Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 136 Finding the missing person

Bai Qiuwu disappeared.

And he disappeared without any warning.

When Pu Xi first found out, she was still a little unbelievable. She even thought that she had seen it wrong, or that Bai Qiuwu had gotten up early and gone out, or that she had taken some action without notifying him.

He asked the village chief in disbelief: "Did you see my companion going out this morning?"

The village chief's expression was a little strange, as if he was sizing him up, his eyes were complicated and unspeakable.

Pu Xi didn't know what his expression was. Anyway, he was inexplicably panicked. He was shaking with fear. He was no longer confident and his voice became quieter.

"What's wrong? Didn't you see it if you didn't see it? I won't blame you..." After speaking, he was silenced.

He didn't know what he had to be afraid of. After all, he was still a young man, and the village chief was an old man. He felt that he could knock him over with just one fist.

But that’s not the question.

He could knock down the village chief with one fist, but he didn't dare to hit him. He was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to leave the village. With Bai Qiuwu's disappearance, his last confidence and courage were also missing.

He lowered his head and said cautiously: "If there's nothing else, I'll have breakfast first... It's been really hard on you during this period. How about I give you some more money?"

As soon as these words came out, the village chief's expression suddenly became even weirder.

He looked at Pu Xi up and down for a long time, and finally showed a somewhat hypocritical smile: "How can this be so embarrassing."

Pu Xi didn't fail to see that this was a polite rejection, so she took out her wallet from her arms with a wink, and without looking at it, she took out all the money and stuffed it into the village chief's hand. .

"It should, it should." He was very sincere and looked like he wanted to stuff his wallet with him.

After learning that this village was very backward, Pu Xi guessed that online payment might not be possible here, so she exchanged a large amount of banknotes just in case of emergencies.

Pu Xi lacked everything, even if he didn't lack money, he would not treat himself badly. He brought tens of thousands in cash and countless bank cards.

The main thing is a mobile treasury. Now that all the cash has been taken out to honor the village chief, Pu Xi only left a ticket money for herself, and it was not the ticket money for going home, but the money for the ticket back to the city.

As long as he returns to the city, he can withdraw money. If necessary, this can be used as a condition to save himself.

What Pu Xi thought about from the beginning was that if they were accidentally trapped in this village, and the people in the village refused to let them leave, he would spend money to redeem himself.

Of course you have to bring enough money.

Although this is indeed a bit of a rainy day plan, and the bank card is not used for the time being, the cash does seem to be very effective.

Under the attack of cash, the village chief's originally dark and gloomy face instantly revealed a smile. Although the smile looked very hypocritical, his attitude was at least a lot more enthusiastic.

"Young man, you are too polite. Don't worry, you can live in this village as long as you want as long as you are not afraid."

These words don’t sound like polite words. After all, who would refuse a God of Wealth who can throw away money anytime and anywhere?

Pu Xi breathed a sigh of relief silently. The money was indeed useful. At least the village chief looked at him just now, as if he was thinking about how to deal with the body. But now, he is much cuter, as if he was just looking at the wrongdoer.

It doesn't matter, he has a lot of money, and if he is taken advantage of, he can do it for a long time.

However, Pu Xi had just felt at ease when the village chief had news that made him uneasy.

"As for your friend, I haven't seen her since I woke up early in the morning. Has she gone back? Do you know her plan?"

Pu Xi was confused when she heard this. She really didn't know what to say. She could only shake her head and tell the truth: "I don't know. I didn't see anyone when I woke up. She didn't tell me that she wanted to go." Come on, you won’t lose me, right?”

The village chief looked thoughtful about this answer, and then asked an abrupt question: "Do you have a good relationship? Are you husband and wife? Or are you siblings?"

Pu Xi opened her mouth and wanted to say, of course they are siblings, and their relationship is not generally good, but extremely good.

But as the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized something. If the village chief had really taken action against Bai Qiuwu, was this now a test of their relationship?

So if the relationship is good, should we deal with it together?

Thinking of this, the hairs on Pu Xi's body stood up, and he immediately shivered and shook his head quickly.

