Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 102: Did he disappear or did he leave on his own?

Bai Qiuwu's comparison with the God of Wealth was a bit overestimating his abilities.

After all, among the many people who came to her to make wishes, apart from getting rich or getting rich suddenly, other issues only accounted for a small part. At a glance, they all wanted to get rich.

This shows how busy the God of Wealth is.

But she was just giving an example, and it didn't need to be so rigorous.

Moreover, her strategic goals have to change now. In the past, it was because she was not famous enough that she would pay special attention to the realization of every wish.

Because as long as all wishes can always be realized and the probability of realization is maintained at 100%, a large number of people will be attracted.

But now that the exposure has been enough, more and more people will know about her, so there is no need to do this.

Anyway, explain it clearly. If it can be realized, it means your desire is strong enough. If it cannot be realized, it is normal because you are not obsessed enough.

The main thing is to look at fate.

Although it is easy to be called a liar by saying this, as long as someone succeeds in making a wish, there will be a steady stream of exposure, and if this cycle continues, it will not be a big problem.

Bai Qiuwu considered this kind of issue about his career very clearly. After explaining the whole idea to Pu Xi, Pu Xi still chose to respect it although he had some concerns.

Unlike ordinary bosses, he doesn't listen to the opinions of his employees at all. Here, his only employee Bai Qiuwu has a much higher status than him.

Although Bai Qiuwu is not an ordinary employee.

So, Bai Qiuwu's idea was approved.

When the two of them arrived at the small village in City H, they had almost all the texts ready.

The camera was turned on and the live broadcast started. Before Bai Qiuwu could speak, thousands of people started pouring in.

This was an event that was unimaginable before.

You must know that Bai Qiuwu did not notify the broadcast time in advance this time, which means that these people are either squatting specifically for her, or they happened to come in just in time.

Regardless of the reason, or both possibilities, these are quite popular representatives.

However, Bai Qiuwu soon discovered that the popularity was still due to the repercussions of the last incident, because all the barrage was talking about this incident.

Everyone seems to be paying extraordinary attention to this matter, far beyond any other incident.

[No, this is the next place?Don’t you explain clearly what happened last time?Just like that?What happened in the end? I'm curious. Is that person really dead? Is there something fishy in this? There are so many twists and turns that I can't believe it.]

【Last time?Which time?That girl who directed and acted herself, but ended up playing herself to death?Isn't there any ending to this matter? It's already over. Now that everyone is dead, what kind of ending is there? It's not that the police have determined it, or it's self-directed and acted.]

[Also because there are too many twists and turns, it feels like watching a movie. Although the deceased is the most powerful and the deceased should be respected, I still want to say that this girl is fierce. She even plotted against her own mother, but she is dead. It’s really nice, what about her family?]

[Her family should feel lucky. I heard that the hospital looked at them in such a miserable way and compensated them some money. Then the ones who committed suicide were indeed dead. Of course, the ones who were alive should live well. In fact, there is nothing to say about this. Self-inflicted suffering is the greatest realism]

[So God is watching what you do. Sometimes the bad things you do, really don’t expect to be able to hide them from others. Look at this girl. At first, she thought that her father’s matter was just over, but in the end it wasn’t revealed. , it’s all retribution]

[Shouldn’t the most powerful person be Master Bai? What about those people who originally talked about Master Bai’s conspiracy theory? Why don’t you speak out? Are you just not talkative by nature?When you mocked me, I wanted to laugh. Why do I not learn to behave after being slapped in the face so many times?]


As the number of people increased dramatically, the barrage filled the screen. Bai Qiuwu only looked at a few of them carefully, and felt that the colorful colors were noisy to his eyes.

She no longer watched carefully, but said hello in a normal manner, making the same opening remarks as she had done countless times before.

"Hello everyone, I'm in City H now."

"There was a netizen whose ID was "Good things come in pairs". I don't know if you still remember it. This friend came to me to make a wish because his wife was missing. Now we have arrived at the home of the netizen "Good things come in pairs".

