Bai Qiuwu came on stage extremely enthusiastically.

But it was not for the sake of going up to receive the award, but for the girl who presented the award.

This female star, whose stage name is Xiaolu, has a pure and cute baby face, and a pair of big round eyes that are very cute. She has the kind of sweet appearance that can drive countless straight men crazy when she smiles.

But at this moment, Bai Qiuwu stared at her seriously, not at her appearance, but at the black mist that was constantly coming out of her body.

Observing this closely, Bai Qiuwu discovered that this was not her own causal relationship. This girl was not a bad person, and had even done many good deeds.

At least Bai Qiuwu saw in her the golden light that can only be gained by doing good deeds.

It's just that the color is very, very subtle, indicating that although this girl has done good things, it is not anything particularly powerful. But since she can have color, she must have saved other people's lives at the very least.

As the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, but in fact, the merit of saving one life is really not that much in the long river of time.

But just such a little bit of golden light protected her body, preventing the surging black mist from having any real impact on her.

The black mist looked a bit like a lingering obsession. Although it couldn't harm her under the influence of the golden light, its subtle influence was always there.

With such dirty things around you, the most intuitive manifestation is that your spirit will become worse, and more mysteriously, your luck will also become worse.

In short, this person's luck will be affected bit by bit.

If things go on like this, something will happen.

Bai Qiuwu looked at her intently, which made the girl feel a little uncomfortable.

The little girl named Xiaolu thought she was upset because she mistook the person for a waiter at first or didn't recognize her identity, so she apologized awkwardly.

"Sorry, I didn't look carefully just now, so I didn't recognize it for a moment."

She was holding a microphone in her hand, so when she spoke, everyone in the venue knew that Bai Qiuwu was not joking. She was really not some random waiter, but the real electronic Bodhisattva.

It's a little embarrassing now.

There were many people who saw her just now, but no one recognized her. They all thought she was a staff member.

However, Bai Qiuwu didn't care about these reactions. She nodded casually and reached out to take the prize from Xiaolu's hand.

Xiaolu is indeed a veteran who has been in the entertainment industry for several years. Although he has a cute and sweet appearance, he still has a very strong aura.

She skillfully changed the subject and asked Bai Qiuwu: "Does Miss Bai have anything to say to everyone?"

The top ten anchors have to encourage the people below, which can be regarded as a fixed routine.

Pu Xi had told Bai Qiuwu before that although this was not a serious occasion, Pu Xi still wanted Bai Qiuwu to prepare in advance, so he specifically told her.

Bai Qiuwu heard it at the time, but didn't take it seriously. He was ready to leave with just a few words, or just say that I didn't have anything to say.

As long as you don't care about other people's eyes, it's not as simple as saying whatever you want.

But just when she was about to be perfunctory, she glanced around and saw the group of people looking at her with hatred on their faces.

It was the person who had mocked her before.

They were still live broadcasting, but once Pu Xi's identity was revealed, they had no choice but to admit it in order not to be kicked out.

The live broadcast was shut down, but the face was slapped.

As a result, his eyes couldn't help but become a little unfriendly.

In other words, they were never friendly.

However, after noticing Bai Qiuwu's gaze coming over, they still lowered their heads in embarrassment to hide their unkind expressions.

Obviously after knowing their identities, they did not dare to confront each other again, but anyone could see their dissatisfaction.

In fact, they are not the only ones who are dissatisfied.

Although Bai Qiuwu didn't interact with many people, no one paid attention to her because of her outfit, so she still heard a lot of strange sounds while walking along.

To be honest, Bai Qiuwu didn't care.

But she has an assistant who cares deeply.

Seeing the angry Pu Xi in the audience, Bai Qiuwu thought for a while and took the microphone.

She coughed slightly to clear her voice and said casually: "I know you are somewhat dissatisfied with me."

"You have worked hard for a year, but it only took me a few days to get this ranking. You have normal emotions, and I don't care."

