Pu Xi was not joking, he had never been in love.

Not only that, he didn't even have much contact with girls. Although his family background destined him to be a social butterfly and not afraid of socializing at all, when it came to personal relationships, he actually didn't have many friends.

And no matter how good a social person you are, it’s all in vain when the person you’re socializing with is not a human being.

Pu Xi is not fainting now and can still force himself to speak. The biggest confidence is because he knows that Bai Qiuwu is under his bed.

This knowledge allowed him to continue to be stubborn.

Even though he was hiding under the quilt and couldn't see any light, he still closed his eyes and spoke loudly with a trembling voice: "I know you are wronged. I know you are wronged. Tell me and I will make the decision for you."

"After so many years, you must also want to be free. Just tell me what kind of grievances you have suffered. I am here just for you. I want to help you!"

Even though he was scared, even though he wanted to pinch himself to keep himself awake, when the time came when the arrow was ready to be fired, Pu Xi still tried hard to speak more sincerely.

Under this threat of death, everyone is an actor and performs all kinds of extraordinary things. Pu Xi feels that he can win an Oscar for Best Actor. He said that he was almost moved.

Just imagine this, even if you risk your life, you have to save others from the danger of water and fire. What girl would not be moved by watching this?

Although this girl can no longer be regarded as a girl in the traditional sense, she is still close.

What's more, according to Bai Qiuwu's analysis in the afternoon, this enthusiastic girl should not have done anything actually harmful.

If she really wanted to harm someone, she wouldn't have been silent for a long time last night, and she would have waited until Bai Qiuwu came out to scare her away.

If he was really vicious, Pu Xi would have died ten thousand times last night.

Although she must have scared many people crazy, she is just like some girls who are afraid of caterpillars. They know that caterpillars will not do much harm to them and are indescribably weak compared to humans, but she should What’s scary is still scary.

That's what Pu Xi was thinking. Although the main reason was that he was comforting himself, it was still useful.

I don't know if his words were really effective, or if his acting skills deceived the girl, and the girl's crying actually slowly stopped.

The surrounding gradually became silent.

Pu Xi still didn't dare to poke his head in to take a look, because he still had a gloomy feeling, and he knew that the girl probably hadn't left yet.

But now that I have stopped crying, should I tell my grievances next?

Thinking of this, Pu Xi also cheered up, but after waiting for a while, there was still nothing.

I could only vaguely hear the slight sound of something falling to the ground, and then the gloomy feeling slowly faded away.

The window seemed to creak, as if something had gotten out.

Did he leave?

Pu Xi was confused, but still didn't dare to poke his head in, and continued to wait patiently.

Until Bai Qiuwu's voice sounded: "Okay, she's gone."

Pu Xi still didn't dare to move, hiding in the quilt and shivering.

Will his voice change if his head is full of passionate girls? It seems like there is this section in a novel. A lost person often hears a familiar person calling his name, and when he turns around, he sees a ghost hitting a wall or something.

His chaotic mind made him dare not act rashly.

Bai Qiuwu became a little impatient and lifted his quilt directly.

"Are you so timid? Weren't you very good at speaking just now?"

Pu Xi was startled, and then she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was really Bai Qiuwu, and immediately burst into tears: "Sister, am I promising now?"

"Yes, very much. You are the most promising."

Bai Qiuwu answered perfunctorily, bent down and picked up a worn-out thing from the ground.

The cover is red, but it's so worn that you can no longer tell what the golden fonts on the outside are, and you can only vaguely see a pattern.

Bai Qiuwu opened it and looked at it, and was stunned.

Seeing her reaction, Pu Xi also became curious, so she quickly got up from the bed and poked her head to take a look.

"what is this."

Then he saw that it was a worn-out student ID card.

City A Polytechnic University, XX grade, Bai Ting.

Because the wear and tear is so severe, only the blurred writing on it can be seen vaguely. It is a little difficult to identify, but the content on it can still be seen.

The most important thing is that this student ID card also has a photo of a girl with a bright smile. Although the face is not clear, it can still be seen that she is a very young and beautiful girl.

"City A Polytechnic University, a top double first-class university..." Pu Xi was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Where did you get this thing? It's so powerful for such a small and remote country with such poor educational resources to come from such a top university."

Bai Qiuwu looked at him like an idiot: "Didn't you hear the sound just now? It was the enthusiastic girl who left it for you. You were so sincere and moved others."

Pu Xi: "???"

Pu Xi's eyes widened and his head was full of questions. His voice was trembling because he was too shocked: "This is what the girl left behind? Why did she give us this student ID card?"

"Wait a minute, could this student ID be hers? She doesn't look like she's from the village. She couldn't have been kidnapped..."

"Holy crap, this makes sense. Why is there such a big contradiction? Why did she lose her foot? She must have been trafficked, and then she tried to escape, and then her foot was chopped off."

Pu Xina was not stupid. Once his head turned around, he was very smart and he immediately made assumptions. Bai Qiuwu actually thought that this should be the case, but before she was sure, she thought about it and said: "The identity is so clear, you can find a way to contact this young lady's family."

"Let's make a phone call and find out if Bai Ting is missing."

Pu Xi was also a person who made prompt decisions. He immediately took out his cell phone, not caring that it was midnight, and just made a call.

When he called, Bai Qiuwu also watched the barrage. Originally, the popularity was slightly lower than when it first started broadcasting, but after the climax just now, the number of people quickly increased again.

In fact, the longer the live broadcast lasts, it is already amazing to be able to stay at the initial peak, let alone this kind of thing, and to be able to repeatedly exceed the peak. The benefits of this live broadcast are already unpredictable.

Because Bai Qiuwu agreed to Pu Yao's financial statements, he will now pay special attention to this aspect. Seeing such gratifying changes, he is working harder and harder.

