The conflict between the two parties seems to be irrepressible. After all, one feels that the country people are too dirty and does not want to take a car, and the other is anxious to go home. Now neither one wants to give in.

Squeak, the car comes slowly.

"Boss Murong, please be patient for now, Fuyingshan is definitely interesting."

A woman in the tour group dressed as a secretary quickly said this. She first persuaded Boss Murong to come forward, then turned to the couple and said, "I'm sorry, my boss is not very good-tempered. Please invite me too."

Boss Murong snorted coldly and got into the car directly. He also muttered when he got to the car. It was obvious that he came here for inspection and tourism.

"His third uncle in the village, let's go, we need to get on the bus at Fuying Mountain!"

Inside the bus, the conductor stuck out his head and shouted for the couple to get on, and then asked others to get on the bus quickly.

It's almost night now. This is the last bus. Everyone, hurry up and get on the bus.

"Look at what these people are saying..."

Now Bai Qiuwu just looked at his own updates and saw what kind of replies he got.

The new news posted by Bai Qiuwu immediately attracted too many people's attention on the Internet, and instantly reached the top of the hot search list.

Even if half a month has passed, many people seem to have forgotten everything, but in fact such things are forgotten so easily.

Many people still want to know whether Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast is true or false, and if it is false, how it is disguised.

Bai Qiuwu admitted that all this was false, which brought the debate over the authenticity of the live broadcast content to an end. However, many people had other opinions.

[This time Miss Bai has just been able to live broadcast, and she has started a new live broadcast. It seems that Miss Bai is not ready to give up the live broadcast. This is not a bad thing. It depends on whether the content of Miss Bai’s live broadcast has changed. As long as it is Bai Miss Bai is in the live broadcast room. In fact, it doesn’t matter what is being broadcast. Of course, if Miss Bai continues to broadcast occultism, I will definitely watch more]

[The content of Bai’s live broadcast is indeed fake, but I feel that Bai Qiuwu’s live broadcast can definitely help people achieve their wishes. Otherwise, how could I have the wish to be fulfilled immediately after making a wish, and the content of the wish is only for myself? I know that even if the content of Bai Qiuwu's recent live broadcast is not right, I believe that Miss Bai's live broadcast room will be fine! 】

[The content of the live broadcast can be changed, but it is true that she can truly realize her wish. I can prove it. I will still pay attention to Master Bai’s live broadcast later. Master Bai’s live broadcast can be anything, as long as Master Bai is still live broadcasting]

[Tsk, the occult live broadcast itself is a plot. What else do some people want to see? They have already said it is fake and the plot is also fake. Master Bai’s live broadcast is to help others realize their wishes. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this. Let’s see what Master Bai will broadcast next]

[Continue to wait for Miss Bai’s live broadcast. Anyway, I only watch Miss Bai’s live broadcast, and I believe there is nothing wrong with her live broadcast. As long as Miss Bai continues to live broadcast, I will continue to watch and make wishes in Miss Bai’s live broadcast room, but I will watch Miss Bai’s live broadcast. News, her next live broadcast seems to involve occultism. It seems that Miss Bai is planning to carry out this live broadcast! 】

[When the master's live broadcast starts, I still have to make a wish. After all, the master's live broadcast room has already fulfilled my previous wish. I just don't know if I can continue to make wishes successfully in the master's new live broadcast room]

"No problem, the next live broadcast can continue."

Looking at the comments in the feed, Bai Qiuwu knew that these people would support her live broadcast. She, Master Bai, had already fulfilled many people's wishes in the live broadcast room.

During the live broadcast, people often directly make wishes that come true, so the content of Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast is actually not that important. The most important thing is that she shouts the slogan of wish fulfillment in the live broadcast room, and many people are willing to believe it.

In this way, Bai Qiuwu has used this wishing live broadcast room to play a golden role. What many people care about is not the content of the live broadcast, but the fact that she is live broadcasting.

And Bai Qiuwu admitted his mistake again this time and accepted the punishment. Of course, he received support from many people. Of course, the live broadcast room can continue to broadcast, but many people are speculating on what Bai Qiuwu will broadcast.

"Actually, after I first started broadcasting occultism, there was no other way but to continue broadcasting occultism. Now that there are many people supporting it, this kind of live broadcast can of course be carried out better."