"As for the last wish, I have said it many times. Anyway, God will see what you do. I will not express my personal opinion. Anyway, the ending will definitely be worthy of what you have done."

"So let him pass this wish. Let's continue reading. Regarding this netizen who has good things in pairs, he himself has given some information. It is said that he and his wife are childhood sweethearts, and the relationship between the two is very good. , these are all videos under his ID account, and interested netizens can take a look."

Bai Qiuwu finished summarizing the past in one breath, and then continued: "In a while, we will visit a neighbor and friend who has a good deed in pairs, and ask about his situation."

"Another thing to note is that we may have to make some changes regarding wish-making."

Bai Qiuwu explained what he and Pu Xi had discussed, and then looked at the response to the barrage.

Netizens naturally have some opinions, because the rules have been changed again and again, but this time there is no threshold, and it becomes an electronic wish directly. You can just send a message directly, which is indeed a lot more convenient.

However, as Bai Qiuwu expected, this rhetoric was considered a liar by many people.

If she was accepting money at this moment, it would really look more like a liar.

Of course, Bai Qiuwu would not accept money, but she also made it clear that whether the wish comes true or not depends entirely on the individual. Before making a wish, think about how much you weigh, whether you have done any bad things, and whether you deserve this wish.

If you do all the bad things but wish for all kinds of good things, the final result will definitely be shocking or even unacceptable.

In short, before making a wish, think more about whether you are worthy of it.

Bai Qiuwu spread this meaning very clearly, and then she also explained the issue of offline live broadcast.

"Because the company is about to have its annual meeting, and I may have to go back to the company, I will not broadcast the wishes of other provinces for the time being. If I have time, I will continue to broadcast the wishes of the company's own province."

"The wishes for the live broadcast are randomly selected by me from among the many wishes. Anyway, please continue to pay attention. I will also live broadcast some other content for you later. It is not necessarily to help others realize their wishes."

There was a lot to explain. Bai Qiuwu spoke for a long time in one breath, and finally finished it. Netizens had various reactions, but this was not what she was concerned about.

She is only responsible for talking.

"Okay, that's all I want to inform you. Let's continue with the content. Now I'm going to randomly ask some people in the village to find out what the specific situation is of the good guy who comes in pairs and his wife."

With that said, Bai Qiuwu started walking towards the village.This village is not the particularly run-down village in the TV series. It belongs to that kind of village with cement roads, electricity and shops. Although it is not as prosperous as the city and does not have high-rise buildings. They are all self-built houses, but it feels okay. .

It is considered a relatively wealthy village.

But the village is not big, probably only a few dozen or hundreds of people. A village with such a small population means that if something happens, the whole village will probably know about it.

Therefore, Bai Qiuwu didn't pick anyone specifically. He just caught and asked whoever he met on the road.

The first person I met was a fat aunt. She looked to be in her 50s or [-]s. She had a round face and seemed to be very talkative.

The fact is that she is really easy to talk to. When Bai Qiuwu asked her questions, she started to answer them without hesitation for half a year.

Bai Qiuwu claimed to be the friend who had good things come in pairs, and then said that there had been no news about him recently, and he was a little worried so he came to see him and asked the aunt if she knew this person.

The aunt spoke without thinking: "He, I know, lives at the end of the village. If you walk along this road, his home will be the third house."

"Oh, ma'am, do you know what happened to him? Recently, he ignored me when I called him. He seemed to be in a bad mood and wouldn't answer his phone calls. I'm quite worried."

Bai Qiuwu's tone was very sincere, as if she really had such a friend and she was very worried.

When the aunt heard this, she also sighed.

"He, his wife ran away, of course he is in a bad mood, and it is normal for him to not want to pay attention to others."

Bai Qiuwu was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean his wife ran away? Didn't he just get married? Is his wife missing? Did he call the police?"

