Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 114 Why is this not a wish fulfilled?

After Bai Qiuwu realized that he couldn't deal with everyone who came to make a wish, he changed his strategy.

She turned her idol into her own account and asked people who wanted to make wishes to leave messages under her account.

For this reason, she was nicknamed the Electronic Bodhisattva.

As for whether this is useful?It has always been a topic of great concern to netizens.

At least judging from the private chats Bai Qiuwu occasionally sees online, there are quite a few people who leave messages and make wishes every day.

There are still thousands of messages every day. Among so many messages, although most of them are just for fun, there are also some who are really obsessed and want to realize their wishes.

With this kind of platform that can help them, they can have their wishes come true just by saying a few words, which is indeed a good thing.

Although before trying it, those who were obsessed or not, the basic idea was to try their luck, and it didn't cost any money anyway.

In this case, even if their wish did not come true, they would just laugh it off and think it was just fun.

But for those who really realize their wishes, the impact they receive is not at 01:30.

Especially since this is a wish-making mechanism that only cares about the results and not the process, the impact will be even greater.

Sister Leba in the entertainment industry, also known as Wang Song, as someone who has dealt with Bai Qiuwu in the early days and suffered a lot of losses, she deeply understands the problems involved.

She clearly knew that if she did this, many unexpected wishes would be realized in various unexpected ways.

She thought this was very fun and interesting, and the key was that it was still popular, so she simply started a live broadcast and asked all those who had fulfilled their wishes to come to her live broadcast room to talk about how their wishes came true and what was unexpected about them.

It is actually very suitable for Wang Song to do this, because she has been tied to Bai Qiuwu for quite some time from the beginning, and fans who have followed Bai Qiuwu for a long time will know her.

Moreover, as the background of Bai Qiuwu's fame, she was also the one who was tragically slapped in the face. Many new people who are new to Bai Qiuwu will learn about her as a person if they learn about the past.

So she started a live broadcast to do this, which is very right, and everyone will recognize her.

Of course she didn't do this to help Bai Qiuwu expand his reputation or advertise, she simply wanted to attract Bai Qiuwu's fans.

However, Bai Qiuwu had no intention of refusing.

Because being used as live broadcast material can indeed attract a lot of attention, allowing more people to know about her.

Although Wang Song did not intend to help her advertise, he did achieve the attribute of advertising, and Bai Qiuwu certainly would not refuse.

As for fans being sucked away, Bai Qiuwu said, what are fans?
Don't care, it doesn't matter.

People who want to make money will care about how many fans they have. Bai Qiuwu doesn't want to make money. There is no difference between others knowing her and others following her. As long as she is well-known, others will think of her when they want to make a wish.

As a semi-typical businessman, Pu Xi felt very unhappy when he thought about the secret behind it. He took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call.

Bai Qiuwu saw something wrong with his face and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Call the people in the company and ask them to block this live broadcast room and sue them for infringement."

Look, this is the first reaction of people who want to make money when they see this scene.

Bai Qiuwu was a little helpless and wanted to speak up for those who were trying to gain his popularity: "Don't be impulsive. It's not a big problem. Just let her broadcast it. It's a ready-made advertisement."

Pu Xi took a look at the number of people online in her live broadcast room. Oh my god, 10,000+. How much revenue is this?

Pu Xi was a little unhappy that Bai Qiuwu was being consumed like this, but Bai Qiuwu's advice was very sincere and he didn't mean to care at all.

The person involved didn't care, or even agreed. His assistant couldn't really say much, so in the end he had to put down the phone in frustration.

It's just that I'm unhappy, but it's still very unhappy.

Bai Qiuwu was still there to comfort him: "It's okay. Her live broadcast style is still very funny and interesting. Come and take a look."

"What's interesting about a popular one? The content is definitely not as exciting as ours."

Pu Xi expressed disdain for his appearance, but his eyes still looked at him very implicitly.

Then after watching it for a few times, I was attracted by the live content.

This Wang Song was originally a marketing account. He knew how to attract attention and would deliberately exaggerate his words. He specifically sought out people who claimed to have their wishes come true.