"After all, the live broadcast room still needs people to watch it. This incident has not affected the popularity of the live broadcast room. This is enough. I can't be too greedy now."

Bai Qiuwu thought about the specific content of the live broadcast and knew that he was lucky this time. Nangong Yunzhen and his company took action and Bai Qiuwu was able to live broadcast. And no matter what content was broadcast, there were a group of loyal fans. Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast could be followed. keep going.

Most people don't care about the content, but Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast actually has no other content. The company certainly does not restrict Bai Qiuwu from broadcasting other things, but the occult content is restricted, and Bai Qiuwu will not broadcast anything else at the moment.

After all, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast does not mean that he simply likes live broadcasts, but that he helps people realize their wishes and gain merit. Live broadcasts that are watched by many people and have interesting content are the live broadcasts that Bai Qiuwu needs to explore.

This time Bai Qiuwu has taken the right path and can continue to broadcast occult content. Then a large number of people are willing to watch Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. Of course, Bai Qiuwu will not change the content easily.

Occultism can attract new people, and it can also stabilize some original people. Today, Bai Qiuwu will naturally not give up this path. After all, this kind of live broadcast content has been approved by the company.

"Miss Bai, we will be arriving at Fuying Mountain soon, please be prepared."

Xie Qiuya's voice sounded, and while Bai Qiuwu was watching the news, the five of them had actually gotten into the car and walked a certain distance. There was certainly no problem with Bai Qiuwu's idea of ​​the live broadcast content, but Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast this time must be Be careful.

The three people in the company could not convince Bai Qiuwu to let Bai Qiuwu live broadcast from a distance, so Xie Qiuya was naturally responsible for Bai Qiuwu's safety. These three people did not care about the content of the live broadcast, Bai Qiuwu decided by himself.


The bus made an emergency stop, and the driver shouted: "I've been notified that the mountain road in front of Fuying Mountain is broken. There is a market one kilometer nearby. Everyone should go and rest first!"

The bus driver said this and asked everyone on the bus to get off. The mountain road near Fuying Mountain is naturally prone to problems.

Bai Qiuwu got out of the car and looked at the mountain road in the distance. There was indeed a section that was broken.

However, there was a thick white fog nearby, which made Bai Qiuwu a little nervous. The three people from Dongfang Lianshan also frowned slightly, but the fog seemed to be just ordinary white fog.

"My name is Qi Dafa. This is my wife Wu Erni, who is also the conductor on the bus. Everyone is having a bad day today, but we will definitely make progress in the future. You don't have to worry. Although there are not many tourists in Fuying Mountain now, it turns out to be a tourist attraction. , various infrastructures are very good!”

"Now that you are all here for tourism, you naturally know what Fuyingshan is specializing in!"

"The nearby market is very lively, there is food and drink, and there is also a large hotel that was originally built. Please come!"

Qi Dafa, a fat driver, led the way with two big boxes and introduced Fuyingshan to the people in the car. He also introduced his wife, a mature woman in her thirties with light makeup.

Now that the fog is thick and the road ahead is blocked, we can only find a place to spend the night nearby. After all, we are already in the mountains and it is impossible to walk to Yingcheng.

Apparently drivers often do this, just like a skilled tour guide.

It's just that Qi Dafa's gaze was not at Bai Qiuwu, but at the five tourists in the car. After all, the five Bai Qiuwu were all dressed in ordinary clothes in order to hide their identities, unlike the other five tourists, who were all wearing famous brands. Travel sportswear.

"Well, let's go together and have a look!" "Brother Qi, don't worry, he will take a few of us to the best hotel. We will hit it off as soon as we see each other, and we will still have to rely on you to lead the way these two days."

The tourists were also very happy and talked happily with Qi Dafa. Qi Dafa was also very happy when he heard these people's words: "No problem, let's go! Let's go!"

"I always feel like something is wrong..."

Pu Xi walked up to Bai Qiuwu and whispered, although Pu Xi couldn't tell what the specific problem was, it was indeed unsafe now.

Qi Dafa was very enthusiastic, and there was food and accommodation nearby, so it should be very safe, but Pu Xi still hoped to go back.

"Now that I can't go back, can you find a way back?"

Bai Qiuwu naturally sensed that something was wrong. There was nothing wrong with the people nearby, but there seemed to be something in the mountain that was quietly changing everything nearby.