But he soon realized that his reaction might be a bit extreme, and his little mind was running wildly, and he began to make up lies: "I am not worthy of being that brother."

"Actually, we came to this village because she insisted on coming. She is a guy who likes adventure, and I am her assistant."

Pu Xi was originally worried that her words were too profound and that the village chief would not be able to understand her. However, to her surprise, she saw the village chief showing a surprised expression.

"That's right, no wonder."

"So are you familiar?"

Pu Xi immediately shook her head like a rattle: "I'm not familiar with her. I don't usually communicate with her. She has a weird personality and seems a bit talkative. I don't dare to get too familiar with her. I basically haven't communicated with her since I came to this village."

As for how Pu Xi would deal with Bai Qiuwu's disappearance, Pu Xi had already thought a lot about it during the sleepless night last night.

Although most of them are random and wild ideas, they are still somewhat useful, at least at the moment they are not panicking.

The first step is definitely to distance yourself from the relationship, the less familiar the better, and then portray yourself as a stupid person with a lot of money, the kind of extremely dull person who can live in a village for a year and not notice anything strange. By.

Such people are undoubtedly the safest.

As long as the people in the village still want to make money from him, they will not attack him easily. Since he is too slow to discover the secrets of the village, the people in the village will show mercy.

Facts have proved that his guess was correct. After his self-defeating description, the village chief was relieved of him and even comforted him perfunctorily.

"I believe your friend didn't abandon you on purpose. Maybe she was just in a hurry and had to leave. Maybe she will come back after a while?"

As soon as these words came out, Pu Xi basically concluded that Bai Qiuwu's disappearance must have something to do with him.

If Bai Qiuwu was really in a hurry and wanted to leave, his companion's reaction would definitely be to leave as well. But the village chief said that Bai Qiuwu might come back after a while.

This is a hint to Pu Xi to stay longer.

He doesn't want Pu Xi to leave now.

But he couldn't give a reasonable reason as to where Bai Qiuwu had gone, so he could only say such slightly contradictory words.

But whether it was because he thought Pu Xi had money and wanted him to stay, or because Pu Xi might know something and wanted him to stay and observe, it only meant one thing.

The village chief still has plans for him.

I just don't know if I'm after money or his life.

Pu Xi's little mind was still spinning very quickly when he was in a crisis. He really wanted to leave at this moment. At worst, money would be the way to go. The village chief would definitely not stop him. Even if he did, the live broadcast would still be on. Totally capable of asking for help.

But he couldn't leave because he was worried that something might really happen to Bai Qiuwu.

For a moment, Pu Xi didn't know what to do. She finished breakfast in a daze, but she didn't even know what she ate in the end.

After finally waiting for the village chief to go out to do farm work, Pu Xi immediately started frantically looking for traces left by Bai Qiuwu, but found nothing.

At this time, netizens were also very worried about Bai Qiuwu and gave Pu Xi advice.

[Oh my god, I’m really missing. Isn’t this a joke? Are you playing it so big? Then it looks like the situation is more serious than hope. If you don’t run away quickly, what are you waiting for? I think the next missing person is you! I feel like I'm going to call the police. This is too outrageous. Can you tell me this is a script? Mom, I'm scared! 】

[One thing to say, I stayed up all night watching the live broadcast last night and didn’t hear a sound at all. This person was definitely not taken away by someone. Maybe he left by himself. I think there is still a big problem in this matter. Maybe it really is a script. Please be sensible and think about it with your brains]

[You are the only one with brains. Is there a possibility that Bai Qiuwu wanted to be kidnapped, so he didn’t resist at all? Does this count as a script?

And is the key now the script? The key now is where the person went. Even if he hid himself, there should be a reason. If he accidentally went too far, there is no need to do such a brainless thing]

[Assistant brother, let me tell you the truth, run now while you are still safe, run with the train on your back, wait until you get to the city and call the police directly, maybe this way the person can be found, even if I can’t find it, but at least I can still find a body, so that I won’t completely disappear like this, and I don’t know whether it’s dead or alive.]

