In the live broadcast room, many people are now very interested in the guests Bai Qiuwu is looking for, and this secret seems to be directly related to Fuyingshan's secret. In this way, many people who are interested in Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast are even more interested. Interested, this kind of secrecy is enough to attract many people even if it is a script.

After all, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast has now added a lot of new content, and when Bai Qiuwu live broadcasts, he still combines local legends to make his live broadcast more interesting. Many people know the legend of Fuying Mountain, and they also know Fuying Mountain Why is it like this? Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast is indeed all-encompassing.

In a short period of time, Miss Bai's live broadcast has made the entire live broadcast room extremely popular. The number of people online in the live broadcast room has easily exceeded 500,000. This is a very scary number in broad daylight. There are many people who care about the adventure. , but more people want to see what Miss Bai is doing in the live broadcast room.

For many people, Miss Bai's live broadcast room is no longer just a live broadcast room. Many people think that they should often go to Miss Bai's live broadcast room to make wishes, whether it is to ask for wealth or to make wishes. For other things, in short, in Miss Bai's live broadcast room, you can just make a wish for whatever you want.

[Miss Bai’s live broadcast is very interesting now. If you continue to watch Miss Bai’s live broadcast, there will probably be a lot of stories behind it. And if Miss Bai continues to live broadcast like this, it is possible that the real legend and the truth of Fuying Mountain will be revealed to Miss Bai. Digging it out, this kind of live broadcast is really interesting. Looking at Miss Bai’s future live broadcasts, there will definitely be more content]

[I don’t know what Miss Bai’s future live broadcast will be, but now Miss Bai’s live broadcast is indeed very good. Watching Miss Bai’s live broadcast is indeed something I do every day. This is very good, even if I don’t know Miss Bai I don’t know how long this kind of live broadcast can last, and I don’t know where it will go later. I hope Miss Bai can come to my place to have a look. I also have a place similar to Fuying Mountain here]

[Miss Bai is really good at live broadcasts like this. Watching this kind of live broadcast can be said to have given me the idea of ​​going to Fuying Mountain again. I just don’t know Miss Bai’s plan for the live broadcast. Otherwise, it’s the same. You can guess what kind of truth Ms. Bai can reveal during her live broadcast]

[Miss Bai’s subsequent live broadcast will definitely go to various places, and it will involve a lot of mysterious content. Now let’s see what Miss Bai is going to do. Even if such a live broadcast is a script, it will be compiled by Miss Bai based on legends. It comes out, and you can also make wishes in the live broadcast room, which is really good]

Many people are talking about live broadcasts now. Miss Bai's live broadcasts are very good recently. More and more new viewers want to see the magic of Miss Bai's live broadcasts. Now they go directly to the wild to explore, and there are still such stories. , it is truly possible to listen to stories immersively.

As for the stories Bai Qiuwu asked people to tell, are they the truth or simple stories and some scripts? This is a matter of opinion and wisdom. Anyway, Bai Qiuwu said that these are scripts, and it is indeed people telling stories here. What the truth is actually is not that important at this time.

After all, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast room is indeed very interesting. These people all think that they can watch more in the live broadcast room. After all, no one knows what other content Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast has. Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast looks like It's boring. It's all scripted now, but people who actually watch the live broadcast won't think so.

At least according to Bai Qiuwu's current live broadcast method, this group of people know that this kind of live broadcast is indeed interesting, and now that Bai Qiuwu is live broadcasting like this, many people can actually feel at ease and don't have to think about whether Bai Qiuwu will not live broadcast in the future. Or whether the live broadcast will stop again.

"According to what these people said, I can indeed live broadcast normally. Now that the story Han Wen told is good, I don't have to worry about it. I need to find other ways to live broadcast again. Han Wen has made it clear, Fu Yingshan The mountain spirit may be in Murong Qinghu's body and has been absorbed..."

"Murong Qinghu is like a piece of land, and the seeds of the mountain spirit have gradually sprouted, broken ground, and matured in Murong Qinghu's body. In this way, when the mountain spirit can use it, Murong Qinghu needs to be directly Harvest and the other party obtains the power of the mountain spirit, which is equivalent to directly creating a god!"