Qi Dafa led the way, and now Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi can only follow Qi Dafa.

After all, the three people in the company followed, and now Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi could only go online to check it out.

"This, too...but this mountain road is really difficult to walk. After finding nine o'clock, you must have a good rest!"

Pu Xi didn't know what to say for a moment. Even if he knew something was wrong, he had no way to leave now.

Qi Dafa led the way for a long time, and the mountain road was winding and difficult to walk. When Pu Xi was asked to go back, Pu Xi still didn't dare. As for following Qi Dafa, he could at least find the hotel.

Although Qi Dafa is a bit snobbish, at least Qi Dafa is the driver of a freight company and still has to ensure the safety of passengers.

If Qi Dafa had not been the driver, he would have run away with the five tourists long ago.

"The most important thing now is whether we can find a hotel..."

Bai Qiuwu smiled bitterly in his heart. He didn't say this directly, but Bai Qiuwu knew that he might have encountered a ghost.

It is not easy to get out of the fog easily. Even with Qi Dafa and Wu Erni taking care of it, it is still difficult to get out.

As for the three people in the company, they have no other actions now. They obviously want to follow the clues and see if there are any changes in Fuyingshan.

Bai Qiuwu didn't need to think about it. The three people in the company immediately started to see what was in the fog.

"Don't worry, beauties and handsome guys, we often walk this road!"

"Brother Liu San, walk slowly!"

Wu Erni's voice sounded. Unlike Qi Dafa, she took care of everyone in the group.

During this time, Wu Erni was walking behind, supporting the woman in the couple just now, while the man was carrying his own luggage.

The man was carrying rice noodles, a bucket of oil, and toys for his children. He was really tired from walking like this.

"Well, let me get you something."

Bai Qiuwu glanced at Wu Erni and took the initiative to help Wu Erni carry her luggage. Pu Xi took the initiative and followed Bai Qiuwu.

As for Dongfang Lianshan, the three of them looked at each other, walked over to take a look, and helped the man carry some things.

Now they are divided into two teams, Qi Dafa leading the tourists, Wu Erni leading Bai Qiuwu, and a pair of nearby villagers, Liu San and his wife.

But after walking for almost an hour, the sky gradually turned dark, and we still didn’t reach the market we had promised.

Not to mention the hotel, not even a single person could be seen, and the two groups slowly stopped.

"Don't worry, don't worry, you'll be able to find the way after the fog clears. I have food and drink in my bag, as well as water. Don't worry, even if you can't find it, everyone will not be in danger!"

"Ernie, bring the small generator from your box and I'll boil water for everyone!"

Qi Dafa explained to the tourists that he was now worried that the tourists would be dissatisfied. He opened his bag and the suitcase next to it. There were bread, instant noodles, and two pots of hot water. Even in Wu Erni's suitcase, there was a small Generator, and a kettle.

Obviously, this mountain road is not easy to walk. We have often encountered this situation in the past, so Qi Dafa was prepared in advance and had food and drink. Although it was not very good, at least he would not starve during the winter.

And if you light a fire in this place, it won't be very cold.

"You... ah..."

Boss Murong wanted to say something, but accidentally stepped on something next to him. He was so frightened that he jumped up. It turned out to be a white bone, which Boss Murong just stepped on.

It was late at night, and this kind of thing happened again. Boss Murong originally wanted to vent his anger by swearing, but for a moment, he couldn't stand upright and fell down.

"Boss Murong, get up, this is an animal bone, I don't know if it's a wild boar or something else, it's a small problem, a small problem!"

Qi Dafa kicked the bones away, said with a smile, and then handed over two packages of instant noodles, two bags of bread, and two paper bowls.

"Thank you, Brother Qi!"

The female secretary smiled awkwardly and quickly helped Boss Murong up. The somewhat embarrassed Boss Murong angrily sat aside with instant noodles.

As for the other three people in the tour group, they looked at each other and couldn't help it. Fu Yingshan was very strange. Now these people knew what was strange.

Just the special weather and the strange white fog made people a little worried. As for fear, there was actually nothing to be afraid of. After all, beast bones were nothing.

It's just that Boss Murong's sudden surprise still made these people feel a little hazy in their hearts. Animal bones are nothing, but walking to this place is indeed a bit dangerous.

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