"Call the police. Why didn't you call the police? But the police said that his wife left on her own initiative. She was not coerced, she just ran away."

"Speaking of which, that young man is really unlucky. I heard that he gave his wife all the money to study in college. After studying for so many years, she also got a doctorate. The young man didn't know how much money he gave. As a result, now People ran away.”

As she spoke, the aunt smacked her lips and said with some emotion: "But yes, Ni'er already has a doctorate, and the man only has a high school degree. The difference is too big. I guess we can't even talk together. How can we still be together like this?"

Bai Qiuwu thought what she said made sense, but he couldn't just draw a conclusion, so he continued to ask.

"Maybe they have a deeper relationship. Isn't my friend still married to her? If you don't like her, why did you get married?"

"Shit, I heard that they didn't get a marriage certificate, they just had a banquet. In our eyes, they are married, but that's not the case legally."

"As for feelings, the two children grew up together, so they should have feelings, but the gap is too big. The girl must have run away on her own."

The aunt expressed firmly, as if she was swearing that this was the truth.

Bai Qiuwu asked a few more questions before saying goodbye to his aunt.

From this aunt, she got the result that the two people had indeed grown up together, and the girl's family conditions were not good, and all her family members had died in the past two years.

Then the boy dropped out of high school, worked part-time to earn the girl's tuition, and offered the girl a doctorate. The two fell in love for nearly ten years, and then they finally became successful.

But the two of them may not have obtained a marriage certificate. The girl just had a banquet with the boy, and then she disappeared within a few days of living together.

The police called the police. The police only found out that the girl left on her own. Then the small police in the village could not find anything else. They found that the girl was not coerced or disappeared, so they did not continue the investigation.

Because the girl's family is now dead and no one else can contact her, the boy has no choice.

And the boy firmly believed that it was missing.

This point was clearly demonstrated by the person's attitude after Bai Qiuwu met him.

This boy is not ugly, even a little handsome. He is quite tall and looks very strong. He is a style that young girls will like.

But I don't know if it's because he has been living in the countryside, but he looks a bit honest and honest.

He was very surprised to see Bai Qiuwu coming, and then he welcomed her very politely, and then hesitantly asked when his wife would be back.

Bai Qiuwu first asked about the marriage certificate, and then discovered that the two people really did not have the certificate.

To this question, the boy's answer was: "She said she had to wait and hold a banquet first, so I agreed."

"She probably didn't lie to me. If she didn't want to marry me, why did she have a banquet with me?"

The boy has thick dark circles under his eyes. It can be seen that his mental state is not very good. He must have been struggling during this time.

Bai Qiuwu couldn't answer his question, but this man's merits were very good. It could be said that he had never done any bad things, and he even had some residual virtues from his previous life.

His wish will definitely come true very well.

So seeing how uncomfortable he was, Bai Qiuwu said directly: "Don't worry, your wish will definitely come true, and it will come true very well."

She said this with such certainty that the boy's eyes lit up instantly: "Really?"


Bai Qiuwu counted on his fingers: "Two days, within two days, your wish will definitely come true."

As soon as she said this, the netizens watching the live broadcast were not happy.

[At first glance, it seems that the girl felt that the gap was too big and left. How did this wish come true so well?The girl figured it out and came back on her own? 】

[I also think the girl gave up on her own. The police said she was not missing, but left voluntarily. Isn’t this enough to explain the problem?Moreover, the gap between a high school diploma and a doctorate degree is too big...]

[The gap is indeed too big. If you ask me to say it, even if we are forced to stay together, we will break up sooner or later. It’s just that it’s a bit hurtful for this girl to leave without saying goodbye. At least I want to thank her. Is it so difficult to explain clearly?]

[How to explain this clearly? If you owe too much, you can’t explain it clearly. Do you understand? Running away proves that she doesn’t want to be trapped here. If you ask me, this wife will definitely not be able to get her back, just like you You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep]

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