Based on what Han Wen said and his own observation that there was something wrong with Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu had already made a lot of gains. Now Murong Qinghu cannot be said to be unlucky, he can only say that What was unfortunate was that a mountain spirit appeared in Fuying Mountain, and many people came to fight for it.

It turned out that the stone dug out by Murong Qinghu's biological father contained a mountain spirit, and by chance, Murong Qinghu absorbed the original mountain spirit. If other people deal with Murong Qinghu, it will be difficult for them to have any effect, but it will be easy. After all these years, the mountain spirit has gradually matured.

Fuyun and some people in the dark were directly considering getting this special mountain spirit from Murong Qinghu, and then using the mountain spirit to enhance his strength. Bai Qiuwu knew that Murong Qinghu had a secret, and now Bai Qiuwu finally completed Murong Qinghu's secret.

It's just that it's not enough for Bai Qiuwu to do this. After all, Murong Qinghu's secrets are complete, but Bai Qiuwu needs to know who is secretly dealing with Murong Qinghu. Of course, Bai Qiuwu will not leave this matter to Han Wen went to investigate, but at this time, Murong Qinghu's matter was not over.

"It will be much easier to face Fuyun next. Others cannot directly pick the mountain spirit. They need to be taken to a specific place to pick it. I can really try, but I can't do it now. I still have to wait. Among this group of people, there are people from Fuyun waiting."

"Fuyun seems to be here alone, but in fact Fuyun is not here alone. There are still people following Fuyun in private. This is not good news. I need to wait to find out the person hiding in secret. Otherwise, once I take the mountain spirit, I will just help others."

For Bai Qiuwu, it is not difficult to take out a mountain spirit, but at this time, it still takes time and energy to do it. There is a slight movement on Murong Qinghu's side. I'm afraid Fuyun is already aware of it. At this time, Bai Qiuwu Wu can't be anxious here, he can only wait a little longer.

Murong Qinghu's secret has been exposed. Bai Qiuwu can be regarded as helping the company solve the problem. As for how Murong Qinghu will deal with it in the future, Bai Qiuwu has not said much to Han Wen. Anyway, Murong Qinghu's matter still belongs to the company. It was decided that Bai Qiuwu would just complete the live broadcast.

As for the special mountain spirit on Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu will naturally hand it over to the company. In this way, the relationship between the two parties will be more stable. Bai Qiuwu will solve the trouble caused by Murong Qinghu, and the treasure on Murong Qinghu's body will be solved by Bai Qiuwu. , Bai Qiuwu doesn't need it now, so he naturally gives it to the company.

What Bai Qiuwu needs is that the company continues to support live broadcasts. As for other things, Bai Qiuwu will not ask for anything else from the company. After all, the cooperation with Nangong Yunzhen is quite pleasant. Murong Qinghu’s secret helps Bai Qiuwu attract After attracting many people, Bai Qiuwu would certainly reciprocate the favor.

On the other side, Xie Qiuya, who is staring at the computer and watching Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast, is not so calm, because Dongfang Lianshan is right next to Xie Qiuya, and Dongfang Lianshan is also watching Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. Xie Qiuya is actually under a lot of pressure. After all, Dongfang Lianshan was not very satisfied with Bai Qiuwu, and Xie Qiuya couldn't say much about it.

Why is Dongfang Lianshan dissatisfied with Bai Qiuwu? In fact, Xie Qiuya understands that after all, the captain of Dongfang Lianshan came all the way and it can be said that it has no effect, but Bai Qiuwu is very powerful. Now it can be said that he has gained a lot, let alone Dongfang Lianshan. Lian Shan was dissatisfied, but Xie Qiuya was actually even more helpless.

It's just that Dongfang Mountain and Xie Qiuya seem to be similar, but in fact they are different. If Dongfang Mountain cannot make a contribution and get no credit, there will be no actual benefits. Xie Qiuya comes here and only needs to help back and forth. Just don’t get involved in too many things within the company.

Dongfang Lianshan is a regular employee, but Xie Qiuya is a part-time employee. In fact, Xie Qiuya knows some of Dongfang Lianshan's thoughts, but Xie Qiuya doesn't want to get too involved in the matter about Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Lianshan's thoughts are not important. , Xie Qiuya knew that the company's senior management already had many other plans because of Bai Qiuwu.

