The stepmother is rebellious and causes trouble in the baby's house

Chapter 181 Li Jingyu: Watching you make money, watching you work, makes you think I’m so pretty!

"Big brother!"

Ning Ying led Li Zihe forward.

Li Jingyu and Ning Jinchen met each other, and they both nodded politely.

"so cute!"

When Xia Yan saw Li Zihe, she bent down and handed him the gift she had prepared. "He Bao, this is for you."

"Thank you pretty sister."

Li Zihe has a sweet mouth.

Xia Yan was so amused that she couldn't help but rub his curly hair.

Li Zihe's big grape-like eyes curled up.

"Let me introduce you."

Ning Jinchen held Xia Yan's waist and introduced her affectionately: "This is my girlfriend, Xia Yan."

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Ning Ying also handed over the gift she prepared.

"Thank you."

Xia Yan accepted the gift with some embarrassment, "I didn't prepare anything for you. I'm really sorry."

"It's the same thing if you give it to Hebao."

Ning Ying curled her lips.

Ning Jinchen pulled out the chair and said, "Everyone, please sit down. Stop standing."

"it is good."

Ning Ying placed Li Zihe on the children's chair.

Li Jingyu pulled out the chair in a gentlemanly manner, and Ning Ying sat down naturally.

When ordering, Ning Jinchen looked through the menu and said, "I remember that you don't like to eat anything too sweet, so I'll give you something else for dessert after the meal."


Xia Yan nodded.

"Do you eat this?"

Ning Jinchen pointed to one of the dishes on the menu.

"it is good."

"Then this."

Ning Jinchen ordered the food and added at the end: "She doesn't eat onions, so don't let them go."


The waiter noted it down.

Ning Ying, who was sitting opposite, secretly observed them while looking at the menu. She couldn't help but snickered. She lowered her voice and said to Li Jingyu: "I have never seen this side of my brother. I didn't expect him to fall in love." , so attentive."

"I'm also careful."

Li Jingyu emphasized.

Ning Ying glanced at him, "How careful are you? Do you also remember what I don't like to eat?"

"There's nothing you don't like to eat!"

Li Jingyu raised his eyebrows, "Isn't your source of happiness: making money and making a living? Isn't this man so good-looking?"

"Hahaha, you're right!"

Ning Ying didn't expect that he would still remember the nonsense she once said casually.

"Then do you know what my source of happiness is?"

Li Jingyu asked her back.

Ning Ying was stunned for a moment and shook her head, "Tell me about it."

Li Jingyu raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, "I watch you make money, watch you work, I make you think I'm so pretty!"

Ning Ying: "…………"

Ning Ying looked him over, "Li Zi, I really think your aloof persona is about to collapse. Have you ever considered the feelings of your fans?"

"Do I still have fans?"

Li Jingyu felt strange.

"Yes. After all, he is also the former diamond king."

"Then are you?"

Li Jingyu looked at her playfully.

Ning Ying thought for a moment, "If you V me 50, I'll tell you!"

Li Jingyu curled his lips and looked back at the menu.

Ning Ying: "???"

"Why has your demeanor changed when talking about money?"

Li Jingyu calmly flipped through the menu and said in a low voice: "The country has been strict about catching fraud recently, so be careful."

Ning Ying's mouth twitched.

The interaction between the two attracted the attention of Xia Yan opposite.

After ordering, she smiled and said, "How long have you been married?"

Ning Ying thought for a while and replied: "Not long, more than half a year."

"Newly married, no wonder they look so loving. It's so enviable to see."

Xia Yan cast an envious look. Ning Ying raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you also affectionate? I just said that I have never seen my brother treat any girl so well!"

"I treat you badly?"

Ning Jinchen sipped the red wine and asked.

Ning Ying: "Can it be the same?"

Ning Jinchen chuckled and nodded, "It's indeed different!"

"By the way, I'm curious, who of you two is chasing whom?"

Ning Ying turned on the gossip radar.

Ning Jinchen glanced deeply at Xia Yan sideways, "Let me tell you?"

Xia Yan curled her lips in embarrassment, "Let me tell you, I am the one chasing him."


Ning Ying's eyes widened.

Xia Yan: "I have liked him for many years."


Ning Ying's gossip factor was completely mobilized, "Speak quickly, tell me quickly, I like to hear it."

Xia Yan recalled the past and said: "We were high school alumni, and I fell in love with him at that time. Later, I met him several times at work, but I never had the opportunity to contact him. Way. Until some time ago, I attended a cocktail party and met him again..."

Ning Ying asked: "Then how long did it take you to catch him from the moment you started chasing him?"

Xia Yan thought for a while, "A week?"

Ning Ying cast her gossipy gaze on Ning Jinchen, "Brother, tell me the truth, have you fallen in love at first sight for a long time?"

Ning Jinchen's handsome face evoked a smile that was seen through, "Don't be so straightforward!"

"Hahaha, sure enough! This face-based world is so simple and straightforward!"

Ning Ying looked like she had seen through life.

On the side, Li Jingyu patted her on the head and said, "You can't tear someone apart."

Ning Ying shrugged.

Xia Yan: "Speaking of which, I feel really lucky. I still think this is a dream."

Ning Jinchen gently put his big palm around her waist, "I must be lucky!"

"Tsk~! There's no need to eat this dinner, I'll just eat your dog food!"

Ning Ying shook her head again and again.


Xia Yan and Ning Jinchen both couldn't help laughing.

After the dinner, everyone was chatting happily.

After it was over, Ning Jinchen stood up and went to pay the bill.

After a few steps, a reckless waitress accidentally bumped into him.

But fortunately, the dish in his hand was held firmly and his clothes were not stained.

"I'm sorry, sir!"

The waitress apologized profusely.

Ning Jinchen waved her hand, "It doesn't matter."

After paying the bill, several people left together.

As soon as she reached the elevator, Xia Yan suddenly said: "I seem to have dropped my earrings in the restaurant."

"Shall I go back with you to look for you?"

Ning Jinchen said and walked back.

Xia Yan held him back, "Forget it, just wait for me here. I'll go back and take a look. If I can't find it, forget it."

With that said, she walked back alone.

Ning Jinchen stayed and waited for him.

After Ning Ying said goodbye to him, the family of three got on the elevator.


After Xia Yan returned, she did not return to the seat she had just sat in. Instead, she went straight to the cashier and asked with a cold face: "Where is your manager?"

The store manager came out quickly and said, "Miss, how can I help you?"

"That waitress who just bumped into my boyfriend, I want you to fire her!"

Xia Yan demanded with a cold face.

The store manager was stunned for a moment and immediately asked someone to investigate.

When he learned that this was indeed the case, he asked the waitress to come forward and apologize.

The waitress was frightened and said, "I'm sorry, miss."

Xia Yan frowned, "I don't want to be sorry, I want you to fire her! Otherwise, I will complain to your superiors until you fire her!"

After saying that, she glanced at the waitress with disgust in her eyes, "I will follow up on this matter later, you can figure it out."

Xia Yan turned around and left.

The store manager recognized her, glanced at the waitress helplessly one last time, and sighed: "Pack your things, you don't have to come tomorrow."

"Manager, I really didn't mean it just now..."

"No need to say anything, let's go back!" (End of Chapter)

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