Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 11 Everything is caused by cause and effect

Chapter 11 Everything is caused by cause and effect
Bai Qiuwu spoke so seriously, as if she was sincerely giving suggestions to the company, that no one even realized what she was talking about.

Seeing Cui Fei's stunned expression, Bai Qiuwu slowly leaned on the back of the chair, put his left leg on his right leg, supported his face with his hands, and leaned forward slightly. His upturned peach blossom eyes seemed a little more noble for no reason.

She looked at Cui Fei with a half-smile, and said in a lazy tone: "I beg you, please don't withdraw the lawsuit. I heard that prosecution is very troublesome. Let's settle it once and for all. Let's explain it to the court."

Cui Fei finally realized what she was talking about, and his face almost turned livid. She glared at Bai Qiuwu and squeezed out a sentence through her teeth: "How dare you!"

"Why don't I dare?" Bai Qiuwu laughed out loud: "There's no need to say anything else. I don't want any compensation. I'll see you in court."

"If your company can survive until the court date."

The last sentence made Cui Fei even more angry and almost made him pout.

But as God testifies, Bai Qiuwu didn't mean anything else. She was really just stating the facts.

At the same time, on the second floor, the little girl's eyes lit up, she excitedly pulled the sleeves of the person next to her, and whispered: "Brother, have you seen that, this sister is so awesome!"

Pu Yao's face was still expressionless, but there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

After years of ups and downs in the shopping mall, Pu Yao is most aware of the fragility of people's hearts. He also knows that few people refuse the temptation of power and money, so he said such words.

But the little girl below did give a different answer.

Pu Yao was a little more interested and looked down.

Then he saw a slightly familiar face.

Pu Yao has a good memory, and he quickly remembered the information that he personally put into the file bag and gave to Pu Xi.

Pu Xi said that this little star was completely inconsistent with the personality they investigated. Pu Yao didn't pay attention to it at the time. He just thought that no matter how different he was, how could he be so different?

But now he realized that maybe Pu Xi wasn't exaggerating.

At least the little star in the file would never dare to talk to people in the company like this.

Pu Yao was a little surprised, but that was all, and he quickly returned to his indifferent attitude.

It was Pu Xi who originally chose Bai Qiuwu as the starting point, but he failed to get anything done. In order to deal with the aftermath for him, Pu Yao proposed to meet Bai Qiuwu.

But now that something has happened to Zhi'an Entertainment Company, Bai Qiuwu is no longer needed. In Pu Yao's eyes, Bai Qiuwu has lost his value and is just a stranger.

He said to the secretary who had obviously forgotten his job: "Let's go."

The secretary's name was Tan Yu. She originally wanted to continue watching the show, so she opened her mouth to say a few words of advice, but when she turned around, she saw Pu Yao's expressionless face.

Tan Yu was stunned immediately. After all, none of the juniors of their generation were not afraid of Pu Yao. She was quite good, but she dared to drag Pu Yao to gossip.

Pu Yao is actually not much older than them, but because he took over the company early, his aura is really unmatched by ordinary people.

So no matter how reluctant he was to leave, Tan Yu could only turn around and follow Pu Yao step by step.

Halfway through the walk, she suddenly stopped and her eyes suddenly opened wide: "Brother, that person just now was so white, so white!"

As a secretary, Tan Yu may not be very competent, but he also took over Bai Qiuwu's information, and he finally came to his senses at this moment.

Pu Yao nodded calmly, his expression not changing at all.

Tan Yu was shocked: "What a coincidence? We actually met here?"

Then she showed a look of realization: "Brother, why are you so impatient? She can explain it easily."

Pu Yao didn't quite understand the logic, for example, when did he become impatient.

Facing Pu Yao's questioning gaze, Tan Yu laughed twice: "Brother, don't worry, I won't go out and talk nonsense. It's normal for you to hate her. After all, if she hadn't grabbed you, we wouldn't have come here."

Yes, Pu Yao came to the court this time because of Bai Qiuwu.

Bai Qiuwu directly named him on the Internet for being behind the scenes. Although it was true and he was doing harm to the people, the president of the court was his elder and was very concerned after learning the news.Pu Yao then had to go to the house in person to reassure the old man.

However, Pu Yao felt that Bai Qiuwu could not be blamed. To be honest, Pu Xi, who kept spitting out everything without a clue, had a greater responsibility.

Since you have told others about your news, there is no reason to blame others for spreading it.

Of course, these are his psychological thoughts, and he won't explain it to Tan Yuduo, which is troublesome.

Tan Yu misunderstood. Seeing his expressionless face and not speaking, Tan Yu thought that he did mind, so she couldn't help but whisper: "This kind of little star likes to enjoy the popularity, and he likes to tease everyone he sees."

"But brother, don't think too much about it. The rumors stop with the wise. Just wait until this storm passes."

Tan Yu was trying hard to persuade her, but the next moment she saw her brother frowning and asked, "What rumors?"

Tan Yu: "..."

Oops, it seems that I accidentally slipped my mouth.

Seeing that Tan Yu's expression was tangled and even a little frightened, Pu Yao's voice became deeper: "Tan Yu."

Tan Yu wished she could go back in time and slap both of her ears, but she still had to lower her head and whispered, "Just those rumors on the Internet."

"You said you were the financial backer behind the little star and so on. The arrangement was very exciting, and then our company was a bit excited to watch."

"Also, isn't that little star now live-streaming on our live-streaming platform? Many people think that the relationship between you two is unusual, and you have a real relationship or something."

After Tan Yu finished speaking vaguely, he raised his head cautiously and saw Pu Yao frowning and his expression became more serious.

Tan Yu suddenly became even more frightened and ran away, shouting, "Brother, I'll go get the car!"

Pu Yao only felt his headache getting worse.

He was not optimistic about Pu Xi's plan from the beginning, but out of support for his brother, he didn't say much and just let him do it.

There was no objection to Pu Xi choosing Bai Qiuwu as the entry point, and he even provided some help.

As a result, now that the matter has not been completed, he has been dragged into it.

It's not a big problem, but it's troublesome, and Pu Yao hates trouble.

So, when Bai Qiuwu went out, he saw the figure standing at the door.

To be honest, just from the back view, you will find that this man is very eye-catching, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, tall and long legs, wearing a meticulous suit, as if he will be attending a high-end evening party with red wine in his hand the next second.

The slightly exposed side profile is also sharp and angular. From this corner, you can get a glimpse of his superior facial features.

But the reason why Bai Qiuwu noticed him was not because he was handsome.

But it was because of the intense golden light that radiated dazzlingly around him.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like a small sun.

It’s all merit and blessing!
Bai Qiuwu worked hard to make wishes for others, just to restore some spiritual power. Whether a god's spiritual power is strong or not fundamentally depends on her deep merits.

And by helping people with profound merits fulfill their wishes, she will also gain more spiritual power.

But if you help someone with poor merit, then in the process of realizing the wish, the person who made the wish will suffer bad retribution. Bai Qiuwu can also gain spiritual power by acting on behalf of heaven.

In short, it's all about cause and effect.

Bai Qiuwu has never seen a mortal with such strong merit and blessings, even comparable to her level in heaven.

If she could help someone with such great merit fulfill a wish, how much spiritual power would she have to recover?
Tears of disappointment flowed from the corners of his mouth. Bai Qiuwu swallowed and rushed straight up.

(End of this chapter)

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