The most important thing is that the online operation is like opening a blind box, making everyone curious about how the next person's wish will be realized.

Because so far, those who have had their wishes come true have basically had some problems.

Very exciting and interesting.

Pu Xi didn't dislike it for too long, and was finally seduced by the content of the live broadcast. She sat down next to Bai Qiuwu and the two of them watched the live broadcast.

It's funny to say that at such a luxurious banquet, everyone is elegant and dazzling, but Pu Xi, the second boss of the company, is sitting in the corner with himself, a live broadcast artist who has recently risen strongly, secretly watching the live broadcast.

No one would believe this.

But there is no way, this live broadcast content is really awesome!

Wang Song had just ended the connection with a netizen at this time, and summed it up with some emotion.

"It seems that everyone is serious about wanting to get rich, but the way to achieve it is a bit outrageous. The young man just now had a fight at school, and he went to break up the fight. In the end, both of them were fine, but he was injured."

"It turns out that an injured thumb can be sentenced to second-degree disability. It's too outrageous. However, the compensation is quite considerable. It makes me want to break the thumb."

With 10,000+ people watching, the barrage was quite lively.

[Thumbs are very important, okay? If your other eight fingers are all broken, you won’t be judged as a second-level disabled person, but your thumb can be. So when someone hits you, put your thumb up and try to let them remove it. Cut it off, and then you can lie on the ground and pick a house or a car]

[It turns out that there is such a little trick to being beaten. I have learned it, I have learned it, but where can I find someone to beat me?Is it okay for me to go out on the streets to provoke people now? 200 million is really enough to let me lie flat, sucking my saliva]

[Also, the bank that just collapsed was outrageous. I deposited my money in an unknown small bank in the village. As a result, the bank collapsed. I thought I couldn’t get the money back. As a result, I was compensated 50 yuan. What kind of operation is this? It can still be like this. For fun? 】

[This is not recommended because not all banks will be compensated if they fail, and those with deposits of more than 50 will only get 50 in compensation in the end. The extra part will be lost, and unless it is really Only very small banks will fail. The four major banks are still very stable]

[Don’t try the bank. If you’re not careful, you won’t be able to get your money back. There will be no place to cry. You need to be careful when making money. It’s better to go to the streets to provoke someone and ask someone to smash their thumb. But how do you judge whether you have money? It’s a bit difficult for people. If you get hit by someone who has no money, your injuries will be in vain]

[Why are you doing these crooked ways? Every one of them carries great risks. Wouldn’t it be better to go ahead and make a wish? Zero investment and zero risk. It’s awesome!The premise is that your own merits are not bad, otherwise if something unexpected happens, it would be bad to get compensation if someone dies.] [Laughing to death, it’s okay to get compensation if someone dies. You understand the meaning, isn’t this? Master Bai's usual style, but this is fine. How can you not be punished for doing bad things?Good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, no one can blame anyone]

【Has everyone’s wish come true?I made a wish a few days ago, but nothing happened?Is it because I'm not sincere enough?Seeing you all achieve it, I feel more uncomfortable than losing money.]

Otherwise, Wang Song Jingye, what she is doing now is to attract fans, and of course she has to help establish the persona of Bai Qiuwu, a master of metaphysics.

Not to mention that she clearly knew that Bai Qiuwu did have the ability to realize people's wishes. Even if Bai Qiuwu couldn't and had no such ability, it was just a script and bluff. If she wanted to make this money and gain this popularity, she would have to help cover it up.

Therefore, when she saw someone questioning it, she started to explain very actively, and her explanation was even more detailed than when Bai Qiuwu himself explained it.

"Not everyone's wishes can come true. You have to be obsessed, that is, you really, really want to realize this wish, and you want it to come true from the bottom of your heart. Only in this way can it be realized. And the more obsessed you are, the faster it will come true."

"Some people's wishes have not been realized yet. It may be because you are not persistent enough, but it may also be because the wishes are still in the process of being realized. If you still don't understand, you can watch Master Bai's live replay."

She spoke very sincerely and spoke of Bai Qiuwu with respect, as if she was a little fangirl.

"Master Bai has fulfilled several wishes through live broadcast before. Those wishes are not all realized at once. Many of them are realized slowly and need to wait."