[I also recommend leaving as soon as possible. If you are really missing, assistant brother, you are very likely to be targeted now. As for what the village chief just said, I feel like he is testing you.

If you don’t leave, I’m afraid you will both disappear tonight. At that time, we netizens will at most help you call the police, but your safety will not be guaranteed.]

[Actually, is there a possibility that Master Bai was really completing her plan, and then disappeared smoothly? If she doesn't follow the agreed actions with her at this time, will it disrupt her plan?

For example, I mean for example, Master Bai finally found the truth of the matter, endured the humiliation, and when she was about to come back with the truth, she found that the police raided the village, alerted the snake, and made the villagers go berserk. Then her plan failed and she was dragged down. This is also possible! 】

[No, no, let’s go through it. Last night she said she might disappear today, and then she really disappeared today. This is considered a greeting in advance. In fact, there is no need to be so nervous. My suggestion is to take another look. , if she really disappeared on her own initiative, she would definitely leave clues. Assistant brother, I know you are anxious, but don’t be anxious yet]

[You in front of me are really just standing and talking without pain in your back. You are risking your life by continuing to wait. Who knows when these villagers will attack him, and it doesn’t matter whether Bai Qiuwu disappeared on his own or messed up. Why wait? Are you waiting with your life? 】


Netizens said something to each other, but basically no one had the same idea. Pu Xi looked at this familiar dispute and felt a headache.

What should we do in such a difficult situation?

In his heart, he prefers to leave quickly, but his emotions are unwilling to make such an unloyal move. Netizens are like his reason and emotions. He wants to try every option that is mentioned, but he doesn't want to. Go try it.

As a result, he was confused about what to do when the barrage in the live broadcast room was suddenly flooded with a huge reward.

There is a newly created garbled account, which directly rewarded 10 yuan and created a special effect that dominates the screen.

In an instant, all the weird comments were suppressed, the entire screen was cleared, and then everyone saw this garbled account speaking.

The 10-yuan spectacle is that during the reward special effects period, the rewarder’s speech can directly dominate the screen, and it also comes with a rich gold trailing special effect.

[ufg“¥%$: Don’t leave yet, just keep pretending to be stupid. The situation suddenly happened last night and I didn’t have time to leave any clues. Don’t be afraid, I’m safe. 】

[ufg“¥%$: Your performance just now is very good, keep up the good work, give me some time, and come back soon. 】

Pu Xi looked at these two sentences dumbfounded, looked at the familiar tone, and then looked at the way of speaking.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he still asked in shock: "Sister Bai? Is it you?"

[ufg "¥%$: Who else could it be? I created a new account for my account while you were live broadcasting. Can you connect to my screen over there? I will use my mobile phone live broadcast to show everyone the situation on my side. .]

Pu Xi looked at this comment and felt a little confused.

tmd They are still in danger, okay?

It is obvious that if you are not careful, you will be silenced by the weird villagers in this village, okay?

Why does this sound like Xinwen Broadcasting is releasing footage of reporters from decentralized areas? There is no sense of oppression at all!

At this time, should he still say, "Okay, now the camera will be given to our Comrade Xiaobai, please show us the scene"...

Pu Xi really couldn't hold back anymore, and her tense mood just now relaxed instantly. This kind of ups and downs is not something ordinary people can bear.

He didn't say anything, and didn't know what to say at all. He just silently clicked to connect to the other party's live broadcast with an uncontrollable expression.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room saw half of the live broadcast screen, and someone they were familiar with was on the opposite side.

Bai Qiuwu held up his mobile phone and greeted the camera: "Hello, hello everyone. I haven't seen you in a while. Do you miss me?"

Everyone: "..."

However, Bai Qiuwu obviously just made the opening remarks casually, and did not mean to seriously ask. After saying the opening remarks, he directly cut the phone camera into an external position, and then said to everyone.

"I found the missing person! Although I don't know everything."

In the camera lens, the dark rock wall in an unknown place is full of bones.

Everyone: "!!!"

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