"This live broadcast is actually good. Captain, you can rest assured. I will always watch this live broadcast. If I find anything wrong, I will tell you immediately. I will also interrupt Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast as soon as possible and will not let her live broadcast." What's the problem? Besides, Bai Qiuwu is different now and won't take risks."

"She is able to live broadcast because the company helps her, so she will not destroy her own foundation, causing problems in the live broadcast, and her own live broadcast room will not be able to live broadcast. If that happens, the biggest loser will actually be Bai Qiuwu, plus you are nearby …”

As Xie Qiuya said this, Dongfang Lianshan kept sitting next to her, which put great pressure on Xie Qiuya. Although Dongfang Lianshan didn't say much, Xie Qiuya was afraid that Dongfang Lianshan would directly implicate herself because of Bai Qiuwu's affairs. Xie Qiuya didn't want to join Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Mountain's competition.

And Xie Qiuya also knows that Bai Qiuwu did not actually cause trouble for Dongfang Lianshan. Even in many things this time, Dongfang Lianshan did not really contribute. In fact, it was just because Bai Qiuwu's investigation speed was faster. Xie Qiuya, Dongfang Lianshan Looking at it from the sidelines, there is actually no problem.

Now Xie Qiuya actually wants to say it bluntly. There is no need for Dongfang Lianshan to think about whether Bai Qiuwu is deliberately causing trouble. More importantly, Dongfang Lianshan does not need to regard Bai Qiuwu as an opponent. It seems that Xie Qiuya and Bai Qiuwu have a very close relationship. Okay, now Xie Qiuya is helping Bai Qiuwu to speak, but Xie Qiuya also has a good relationship with Dongfang Lianshan.

Xie Qiuya is just telling the truth here. She doesn’t want Dongfang Lianshan to have any trouble. If Xie Qiuya doesn’t say much at this time, if there is any conflict between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu, Xie Qiuya knows that Dongfang Lianshan will definitely suffer. .

"The captain is blocked here now, and it has no effect. He cannot stop Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast, and it is difficult to change the subsequent live broadcast. At this point, instead of looking at the current trouble, it is better to think about what else can be done in the future. …”

"When encountering such troubles in Fuying Mountain, even the company's team cannot really solve the hidden dangers. Now the captain is still a little too anxious. It is really not appropriate. I have no other way."

Xie Qiuya, who couldn't talk to Dongfang Lianshan too much, could only think about it this way. She didn't know whether the relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu would continue to deteriorate. Of course, Xie Qiuya didn't want her team to be with Bai Qiuwu. Is there any conflict between them?

Dongfang Lianshan is definitely not Bai Qiuwu's opponent, and the company cannot say that it is giving Dongfang Lianshan face. Xie Qiuya knows that Dongfang Lianshan is very dissatisfied now, but Xie Qiuya cannot solve the hidden trouble. It was very scary. Dongfang Lianshan had a good relationship with Xie Qiuya, which made Xie Qiuya helpless.

Xie Qiuya can only ensure that there is no conflict between herself and Bai Qiuwu. If Bai Qiuwu needs any help, Xie Qiuya can help Bai Qiuwu now. However, whether Dongfang Lianshan can help, Xie Qiuya also knows that if Dongfang Lianshan can If you refuse, I'm afraid you won't give Bai Qiuwu face.

For Xie Qiuya, Xie Qiuya wants to abide by Dongfang Lianshan's orders. However, if there is a conflict between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu, Xie Qiuya will not be sure whether Dongfang Lianshan's decision is correct. This is the most important thing.

"Well, I also know about this. What you said does make sense. I still have some shortcomings in my consideration. But you still have to be more careful about the live broadcast and not let the live broadcast cause any trouble. Otherwise, It will be difficult for both of us to explain later!"

"Murong Qinghu's troubles are already huge. If there is any more trouble on Bai Qiuwu's side, I'm afraid that Fu Yingshan's matter cannot be resolved, and the company will still encounter other dangers in the future."

Listening to Xie Qiuya, Dongfang Lianshan knew their situation. Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu were both people who needed protection at the moment. Murong Qinghu's protection level should be lower than that of Bai Qiuwu. However, Murong Qinghu Hu's life was hanging by a thread, but Bai Qiuwu was not in any trouble.

