The stepmother is rebellious and causes trouble in the baby's house

Chapter 144: One is happy and the other is unhappy. It’s weird no matter how you look at it.

Ning Ying's proposal was finally rejected by Li Zihe.

He didn't want Ning Ying to get hurt.

So since then, this matter has not been mentioned again.

Sun Xiaosha seemed to have learned wisely. After meeting Hebao, she no longer made noises, but often cried, and did not eat or sleep.

Ning Ying goes to work as usual every day, and her attitude towards Li Jingyu has hardly changed. She still smiles every day.

The only difference is the father and son Li Jingyu and Li Zihe.

They seemed to be shrouded in a haze, gloomy every day.

Even the employees in the company were aware of Li Jingyu's changes.

"I heard that during the regular meeting this morning, Mr. Li criticized the bosses one by one. He was scolded so bloody that people outside could hear it through the wall. The scene was very scary."

"Didn't you notice? Recently, Mr. Li seems to have returned to his former self. His whole figure is like an iceberg."

"I discovered it a long time ago. When my wife was in the company, I could still see Mr. Li's smile, but now, even if Mr. Li and his wife are standing together, their expressions are colder than my refrigerator."

"Aren't they arguing?"

"No way, isn't Madam happy every day?"

"This is strange. One is happy and the other is unhappy. It looks weird no matter how you look at it..."

"Who is weird?"

The sudden question made everyone startled. They looked intently and found that Ning Ying had joined in at some point.

Everyone immediately moved away, looking at each other in embarrassment.

"Are you so curious about me and your boss Li? Just ask if you're curious!"

Ning Ying sat down on the chair in front of the bar in the tea room and poured herself a glass of water.

A group of colleagues hesitated for a moment, and then someone took the courage to ask curiously: "Master, haven't you and Mr. Li been at odds recently?"

"I will not tell you!"

Ning Ying hummed.


"I didn't say anything. If you ask, I will definitely answer."

Ning Ying took a sip of water and spoke earnestly, "But if you talk about him behind his back, it's hard for me to guarantee that I won't tell him when I get home from work."

Colleagues' expressions changed drastically, and they all came forward to please them, "Don't be like this, Master, what do you want to eat? I'll order it for you! Yes, do you want milk tea? The recently released milk tea is very delicious, I'll buy it for you first!"

"Then buy two cups. What delicious food did you just mention?"

Colleagues handed over their mobile phones one after another and allowed her to place orders.

Ning Ying nodded happily.

After ordering the meal, everyone returned to their workstations and continued busy.

Ning Ying sat on the bar, the smile on her face instantly fell.

She frowned tightly and looked down at the water glass in her hand, thoughtfully.


Ning Ying called it a day and got off work.

These days, Li Jingyu works overtime until very late every day, and sometimes, he doesn't even come back to spend the night.

Therefore, there are few opportunities for the two to meet.

Ning Ying went home alone. As soon as she stepped into the living room, she heard what Uncle Zhang and Li Zihe were talking about...

"How is she?"

"I haven't eaten for several days and have been crying. I haven't made any more noise. My only request is to see you, young master."

Li Zihe was silent for a moment, "Give her something delicious. If she doesn't want to eat, you can just have some dessert."

"it is good."

Uncle Zhang nodded and left. When he looked up, he saw Ning Ying, "Madam..."

Li Zihe was stunned, and a flash of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Ning Ying walked in with a normal expression, "When will dinner be served? I'm hungry! I need to eat three bowls today!"

"It will be ready soon."

Uncle Zhang entered the kitchen.

Ning Ying walked up to Li Zihe and said, "Wash your hands, it's time to start dinner."

Li Zihe observed her expression and saw that she was as usual. He thought she didn't hear those words and breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay!"

In the evening, Ning Ying finished dinner with Li Zihe and then sent him upstairs to take a bath and go to bed.

After finishing these tasks, she sat in the living room and kept scrolling on her phone.

And the other side.

At the dinner, Li Jingyu sat at the main seat, and he did not refuse every glass of wine offered by his customers.So much so that after a dinner, everyone drank both red and white.

Gu Chuan tried to stop him several times, but was pushed away by Li Jingyu.

Finally, the dinner was over, and Gu Chuan helped Li Jingyu out of the hotel.

"Boss, the car is here, be careful."

"I am fine."

Li Jingyu's steps were not steady and his cheeks were flushed, but his aura was still strong.

Gu Chuan sighed, "Boss, are you using wine to relieve your worries? If you want to drink, there is no need to drink with those people. The red and white are mixed together. They just want to get you drunk so that you can relax. A matter of cooperation.”

"Oh, I'm not drunk!"

Li Jingyu snorted coldly.

Gu Chuan turned his head and glanced at his blurred eyes.

Are you still not drunk?
They are all delirious!

Gu Chuan sighed, helped him into the car, and sent him directly home.

After arriving home, Gu Chuan helped him into the house again.

"I'm not coming back here."

Li Jingyu raised his eyes and saw the familiar decoration, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

Gu Chuan stopped him, "Boss, this is your home, you're here!"

"I'm not going home!"

Li Jingyu insisted on going out.

Gu Chuan pulled him and said, "If you don't go home, where else can you go? Could it be that you have to go back to the company to sleep again?"

"Yes! Go back to the company and sleep!"

Li Jingyu walked out.

"We're already home, why should we go back to the company?"

Gu Chuan was speechless.

"I can't go home! I can't go home..."

Gu Chuan was puzzled: "Why not?"

"She will be sad when she sees me. I don't want to make her sad. Return to the company..."

Li Jingyu staggered out.

Gu Chuan had no choice.

At this time, Ning Ying heard the noise and walked to the door. When she saw the two of them staggering out, she asked lightly: "I just got home, where are we going?"

The two stopped at the same time.

Li Jingyu seemed to wake up in an instant.

Gu Chuan helped him look back and laughed dryly, "Haha, the boss is afraid of disturbing your rest, so he asked me to take him back to the company."

"I'm waiting for him. I have something to say."

After Ning Ying finished speaking, she turned around and entered the house.

Gu Chuan looked at Li Jingyu, "Boss, this..."

"Go back."

Li Jingyu turned around and staggered towards the house.

There was only a dim floor lamp in the living room.

Ning Ying was sitting on the sofa. When she saw him staggering in, she teased: "Didn't I say you can drink well?"

"There are so many of them!"

"Then you are really awesome!"

Ning Ying chuckled, "Can I get you a glass of water?"

"no need."

Li Jingyu walked forward, sat down aside, and looked at her with confused eyes, "Do you have something to tell me?"

This is the first serious communication between the two in this period of time.

Ning Ying got up and poured him a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

Li Jingyu took it and took a sip.

When Ning Ying saw that he had finished drinking, she pursed her lips and went straight to the topic, "Let that woman out. Keeping her locked up is not an option. She is He Bao's mother!"

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