She first checked to see if the snowflake screen had appeared again before, and then looked at the barrage.

【what happened? Why do I feel that this live broadcast is getting weirder and weirder? How on earth is this kind of snowflake screen made? Is there really someone behind the scenes? But I feel something is wrong. That eerie feeling is really scary. Is it a psychological effect? No, I’m a little scared]

[We promised to combat feudal superstition. Why do I feel more and more scared the more I watch it? Is this really a live broadcast that a timid and innocent weak woman like me should watch? Damn it, I feel that all the plots in this are extremely thoughtful. I’m scared, it’s very scary, but I still want to see it, I’m so confused]

[Damn, I feel that this storyline has become a bit emotional. This must be some ignorant female college student who was abducted into the countryside. Her feet were chopped off. What kind of inhumane treatment must she have received? Torture? Traffickers deserve to die! 】

[Family members, stop talking about scripts and scripts. I just searched online for the disappearance of a female science and engineering classmate, and found out that there really is such a thing. It was quite a big fuss at the time. You can still find news on the Internet now. It said that it was A. A classmate named Bai from Science and Engineering went out for a trip and never came back. He called the police, but he couldn’t be found]

[I also searched, holy shit, it happened 5 years ago. It is said that it was quite a big fuss at that time. I read a lot of news, and there were a lot of comments and followers. This must have been awesome back then. The news, but there seems to be no follow-up. The young lady has never been found, so she was actually abducted here? 】

[Human traffickers deserve to die. How could anyone extend their sinful hands to their compatriots? Just for this little money, aren't they afraid of retribution? And those who buy people are really too vicious. They Do you know that one child represents the breakdown of two or even three families? It’s so selfish, I already feel sad]

[Can we kill all traffickers? The crackdown is still too light. If human traffickers are punished with death if they are caught, will there still be so many traffickers? And girls, you must protect yourself outside. The world is really not that kind! And Master Bai, you must make the decision for this poor little girl! 】

[But I still feel that I shouldn’t tear up other people’s umbrellas after being caught in the rain. No matter how miserable she is, she shouldn’t take it out on innocent people. Those who are missing and scared crazy, what crime do they have? ? If you really want to take revenge, go to these villagers. Why should you let innocent people pay for you when you have been wronged? 】

[Yes, yes, even if this sister is indeed miserable, that should not be the reason for her to attack innocent people. With so many people missing in this village, is there no explanation? Or is it just forgotten? Aren’t those innocent victims miserable? Don't sympathize with a bad person just because her own experience is tragic! 】


This worn-out student ID card was too hot to touch and triggered a heated discussion. Bai Qiuwu also felt it was a pity.

Such a good girl withered silently in the deep mountains and forests, and she might not be the only one.

As for whether the disappearance of the other people has anything to do with this girl, Bai Qiuwu currently has reservations.

She was about to explain a few words to Danmu, but Pu Xi had already returned from the phone call.

Pu Xi: "I asked someone about it, but the girl named Bai Ting has not been found. She has been missing for five and a half years. Her family has given up looking for her."

"It is said that more than five years ago, this girl went out to play and was deceived. She disappeared for some reason. Now that I think about it, she probably met a human trafficker and was sold here."

"This village is far away. If you want to go to the city, you have to take a special car, and it takes a long time. It is impossible to run. There are mountains all around, and there is no place to run. There is only one road out, and it is easy to chase. superior."

"This girl must have escaped, and then she was caught. Then her feet were cut off as punishment, and she died for some unknown reason. Then she was so resentful that she stayed here."

"If nothing else, the village chief's son should be the main instigator of this girl's miserable life. Therefore, the girl was really unwilling to accept it and came back to take the village chief's son away. This matter became a problem in the village again. A taboo.”

After asking about the girl's background, Pu Xi connected the whole story line. The logic is completely reasonable, and the truth is very likely to be like this.

Bai Qiuwu nodded in approval.

Seeing that she agreed with him, Pu Xi was a little happy and immediately asked: "Then what should we do now? This girl is quite miserable. Do we want to make the decision for her?"

"Should we call the police now?"

Bai Qiuwu looked at him like an idiot: "Do you have evidence to prove that this girl died here? Everyone in this village says not, how can you prove it?"

"Do you know where the person is buried? What will happen if the police come and clean up the snake? The police must be reported, but not now. At least the evidence must be found."

Pu Xi was stunned for a moment after being told this, and subconsciously pointed to the thing in Bai Qiuwu's hand: "Can't this be considered evidence?"

Bai Qiuwu: "Then how do you prove that we didn't get this from outside? How do you prove that this thing was given to us by Bai Ting?"

Pu Xi opened her mouth to say that the camera had recorded it, but then she thought about it. When the beautiful sister appeared, she had her own BGM and snowflake special effects, and the camera couldn't capture anything at all.

What's more, what happens even if it's photographed? Could it be that she told the police that although she was dead, she reported the crime to herself?

It would be strange if the police didn't spray them to death.

Just like Bai Qiuwu said, the police must be reported, but not now.

It is best to directly report the case and arrest the person after obtaining sufficient evidence, and the dust has settled.

Otherwise, if you call the police over and alert the enemy, you may not be able to find any clues, and you may come away empty-handed.

Pu Xi finally figured this out, but before he could say anything, Bai Qiuwu said, "And, where are those missing people? We haven't found them either."

"This young lady won't even hurt you. I don't think she can hurt anyone. So what's going on with those missing people? I feel like there must be something wrong here."

Bai Qiuwu said, as if he had made up his mind, and suddenly said: "So, why don't we also disappear for a while?"

"That way we know where the missing people were dumped."

Pu Xi: "?"

Netizens: "?"

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