froze, she lowered her eyes and sighed softly, "What are you doing? I won't leave, why are you crying? A man will bleed but not shed tears!"

"I do not believe!"

Li Zihe sobbed and choked: "That woman is back, you must be leaving, wuwu..."

Ning Ying pursed her lips.

Before she did it, she would have passed it by laughing and joking.

But today, she couldn't laugh.

Holding Li Zihe tightly, Ning Ying lowered her eyes and patted him again and again, remaining speechless...


"Boss, is this true??"

After Gu Chuan learned that Li Zihe's biological mother had appeared, he hurried over.

When he saw the sinister look on Li Jingyu's face, he knew the answer.

"This woman must be fake! Similar situations have not happened before..."

"She is willing to do a DNA test and has already taken samples and sent them." Li Jingyu interrupted him.

Gu Chuan's expression froze and he opened his mouth for a long time, but couldn't say the last word.

After a while, he asked cautiously: "What about... Ning Ying? How is she?"

"do not know……"

Li Jingyu frowned tightly, feeling extremely irritable.

Now, he didn't know how to face Ning Ying.

This sudden woman made him feel dirty!


Li Jingyu picked up the cup on the table and slammed it on the floor.

Gu Chuan was startled.

He had never seen Li Jingyu so out of control.

He can calculate accurately and be certain, but he will never be like this.

"Go check!"

Li Jingyu spoke in a sinister tone: "Whether she is He Bao's biological mother or not, we must find out her details."


Gu Chuan didn't dare to delay and went to do it immediately.

For a whole day, the Li family was enveloped in a dull atmosphere.

Night falls.

In the small building next to the main house, a woman was pacing back and forth in the room.

Uncle Zhang sent a servant to bring her food.

The woman glanced at the rice on the table, and her face instantly darkened.

"What is this?"

She spoke sharply.

The servant replied expressionlessly: "Dinner."

"That's all you give me to eat?"

Without saying a word, the woman knocked over the things and scolded: "I am your young master's biological mother!! I am your Mr. Li's woman! You low-class people dare to do this to me?"

The maid said nothing out of professional ethics and turned to leave.

The woman stepped forward to stop the person and slapped her in the face, "Go! Tell them to bring me delicious food! Otherwise, when I gain a foothold in the Li family, I will fire you all!"

"How did you hit someone!"

The maid covered her face and looked at her in shock.

"If I hit you, I'll hit you!"

The woman was so arrogant that she snorted disdainfully: "Your Li family's dog, I will be the Li family's mistress in the future. If I beat you, just bear with me!"

"What a big breath!"

Uncle Zhang heard the movement in the house outside the door and couldn't help but enter the house, "Miss, I need to remind you that the appraisal report has not been released yet! Even if it is released, it will be confirmed that you are indeed the young master's biological mother, but Nor is she the mistress of the Li family. Our Li family has only one mistress! Only that one!"

"Which onion are you?"

The woman stared at him, "Why should you teach me a lesson?"

Uncle Zhang was too lazy to talk nonsense with her and left with the maid.

The woman chased her out with her arms akimbo, but when she saw the bodyguards blocking her, she could only curse: "Wait for me! How dare you do this to me? When the appraisal report comes out, you will have something to eat! And what about Ning Ying... …

You bitch, steal a man from me!When I slept with Li Jingyu, she didn’t know where she was!Shameless stuff...

Let me tell you, I am not someone to be trifled with!I am Li Zihe’s biological mother!He was born in my tenth month of pregnancy!If you dare to treat me badly, I will ask my son to expel you all! ! "

The sound of women cursing continued to be heard.

The maid who was beaten kept crying in grievance.

Uncle Zhang got her medicine, comforted her a few words, said he would give her a few days off and let her go.

The scolding continued.

Even the main house can hear it.

Uncle Zhang was worried that the woman would disturb the husband and wife, so he hurriedly asked someone to deliver delicious food.

As soon as he finished giving the instructions, Uncle Zhang turned around and saw Li Zihe standing at the door, about to go out.

"Young Master, what are you doing?"

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