Even Dongfang Lianshan today does not dare to say that he is better than Bai Qiuwu. Murong Qinghu's safety is what Dongfang Lianshan needs to consider. Dongfang Lianshan also knows this, so he does not just stare at Bai Qiuwu.

Murong Qinghu's safety is very important to Dongfang Mountain. Even if Bai Qiuwu can find Murong Qinghu's secret, even if Bai Qiuwu resolves the danger this time, the company will still investigate Murong Qinghu. As for what Han Wen said Dongfang Lianshan now knows what the mountain spirit is.

In the cave, Han Wen, who now represents Murong Qinghu, has already said a lot of things. Bai Qiuwu has cooperated with Han Wen. In this way, Bai Qiuwu can fully control Murong Qinghu's secrets. As for what he wants, Using Murong Qinghu's Dongfang Mountains was extremely stressful.

Bai Qiuwu was very capable. Murong Qinghu's secret was easily taken out of Han Wen's hands by Bai Qiuwu. This was Bai Qiuwu's ability. However, Dongfang Lianshan found it difficult to decide what else he could do. How to solve the trouble caused by Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast.

These things are not trivial. At the very least, Murong Qinghu’s safety is very important. Dongfang Lianshan cannot just keep an eye on Bai Qiuwu. Once Dongfang Lianshan puts pressure on Bai Qiuwu, then Murong Qinghu’s side, Dongfang Lianshan Obviously there was no time to pay attention, Xie Qiuya had promised Dongfang Lianshan to help keep an eye on Bai Qiuwu.

As long as Murong Qinghu has no risks, Dongfang Lianshan will be much more relaxed in the future, and he will not have to worry about anything else. The mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu is very important to the company, but the matter of the mountain spirit, Dongfang Lianshan does not matter. I didn’t say much to Xie Qiuya.

"Bai Qiuwu is really awesome. He has actually invited Han Wen to do a live broadcast now. Obviously, he also wants to find out what exactly happened. This is really troublesome. How can I explain it to the superiors? Oh, it is really unlucky. , I have been listening to Bai Qiuwu’s words, which is a bit careless.”

"I should have thought about it before. I have always discussed it with Bai Qiuwu, instead of saying that I acted according to Bai Qiuwu's temper. Now Bai Qiuwu's plan is somewhat inappropriate. Otherwise, the higher-ups wouldn't Let me keep an eye on Bai Qiuwu, because I used to protect Bai Qiuwu."

Now Dongfang Lianshan is very clear about the attitude of the superiors towards Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Lianshan is well aware of Murong Qinghu's matter. At this time, even if Murong Qinghu's troubles are not resolved, Dongfang Lianshan still needs to face Bai Qiuwu directly. This plan has put great pressure on Dongfang Mountain and it is really impossible to calm down.

The most important thing is that even if Dongfang Lianshan knows what happened to Murong Qinghu, Dongfang Lianshan doesn't know how to deal with Murong Qinghu at this moment. There are many secrets about Murong Qinghu. How to deal with Murong Qinghu specifically? , Dongfang Lianshan originally had many plans, but now the plans have failed.

What Murong Qinghu will do in the future is not under the control of Dongfang Lianshan. However, what Murong Qinghu did needs to be investigated by the company, but Dongfang Lianshan can see that Bai Qiuwu is definitely dealing with Han Wen. Han Wen can Very satisfied, definitely because Bai Qiuwu promised Han Wen to ensure Murong Qinghu's safety.

Even Dongfang Lianshan knew very well that Bai Qiuwu directly intervened in the company's investigation of Murong Qinghu. After all, Dongfang Lianshan was not a fool. Bai Qiuwu had already started live broadcasting, and Han Wen spoke during Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. This was already Let the situation change, Dongfang Lianshan has no way to intervene in Murong Qinghu's matter.

Dongfang Lianshan, who is now staring at Murong Qinghu here, should get a lot of credit. For example, whether Murong Qinghu is really harming the company and directly causing trouble for the company, Dongfang Lianshan actually knows what it is as long as it is verified. But once Bai Qiuwu decides to intervene in Murong Qinghu's matter...

