Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 17 Dajin Mountain, where are you going?

Chapter 17 Dajin Mountain, where are you going?

"Brother, let me tell you, this is simply amazing!"

Pu Xi spoke with excitement, her voice trembling: "Do you remember that little star, right? She is actually a great fairy!"

Pu Yao was eating with his partners outside at the moment. Pu Xi shouted so loudly that everyone on the table looked at him.

Pu Yao: "..."

Pu Yao was silent, looked at everyone apologetically, gestured to indicate that he was going to answer the phone, and then walked out of the private room.

Along the way, he heard his younger brother Balabala talk a lot about how amazing the little star named Bai Qiuwu was.

He also cited a lot of examples of why making a wish to her would really succeed, including but not limited to the collapse of Wu Li's house and the accident at Zhi'an Entertainment Company.

All in all, the words he spoke were incoherent and messy, making people very suspicious of his mental state.

Pu Yao was silent for a long time. After Pu Xi finally said he was tired, he suddenly spoke: "Are you very tired recently? Or are you under a lot of pressure?"

Pu Xi was a little confused, but still replied: "No."

No matter how tired he is, he has nothing to do.

Pu Yao did not pursue the question, but changed the subject: "Did you have a physical examination this year?"

Pu Xi was even more surprised: "No, isn't there still more than a month?"

Pu Yao: "Let's do it tomorrow. I'll ask Tan Yu to do a brain examination on you."

Pu Xi: "?"

Pu Xi would be really stupid if he didn't realize what his brother meant. He couldn't help but get a little anxious: "Brother! What do you mean? There is nothing wrong with my brain!"

"Bai Qiuwu is really smart! If you don't believe it, just make a wish and you will know. She is really a great immortal. Believe me!"

I don't know if the little star is uncanny, but Pu Xi really sounds like he has been brainwashed by some kind of organization.

Pu Yao knew very well that some children were rebellious and would not listen the more they spoke, so he replied thoughtfully: "Then you observe first and tell me if anything happens."

Pu Xi was extremely excited: "Okay! I knew you believed in me, brother!"

After perfunctorily coaxing the child, Pu Yao hung up the phone and called his secretary Tan Yu who was standing outside.

"Use the full limit of the card in Pu Xi's name. I suspect he has been defrauded. Then I will check on the little star named Bai. Let's go now."

Tan Yu was confused: "Huh? Oh!"


At the same time, Bai Qiuwu was completely unaware of the commotion on the Internet. She was sitting in a luxurious private room negotiating with Cui Fei.

She finally chose to come out to meet Cui Fei. There was no special reason, mainly because she gave him too much.

It’s funny to say that the original owner had so much salary garnished that she couldn’t get back a cent, but now the company is rushing to give her money.

Compared with the arrogance and arrogance before, Cui Fei looked much more haggard now, and he looked thinner, with his facial contours appearing sharper.

"Let me ask you a question first. Does the company's recent events have anything to do with you?"

Cui Fei's tone was gloomy, and Bai Qiuwu seemed to be unaware of her bad intentions, and answered sincerely: "It may have a little to do with it."

Cui Fei, who didn't expect the other party to admit it so readily: "?"

Bai Qiuwu confessed very consciously: "Others made wishes to me, hoping that the company would close down soon, and I agreed."

Cui Fei, who was just about to get angry: "..."

Cui Fei held a breath in his chest, not going up or down, and it took him a long time to spit out: "Besides this, is there anything else?"


Bai Qiuwu told the truth and was very serious. In short, there was no trace of lying at all.

Cui Fei almost choked to death from his own tone.She felt that Bai Qiuwu was definitely hit hard. Although he was not very smart before, at least he was not so crazy.

But who wants her to need her anymore?

Taking a deep breath, Cui Fei took out a check from his bag and handed it directly to Bai Qiuwu.

"The company hopes you will not pursue the case. This is 50, including your salary, and the rest is compensation."

God knows, the higher-ups would suddenly come down to check. It’s not just a day or two since there was a problem with their contract. No one has reported it for so many years.

Now that there are so many people at once, the company can no longer sustain it.

Bai Qiuwu is one of the big ones among the unpaid wages that have been checked out. In addition, her current popularity is too high. If she really insists on making trouble, she won't be able to spend hundreds of thousands.

This is how Cui Fei took money to keep quiet.

Bai Qiuwu was very satisfied with the compensation, and she happily agreed not to pursue the case.

Anyway, her wish to close down the company will come true. If she doesn’t pursue the case, others will. She can just take the money and wait for the result, and there is no need to wade into this muddy water.

A flash of ridicule flashed in Cui Fei's eyes. Sure enough, no matter how Bai Qiuwu changed, his timid and cowardly character could never change.

Now that the matter had been settled, she was no longer interested in staying any longer, so she turned around and left after a few perfunctory words.

Bai Qiuwu didn't stop her. After all, this top manager was expected to lose his job soon. There were too many involved, and he probably still had free prison food to eat, so she wouldn't interfere with his last free time.

She carefully enjoyed the barely touched food on the table.

This restaurant is very high-end. If Cui Fei hadn't made an appointment here, Bai Qiuwu wouldn't have known there was such a place.

The food was very delicious, and even the drinks were sour and sweet. Bai Qiuwu almost suspected that he had heard wrong when he ordered. In fact, this was not wine.

It wasn't until she went out after paying the bill and was blown by the hot wind that she felt dizzy, that she finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Bai Qiuwu likes to drink in heaven, but she has a good drinking capacity and doesn't think there is any problem. She has never experienced the feeling of being drunk in all these years.

But the original owner’s body seems not very capable of drinking…

So, when Pu Yao walked out of the hotel after dinner and waited for the driver to pick him up, he immediately saw the very obvious conspicuous bag on the roadside.

The woman's hair was messed up by the wind, her beautiful little face was red, and her gorgeous and charming peach blossom eyes were full of hazy drunkenness.

She squatted on the side of the road, lowered her head and looked at something seriously, and kept mumbling to herself.

Pu Yao originally wanted to pretend that he didn't see it, but the little star seemed to have noticed something and suddenly raised his head to look at him. His beautiful eyes narrowed and his gaze was undisguised.

Pu Yao lowered his head and looked at her expressionlessly, wondering indifferently what tricks this fraudster was playing.

Then the next moment he heard a woman's vague voice, with obvious dissatisfaction.

"Who is that? Can you step away a little? You are too flashy and it hurts my eyes."

Pu Yao: "..."

Pu Yao looked up at the dark sky, the slightly dim environment around him, and his black formal suit without any light on his body, silent.

He calmly thought that he had nothing to argue with a drunkard, so he took two steps to the side in a good-tempered manner, preparing to go directly to the underground garage.

But before I walked a few steps, I heard the woman behind me suddenly say "ah" and loudly said: "I remembered, you are my Dajinshan!"

As she said that, she jumped up, grabbed his arm, and leaned against him like a koala: "I caught you, let's see how you run this time!"

The tone is that of speaking righteously and confidently.

Pu Yao: "..."

There is nothing to say about the disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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