"But please, next time you speak ill of someone behind their back, can you look around and don't let me hear it? Rats in the gutter just stay in the gutter. If you insist on being a street rat, don't blame everyone. Shouting a beating.”

At this point, she paused, with a faint smile on her lips, but her eyes were full of indifference: "If you let me hear comments about me again next time, don't blame me for not giving face."

"If the commotion becomes big and ugly by then, you are the ones asking for it."

After saying that, Bai Qiuwu ignored the stunned host and the other anchors with very excited expressions, and directly put the microphone back, and Shi Shiran stepped down.

This is definitely the most unprecedented statement.

People invited her to the stage because they wanted her to share her experience and inspire others with her own successful example, but what was Bai Qiuwu talking about...

Threats, this is a naked threat!

Xiaolu, such an eloquent person, was stuck for a long time at this moment. After the initial deathly silence, there was an uproar below.

Bai Qiuwu didn't care about these reactions at all. Without even looking at him, he stepped down from the stage and walked to Pu Xi's side.

She didn't care about the many looks from the people next to her, and raised her lips: "Let's go?"

Pu Xi was also very angry at this incident, but he also didn't expect that Bai Qiuwu would be so brave and say such things publicly.

But having said it all, how could someone as smart as Pu Xi say anything disrespectful on such an occasion.

Pu Xi thought for a while and realized that it was really pointless to stay any longer, so she simply nodded and left with Bai Qiuwu.

Countless people just watched them with disbelief as they were about to walk out of the venue.

However, just when everyone thought they were going to leave without looking back, Bai Qiuwu suddenly paused. She seemed to have remembered something, turned her head to look at the stage, and shouted.

"That what...little deer!"

Xiaolu was also a little stuck at the moment. This was the first time she had seen such a disrespectful anchor, and she was still thinking about how to make the situation come true.

But the next moment, she heard Bai Qiuwu's call, and subconsciously raised her head and responded: "I'm here, what's wrong?" She was still a little unable to recover, and looked at Bai Qiuwu warily.

She said in her heart that this sister was so shameless. She just listened to the people below her and dared to mock others like rats in the gutter to their faces. Such a ruthless person would not throw her away just because she didn't recognize him. It's her face.

Xiaolu had known Bai Qiuwu before. Although Bai Qiuwu didn't make a name for himself in the entertainment industry during those years, he was still a controversial little girl. People in their circles still knew each other.

However, just when Xiaolu was struggling with how to respond if he was told something, Bai Qiuwu finally spoke.

"Well, if you have any troubles recently, you can come to me."

Bai Qiuwu blinked his eyes and said very sincerely: "I can help you realize your wish, free of charge!"

The tone was like a promotional voice at the door of a store, similar to "The second one is half price."

Xiaolu never expected that it would be like this. He was stunned again and looked at Bai Qiuwu stupidly.

Bai Qiuwu smiled kindly at her, as if the staff were soliciting business, all kinds of friendly.

Xiaolu got stuck: "Uh."

The other anchors at the scene also looked at each other in shock when they saw this strange scene.

But before they could come up with anything, Bai Qiuwu had already finished what he wanted to say, waved his hands, and left happily. His movements were very neat, and after a while, no one could be seen.

At this time, the venue completely exploded.

"Damn, did you hear that? How dare she talk like that? Is she so crazy?! Who is this person? If you don't know, you'd think she won No. 1!"

"Damn it, a No. 8 got the best of her. I'm really speechless. How dare you challenge me like that? Is there someone behind you?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If there wasn't someone behind you, how could you have collected so much heat in just a few days? You really think that all this heat is just cabbage in the field. You can do it if you want, and you can get it if you want it."

"Speaking of which, I don't know how much money she spent on marketing, and I don't know how many she bought just for hot searches. If she spends money and resources like this, even dogs can be on the list. I don't know what she is doing. !”

Human jealousy is endless.

In addition, Bai Qiuwu's words just now were indeed not very polite. Many people felt that they had been ridiculed. Seeing that everyone was scolding at the moment, there were really few people who were reserved and silent.