There is no need for Bai Qiuwu to say more, and even Bai Qiuwu does not need to discuss with Dongfang Lianshan. Murong Qinghu will have nothing to do with Dongfang Lianshan from now on. How to deal with all this specifically has nothing to do with Dongfang Lianshan, not just Murong Qinghu. It is difficult for Dongfang Lianshan to directly control the affairs of Fuyingshan. "If the company is really satisfied with Bai Qiuwu, then there is no problem for me to give up the credit this time. After all, Bai Qiuwu did the most work this time. I led the people here and actually didn't do anything. However, if the company is dissatisfied with Bai Qiuwu, it will be embarrassing for me."

"No matter what else the company needs me to do, this is something to be considered in the future. The most important thing is that I have no control over Fuyingshan's affairs. I really can't explain it when I go back. I hope Bai Qiuwu can give me some face later." Otherwise, I would be really embarrassed.”

Thinking about this, Dongfang Lianshan felt extremely emotional when watching Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. After all, Dongfang Lianshan can also watch Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. Bai Qiuwu's plan is very clear. It is obviously to promote the company and Murong Qinghu's affairs. , the company has not solved it yet, which is very troublesome now and has many risks.

The threats that Dongfang Lianshan needs to face are not just Murong Qinghu, Fu Yingshan's secrets, but most importantly, the content of Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast makes Dongfang Lianshan very worried. Murong Qinghu is nothing, Dongfang Lianshan Shan can't be said to be coveting the credit this time.

Dongfang Lianshan, who had carried out many missions, also understood that Bai Qiuwu did more things this time, while Dongfang Lianshan, with Chen Song and Xie Qiuya, actually did not do much, so Bai Qiuwu really decided how to deal with Murong. Qinghu, this is not a problem. It is normal for the company to hand over Murong Qinghu to Bai Qiuwu.

But Dongfang Lianshan needs to be clear that Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast is not that simple. What Murong Qinghu did in Fuying Mountain this time, and whether Bai Qiuwu's direct publicity really complied with some of the instructions given by the company, this point is something Dongfang Lianshan Shan didn't know, but there was definitely a risk involved.

"Captain, you don't have to worry too much. Even if Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast is very good and he has so much popularity now, we can actually find a way to slowly investigate Bai Qiuwu's origin and identity. Is it necessary to just think about it in a short time? Within time, we must have decisive cooperation with Bai Qiuwu!"

"Besides, it's not up to us to decide this time. It's better to wait here and wait until the live broadcast continues. If the content is not suitable, then block it. This is the best choice. After all, Bai Qiuwu is now The publicity is still in the original plan.”

Xie Qiuya said so. Dongfang Lianshan's current attitude is very clear. As for why Dongfang Lianshan is worried, Xie Qiuya also understands that Murong Qinghu's trouble has not been solved. This is the source of pressure for Dongfang Lianshan, and besides Murong Qinghu's In addition, there are other risks in Fuying Mountain, which Dongfang Lianshan needs to worry about.

After Dongfang Lianshan has dealt with these matters, it does not mean that there is nothing else to do in Dongfang Lianshan today. Murong Qinghu’s secrets are always inferior to Bai Qiuwu’s live broadcast, and Bai Qiuwu’s live broadcast is not only Dongfang Lianshan felt it was inappropriate, and Xie Qiuya was also a little worried.

Although Xie Qiuya didn't know why the company's upper management arranged for Bai Qiuwu, a person outside the company, to conduct such a special live broadcast, Xie Qiuya understood the content and method of Bai Qiuwu's current live broadcast. , may not be understood by the company’s upper management.

After this, Xie Qiuya naturally knew that Dongfang Mountain was under great pressure, Murong Qinghu's side was already in a mess, and Bai Qiuwu had many secrets, and he would not directly tell Dongfang Mountain. It is the biggest trouble at the moment, and it puts a lot of pressure on Dongfang Lianshan.

"Hey, Bai Qiuwu is really outstanding now. Not only the people in the company are dissatisfied with Bai Qiuwu, but it seems that the captain is also not so satisfied with Bai Qiuwu. This is actually quite normal. After all, Bai Qiuwu now, Something is indeed wrong, it would only be a problem if the captain was not dissatisfied."

"Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast content is good, but attracting other people to come here is different from the company's original publicity goal. At this time, I don't know what Bai Qiuwu's luck is, and whether there is really a way to satisfy the company later. "

With such a calculation in Xie Qiuya's mind, the current situation is unpredictable. Dongfang Lianshan originally wanted to help Murong Qinghu, and then Dongfang Lianshan slowly investigated Murong Qinghu after he left. But now what Dongfang Lianshan is doing, Bai Qiu Wu is also doing it, even faster than the team.

Regarding Murong Qinghu's matter, Dongfang Lianshan was very passive. As for Xie Qiuya and Chen Song, they actually had no responsibility. Murong Qinghu's safety was the responsibility of Dongfang Lianshan. As for how Bai Qiuwu performed the live broadcast, what happened during the live broadcast? In fact, Xie Qiuya had no final say in what to do, and Chen Song had already fainted.

Murong Qinghu was the only clue to find out the truth in Dongfang Mountain before. However, Bai Qiuwu is now very fast in finding the truth of the incident. At this time, he has suppressed a lot of troubles. If it were not for Bai Qiuwu, the current Dongfang Mountain would be Xie Qiuya doesn't feel at ease, and there are actually a lot of risks in the future.

Bai Qiuwu was able to investigate the secrets of Murong Qinghu, and in Xie Qiuya's view, Dongfang Lianshan did not need to be dissatisfied with Bai Qiuwu. As for whether Murong Qinghu's secrets were investigated by Bai Qiuwu or Dongfang Lianshan, it didn't matter. It's not a big deal, ensuring Bai Qiuwu's safety is more important.

"Actually, I know what you are saying, but at this time, no matter what needs to be done, it is actually better for the company to take the lead. When we come to Fuying Mountain this time, the main task is not to investigate in Fuying Mountain. There is no risk in Yingshan itself, the most important thing is Bai Qiuwu."

"Murong Qinghu really shouldn't think too much about it, but at this time, it is definitely not appropriate for Bai Qiuwu to continue the live broadcast. You remember to watch Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast content. If there is anything wrong with Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast, you can just stop it. This live broadcast, otherwise..."

Dongfang Lianshan sighed. What Xie Qiuya said now made sense. Murong Qinghu's troubles had better not involve Dongfang Lianshan and Xie Qiuya. Of course, Xie Qiuya said this because Xie Qiuya was not from the company either. But they came here part-time, and the situation of Xie Qiuya and Dongfang Lianshan was still different.

After Murong Qinghu's matter is settled, Dongfang Lianshan may get credit, but Xie Qiuya just takes the money and leaves, and will not really have any credit in the company. Murong Qinghu's plan is actually not important. Xie Qiuya's The meaning is very clear, Dongfang Lianshan cannot think of having too many conflicts with Bai Qiuwu.

Murong Qinghu and Fu Yingshan's plan is not a big deal for the company. If Dongfang Lianshan holds back Bai Qiuwu, it will only make the situation more uncontrollable. How to solve Murong Qinghu's matter, Dongfang Lianshan will consider it himself. But when it comes to Bai Qiuwu, Xie Qiuya hopes Dongfang Lianshan will think more about it.

Xie Qiuya's meaning is so clear. Dongfang Lianshan is not a fool. He naturally knows what he should do. But now it is easy to think about how to solve the problem. However, it is not that simple to really cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. At the very least, Dongfang Lianshan's heart was not stable.

"I really can't be anxious here, I need to be as careful as possible, and don't let the company and Bai Qiuwu conflict. At this point, there are actually a lot of things that I have to do. It's just whether I can successfully complete the company's layout or not. It depends on my preparation."

"Maybe the company doesn't need me to do much, just not to cause damage to Bai Qiuwu. Then whatever Bai Qiuwu wants to do, Bai Qiuwu will actually be able to do it later. I am just one of the people who witnessed Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. If Bai Qiuwu If there is a problem with Wu's live broadcast, I can really put pressure on Bai Qiuwu."

Now Dongfang Lianshan certainly understands that Murong Qinghu is not a big deal. Many characters given by the company may make Dongfang Lianshan watch Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. The troubles of Murong Qinghu and Fu Yingshan are additional hidden dangers. , I'm afraid the company's top management didn't expect it directly, so Dongfang Lianshan can't be careless.