"But I don't know exactly when it will be realized. I'm afraid only Master Bai in this world knows. You can ask her during her live broadcast and see if she can answer."

"But there are so many people asking every time. I feel like you don't have to have high hopes. The possibility of being answered is very small. But as long as you wait, there will always be results. Don't worry."

These words not only appeased the restless netizens, but also gave Bai Qiuwu a thumbs up.

"Look, this is a professional marketing account. His explanations are so sharp and his explanations are spot-on!"

Bai Qiuwu was full of praise for this sister and admired her work attitude very much.

Although Pu Xi still has some prejudices, the people involved have said so, what can he do?He rolled his eyes and didn't know what to say.

In the live broadcast room over there, Wang Song was already connected to the next netizen.

This time the netizen is a boy, he should be young by the sound of his voice.

Wang Song politely asked him if his wish came true.

The boy was a little unhappy, and his tone was not very good: "I don't know if it has been realized."

Wang Song suddenly became interested and asked curiously: "What's the situation, classmate, you can tell us and we can help you evaluate it."

The boy probably thought so too, so he spoke without much hesitation.

"I made my wish a few days ago. I won't be taking exams recently. I just finished the college entrance examination and am waiting for the results."

"I just made a wish to go to Peking University. My dream is to go to Peking University. It has been my dream since I was a child."

Wang Song's eyes lit up: "So you are a pillar of the country, how about it? Have you been admitted to Peking University? I remember the college entrance examination results have been out, right?"

The boy said "Yeah" depressedly: "But I didn't pass the exam. When the college entrance examination results came out, I only had a score of more than 200, and I couldn't even get into a junior college."

Wang Song: "Huh? How many exams did you say you took?"

"More than 200 points." The boy said in a confident tone: "Although I have had poor grades since childhood and hate studying very much, I really want to go to Peking University. Isn't this a conflict?"

Isn't this... a conflict?
There is still a bit of a gap between this dream and wishful thinking.

Wang Song was stunned, but the boy continued: "This is my third year of repeating studies. My parents said forget it. They said I wasn't studying for that and asked me to go home and work in a factory."

The boy gritted his teeth: "I was very unwilling. I thought that even if I couldn't get into Peking University, I would still go to the love school I had dreamed of for more than 10 years, so I went to BJ for a trip."

"I went to Peking University and met a teacher there. I told him my situation."

Wang Song's eyes lit up and he answered subconsciously: "Then the teacher decided to make an exception and let you go to school?"

But as soon as he said this, Wang Song felt that it was unlikely.

No matter how much you want to go to this school, your score is here. You are not a person who saved the world, and you have not made any outstanding contributions. Why should you be admitted as an exception?
Isn't this unfair to other students?
As expected, the boy also expressed his disdain for Wang Song.

"How can Peking University be so easy to get into? I know a teacher, not their principal."

Wang Song was a little embarrassed, but before she could say anything, the boy's voice changed and he said something broken.

"But the teacher introduced me to a position as a security guard at Peking University. I had one day off and one day off. The salary was higher than that in our hometown factory, and there were five insurances and one housing fund. I was very excited and had already agreed."

Wang Song: "???"

The boy's tone was a bit tangled: "So this wish should be regarded as unrealized. Does working as a security guard also count as going to Peking University? Isn't this right? I want to be a student?"

Wang Song was immediately silenced by this question.

She thought hard about her words and asked tentatively: "Did you say that you want to go to Peking University?"

Boy: "No, my wish is to go to Peking University."

Wang Song: "Well... why doesn't going to Peking University to work as a security guard count as going to Peking University?"

"Your wish has obviously come true. How can it be considered unrealized?"

Boy: "No, is this okay? Is this okay?"

Netizens had already burst into laughter, and now the barrage flooded the screen:
[Why doesn’t working as a security guard at Peking University count as going to Peking University? 】

[Why doesn’t working as a security guard at Peking University count as going to Peking University? 】

Just such a sentence filled the screen.

It's so spectacular that those who watch it are speechless.

It's a bit sad, but it's also inexplicably funny.

(End of this chapter)

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