Even the top ten guys on the list are sneering at this moment.

Bai Qiuwu didn't know about the excitement here.

She was listening to Pu Xi's nagging.

Pu Xi started whispering in her ear almost as soon as she went out.

"Why are you here dressed like this? Oh my god, when I saw you, I thought you were some waiter. No waiter would treat you like this!"

Bai Qiuwu had expected that he would say this, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, you can wear whatever you want, and no one stipulates that you can't wear regular clothes."

Pu Xi: "But you are being looked down upon by others. Didn't you hear how those people mocked us? I'm so angry."

Bai Qiuwu: "Then if I don't dress like this, they won't laugh at me. What should be ridiculed is not ridiculing, but it's just changed from the name to the secret."

Pu Xi thought about it and it seemed that this was true, but he was not willing to be persuaded and argued hard: "But at least we can't hear it. You can say whatever you want behind the scenes. If we can't hear it, it doesn't exist."

Bai Qiuwu said "hmm" and replied calmly: "We won't be able to hear it from now on. I've already said that, who dares to say it to my face."

Pu Xi: "..."

This happened to be another point Pu Xi wanted to make about her.

As a public figure, how can he speak like this? He is not an ordinary person. He has at least hundreds of thousands or millions of fans.

How terrible would it be to offend these people by speaking so directly and unpleasantly, and then they set the pace?

But before Pu Xi could say anything, Bai Qiuwu had already taken the initiative to mention the matter, as if he had made a meritorious service, and Pu Xi couldn't say anything else.

Bai Qiuwu didn't want to give him a chance to think carefully, so he pulled him away after speaking.

"Okay, okay, everything is in the past. It's useless to think about it anymore. Let's make peace with it now. Let's look back."

Although the words are perfunctory, it is indeed the truth.

Pu Xi was very depressed, but she couldn't say anything else, so she could only shut up angrily.

But what they didn't expect was that this incident was just the beginning.

That night, there were many posts about the party on Weibo. I don’t know who disclosed it or who disclosed it. In short, some people said that Bai Qiuwu relied on his strong connections behind his back to act like a big name at industry gatherings.

But originally it wasn't a big deal, but a bunch of anchors showed up and gave their own opinions, and all kinds of strange and strange rhythms really brought this matter up.

Pu Xi's worries are absolutely correct. Once the anchor industry has more fans, the trend it can lead will be very powerful.

Bai Qiuwu's words were so unpleasant, and she offended so many anchors. It would be impossible for her to be arrogant at the time if she didn't get some help.

It's just that Pu Xi didn't expect it to be so menacing.

Suddenly, everyone was saying that Bai Qiuwu was not a good character, that he had financial backers, and that he acted like a big name and did not treat other anchors as human beings.

The most outrageous thing is that Bai Qiuwu, who is very good-looking in the entertainment industry, was accused by many people of being too beautiful. No one recognized her when she went to the theater.

This statement is also quite valid. It is true that no one recognized her at the time, otherwise the matter would not have been so embarrassing.

But I didn't recognize her not because she was ugly, but because she was too low-key and dressed too plainly. This reason was tacitly ignored by the anchors.

They took it out of context and started saying that Bai Qiuwu had put on makeup to beautify her face. In short, she was an Internet goddess who died in public.

This wave of black tide was not as serious as the previous black wave on the Internet, but it still attracted a lot of people's attention, and even became a hot search topic that night.

Pu Xi read these posts one by one, and her blood pressure soared. She immediately picked up the trumpet and prepared to fight these sunspots for 300 rounds.

Bai Qiuwu was also notified by him. Pu Xi's original words were to see if you do good things and whether you dare to do them again.

Bai Qiuwu went to see it silently, but he didn't think there was anything wrong. He didn't say anything and left silently.

She was still thinking about how to seduce that little deer.

However, amid her absent-minded perfunctory and Pu Xi's angry outburst, a new incident happened that night and suddenly occupied all the entertainment pages.



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