Whatever Murong Qinghu wants to do, he won't be able to make waves. Dongfang Lianshan must always keep an eye on Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. If there are any problems with Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast, Dongfang Lianshan will also be in trouble. If Bai Qiuwu There is a problem with Wu, and no matter how well Murong Qinghu handles the matter, it will not be able to recover the company's losses.

Dongfang Lianshan has not gained much now. The only thing that can be done is to use Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast to truly complete the tasks given by the company. If possible, it is also very important to solve more troubles in Fuyingshan privately. Fuyun has appeared, so it will not be very peaceful in Fuying Mountain.

At present, Murong Qinghu is already involved in the mountain spirit, so what Dongfang Mountain can do is to divide the labor and cooperate with Xie Qiuya. Murong Qinghu is still protected by Dongfang Mountain. As for Bai Qiuwu, Xie Qiuya is responsible for contacting him. And besides Bai Qiuwu and Murong Qinghu, there are actually more people in Dongfang Lianshan who need to pay attention to the cave.

"By the way, captain, Han Wen just said something about the mountain spirit. What exactly is this mountain spirit? Next, shall we..."

Xie Qiuya's expression changed slightly when she saw Dongfang Lianshan. She said the same thing now. Murong Qinghu's secret was quite big. Although Xie Qiuya was considered a member of the company, she was only a peripheral member of the company. Dongfang Lianshan was an insider. Of course It’s about knowing what a mountain spirit is.

In this case, does the mountain spirit on Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Mountain need to be dealt with separately? If Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit is very important, Dongfang Mountain needs Xie Qiuya's help later, Dongfang Mountain can directly tell them.

Inside the cave, now Dongfang Lianshan, Xie Qiuya's atmosphere has changed. Dongfang Lianshan does not want Xie Qiuya and Bai Qiuwu to cooperate more. However, at this special time, it is obviously impossible for Xie Qiuya to follow Dongfang Lianshan's instructions. If Murong Qinghu's matter is not resolved, Fuyingshan is not safe.

If Dongfang Mountain really wants to go its own way, it will definitely not work. Xie Qiuya is not willing to really believe in Dongfang Mountain. After all, the trouble caused by Murong Qinghu, coupled with everything weird in Fuying Mountain, is really troublesome. Dongfang Mountain The plan is obviously not suitable.

Dongfang Lianshan knew Murong Qinghu's secret and did not tell Xie Qiuya directly. However, regarding Murong Qinghu's matters, Dongfang Lianshan needed Xie Qiuya to obey his orders. At this time, Xie Qiuya must at least ensure his own safety. Otherwise, what kind of part-time job would you still have in the company?

In Fuying Mountain, there are many things that Bai Qiuwu knows, and Dongfang Lianshan also knows, but Xie Qiuya doesn't know. This feeling puts Xie Qiuya under a lot of pressure, and she doesn't want to go on like this, at least not It has been extremely chaotic and just obeyed the arrangements from above. This must be a bit inappropriate.

"Murong Qinghu has caused a lot of trouble, but this is not the biggest risk. The most important thing now is that the relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu is not good, and there are risks caused by Murong Qinghu. This is dangerous, and I have no choice. If I had a choice, I would definitely not choose Dongfang Mountain!"

"After all, Bai Qiuwu has solved Murong Qinghu's matter well now, but Dongfang Lianshan has no feeling about it. This is indeed a bit troublesome. If I really follow Dongfang Lianshan's words, some of Fuyingshan's The danger is even more difficult to deal with and even impossible to get out of."

Xie Qiuya did not say this directly, but at this time, Xie Qiuya actually trusted Bai Qiuwu more than Dongfang Lianshan. After all, it was not just when Murong Qinghu was targeted, Dongfang Lianshan did not handle everything well. In the end, The main thing is that after arriving at Fuying Mountain, Dongfang Lianshan was not satisfied with Bai Qiuwu.

Xie Qiuya also felt that Bai Qiuwu was in a hurry before, but at this time, Xie Qiuya just felt that Bai Qiuwu was very powerful. If he really wanted to leave safely, perhaps he could only truly cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. But Dongfang Lianshan and Xie Qiuya Qiu Ya definitely couldn't do it, and it was difficult to guarantee Murong Qinghu's safety.

