After cleaning the toilet, most of the day has passed.

In the afternoon, Sun Xiaosha came out of the toilet on the first floor, rubbing her shoulders and cursing, "Damn Ning Ying, don't let me take the chance, or I will definitely kill you!"

As she spoke, she glanced at the time, grabbed another maid, and asked politely: "Where is Hebao's room?"

The maid was impatient, but also knew that she was difficult to deal with, so she said truthfully: "The one on the left on the second floor."

Sun Xiaosha smiled proudly, turned around and entered the kitchen. Seeing some fruit lying there, she cut it casually and carried it upstairs.

"Boom boom boom——"

Sun Xiaosha knocked on Li Zihe's door and pushed in.

At that time, Li Zihe was reading a book.

Sun Xiaosha walked directly in, "Hebao, are you serious about studying? My son is smart and loves to study so much at a young age."

"What's up?"

Li Zihe closed the book and looked at her doubtfully.

Sun Xiaosha put the fruit aside and took a close look at the book in his hand.

It was a name she couldn't understand.

"What are you looking at?"


Li Zihe replied.

"What it is?"

Sun Xiaosha didn't understand that at all.

She hadn't gone to school for a few days, so she naturally didn't know what the use of learning these things was.

Li Zihe: "..."

"Oh, don't talk about that."

Sun Xiaosha picked up the fruit on the table and asked, "Eat some fruit?"

Li Zihe glanced at it and frowned, "I can't eat mangoes."

"Why can't you eat it? This mango is so delicious! Mom cut it for you personally, how can you not eat it!"

With that said, Sun Xiaosha handed the fruit to his mouth and said earnestly, "Eat more fruit. It is good for your health. Children can't cause trouble."


Li Zihe wanted to explain something, but Sun Xiaosha didn't listen at all and stuffed the mango into his mouth.

Li Zihe frowned, showing Sun Xiaosha's satisfied expression. He swallowed the words that came to his mouth. In the end, he could only comfort himself that if he ate a little, he should be fine.

"Here, eat some more apples. We, Hebao, are good."

Sun Xiaosha smiled with satisfaction. Seeing that he had almost eaten, she got to the point at the right time: "He Bao, mom is almost exhausted today. They asked me to clean the toilet, and they didn't let me eat until I finished cleaning! It's so bullying... "

As she spoke, she sobbed quietly.

Li Zihe frowned and asked in confusion: "Who asked you to clean the toilet?"

"Not your stepmother!"

Sun Xiaosha complained aggrievedly, "She just couldn't bear to see me being released, so she deliberately made things difficult for me while your dad was not at home!"


Li Zihe blurted out.

"How is it impossible! She is just a bad woman! She is afraid that our mother and son will recognize each other and squeeze her out of her position, so she treats me like this... You don't even know how difficult it is for a mother..."

Sun Xiaosha wiped her tears.

Li Zihe remained silent.

"Hebao, you are mother's flesh and blood, you must not help her bully mother..."

"I do not know!"

Li Zihe stretched out his little hand and patted her, "Brother would not do this. She is not the kind of person you said! Moreover, it was her and dad who suggested releasing you."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaosha was stunned for a moment, "Did she propose it?"


"Then she probably has a conspiracy, or she just wants to deliberately make things difficult for me and make me give up!"

Sun Xiaosha said firmly.

Li Zihe frowned even more tightly and looked at her with hostility, "Stop talking! She is not this kind of person!!"

Seeing that he was starting to feel disgusted, Sun Xiaosha stopped in time and said, "Okay, okay, if mom doesn't say anything, come on, eat some more fruit."

"I won't eat mangoes anymore, I'm allergic." Li Zihe emphasized.

Sun Xiaosha said perfunctorily: "Children, don't make excuses to cause trouble, eat quickly..."

Unconsciously, Sun Xiaosha fed Li Zihe a whole plate of fruit.

She touched his head with satisfaction, stood up and left.

As soon as she left, Li Zihe felt uncomfortable in his stomach, but he didn't take it seriously.

In the evening, Ning Ying returned home from the company.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Sun Xiaosha sitting on the sofa watching TV with her legs still on the coffee table, eating the snacks Ning Ying bought.

Seeing her coming back, Sun Xiaosha glanced at her and continued watching TV.

Ning Ying's eyes flashed with sharpness, she stepped forward, snatched the snack from her hand, and asked: "Who asked you to eat it?"

"I want something to eat myself!"

Sun Xiaosha glanced at her arrogantly, "I've been tired all day, what's wrong with eating something?"

"This is not your thing. Taking it without asking is considered stealing!"

Ning Ying threw the snacks into the trash can, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at her condescendingly, "Is this just a secret habit?"


Sun Xiaosha stood up instantly.

Ning Ying raised her eyebrows, her eyes flashing sharply.

Sun Xiaosha didn't agree with her and hummed, "Okay, if you don't want to eat, I won't eat."

With that said, she returned to sit on the sofa.

Ning Ying kicked her directly in the calf, "Who asked you to sit here? This is where the master sits. As a nanny, what qualifications do you have to sit here?"

"Ning Ying, you are just deliberately looking for trouble!"

Sun Xiaosha was furious and clenched her hands into fists.

Ning Ying snorted, "I'm not as free as you. I'm here to teach you what rules are! What decency is!"


Sun Xiaosha's face turned black with anger, "Just wait, I will tell He Bao that you, the stepmother, bully me! I want to see how you explain it to He Bao later!"


Ning Ying was not afraid at all.

Sun Xiaosha was about to go upstairs angrily.

At this time, the servant came down from upstairs anxiously, "It's not good, Madam... Young Master, he..."


Ning Ying stepped forward quickly.

The servant gasped and said, "Young master, he fainted!"

Ning Ying rushed upstairs without saying a word.

Sun Xiaosha also ran up.

As soon as she entered the door, Ning Ying saw Li Zihe lying at the door of the bathroom. His whole body was covered in red rashes, and even his originally white and tender face was red.

"Hebao? Hebao?"

Ning Ying slapped Li Zihe's face.

Nothing happens.

Touching his forehead again, it was already hot to the touch.

At this time, Sun Xiaosha arrived. When she saw this scene, she collapsed on the ground and cried loudly, "My child... so pitiful, how could this happen..."

The whole room was filled with her cries.

She even tried to snatch the child from Ning Ying's hands.

Ning Ying's eyes sharpened, she grabbed Li Zihe and kicked her away impatiently, "If you keep howling, I'll lock you up again!"

"Ning Ying, you!"

Sun Xiaosha glared at her.

Ning Ying didn't want to pay attention to her at all, and rushed out with Li Zihe in her arms, "Arrange a driver to take him to the hospital."

A group of people rushed downstairs.

Sun Xiaosha reacted and stood up immediately, "Bitch, you want to take the opportunity to show off? I won't let you succeed! I'll go too!"

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