Dongfang Lianshan alone is very powerful, plus Xie Qiuya, who is not very strong, and Murong Qinghu, Chen Song, and more ordinary people need to be protected. Together, Murong Qinghu still hides a lot of things. , Xie Qiuya certainly hopes that Dongfang Lianshan will not think too much.

Especially at this time, the situation is not under the control of the company, which is even more dangerous. Xie Qiuya can't see any hope, so he is very anxious now. He doesn't want Dongfang Lianshan to make any moves in the future. Lianshan asked Xie Qiuya to stare at Bai Qiuwu, of course there was no problem.

But Dongfang Lianshan asked Xie Qiuya to restrict Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast, but it just didn't work. Especially at this time, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast was very important. How could Xie Qiuya say it was a direct restriction when the company's senior management did not give a direct order? Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast.

"For the time being, we just need to keep an eye on the live broadcast. As for the mountain spirit... the mountain spirit is equivalent to a panacea. Someone put this mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu's body. Now the storage time is up, so the other party has to directly put the mountain spirit into Murong Qinghu's body. Take it away and let yourself make good use of this special mountain spirit.”

"Generally, when mountain spirits appear, there is a lot of competition. But the incident at Fuying Mountain was well hidden and not exposed. Even the company didn't know that there was actually a mountain spirit involved. If I hadn’t said it this time, I’m afraid this matter would still have been hidden.”

Dongfang Lianshan said this. Since Xie Qiuya asked about the mountain spirit, even if Dongfang Lianshan didn't want to say it, he had to say it. Murong Qinghu was in great trouble. Dongfang Lianshan was worried now. This Murong Qinghu Dongfang Lianshan did not expect that there was a mountain spirit on his body.

Since Murong Qinghu has caused such a big trouble, Dongfang Lianshan also needs to think about how to ensure Murong Qinghu's safety, and Dongfang Lianshan also needs to ensure that the mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu's body will not be taken away. There are too many things to do in Dongfang Lianshan, and Xie Qiuya still has various worries in her heart.

As a result, the current Murong Qinghu has brought opportunities, but it also makes Dongfang Lianshan helpless. Xie Qiuya's attitude makes it difficult for Dongfang Lianshan to talk to Xie Qiuya anymore. Even if Dongfang Lianshan and Xie Qiuya are related It's not good, but in fact the two of them are not on the same side. If this happens, the pressure on Dongfang Mountain will naturally increase.

This kind of mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu's body has a huge effect. After all, even in the company, there are not many mountain spirits, and they are extremely important treasures. At this point, Dongfang Lianshan really doesn't know that he still needs it. Are there any other preparations?

"Murong Qinghu is really troublesome. Now I don't know what else to do to keep Murong Qinghu safe. At the same time, Bai Qiuwu can also cooperate. These things are really troublesome. It seems that I still have some chances, but In fact, it has been put into a trap."

"Bai Qiuwu can help, but if I rely on Bai Qiuwu for everything, it will definitely not work. After all, Bai Qiuwu is not a member of the company, and I can't completely trust Bai Qiuwu. I can only have some plans. , so that we can be completely stable."

Dongfang Lianshan, who was under great pressure, knew that there was a mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu. This news was attributed to Bai Qiuwu, and Bai Qiuwu had no intention of competing with Dongfang Lianshan. Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit, since Bai Qiuwu acted so openly Having said that, naturally I won’t take down the mountain spirit from myself, so Dongfang Lianshan doesn’t have to worry about it.

Those who covet Murong Qinghu’s mountain essence are naturally Fuyun and some people secretly. No matter how Dongfang Lianshan makes moves now, it is actually difficult to completely guarantee that there is no pressure on itself. Murong Qinghu’s secret has already made Dongfang Lianshan It is difficult for Lianshan to be stable again, and Murong Qinghu was taken advantage of by Bai Qiuwu.

Then Dongfang Lianshan also needs to know that Murong Qinghu brought the mountain spirit here this time, and it has been used by some people secretly. If Dongfang Lianshan wants to protect Murong Qinghu for the company, he will have to face many opponents, and these people will not Will give Dongfang Lianshan face because of his status in the company. (End of chapter)

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